2 Embryo's transfered!! *WARNING* Kind of graphic


New member
Hey everyone, I've been resting all day and just finally woke up.

The transfer went wonderfully. Pretty much painless, but you have to do it on a full bladder so they can do an ultrasound on the stomach (huge change to the transvaginal ones I've been having <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> sorry for TMI). It's pretty much like a pap, and then they put a catheter inside the uterus in the place that they want the embryo's to go. Then I got to see them suction the embryo's into the catheter in another room, bring them into the surgical suite I was in and then I got to watch them inject the embryo's through the second catheter and into my uterus. It was pretty cool.

They also took pictures of the 2 embryo's they implanted. I'll put them on the website in the next few days.

The worst part of it all was my full bladder. At one point, I told the doctor I hoped I didn't pee on him <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">. It wasn't bad until they started with the ultrasound pressing on my bladder. No pain or anything, just really really uncomfortable.

I stayed on my back for 15 minutes afterwords and also had before and after accupuncture. In some case studies, they showed the rates of successful IVF can be up to 20% higher in groups with before and after accupuncture. I can see why! I am not at all a massage person, doesn't do a darn thing for me-unfortunately. But Accupuncture, man oh man. I was sort of skeptical but my mom said I shoudl really try it (even though she never has <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">). My stomach has been so painful, so painful and bloated and nothing has relived it for the past few days since the retrieval (they believe it's a little bit of Over hyper stimulation) but after the"pre transfer" accupuncture, I felt so much better. Not 100% because my stomach was still distended, but A LOT better!

The after accupuncture was a meditation specific to IVF/IUI so it was great. I've never done good with visual meditations-I actually end up getting frustrated because I can't follow them. But this one I was able to follow along and visualize.

I will be able to do a pregnancy test two weeks from today. It's a holiday, but I am hoping and praying that they are open for a pregnancy test.

We only had 1 left to freeze. The other one wasn't viable, so I sure hope that this works, I am staying positive <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks to all for the continued support!!! I'll update the website, <a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.cysticfibrosismaleinfertility.com">www.cysticfibrosismaleinfertility.com</a>


New member
Hey everyone, I've been resting all day and just finally woke up.

The transfer went wonderfully. Pretty much painless, but you have to do it on a full bladder so they can do an ultrasound on the stomach (huge change to the transvaginal ones I've been having <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> sorry for TMI). It's pretty much like a pap, and then they put a catheter inside the uterus in the place that they want the embryo's to go. Then I got to see them suction the embryo's into the catheter in another room, bring them into the surgical suite I was in and then I got to watch them inject the embryo's through the second catheter and into my uterus. It was pretty cool.

They also took pictures of the 2 embryo's they implanted. I'll put them on the website in the next few days.

The worst part of it all was my full bladder. At one point, I told the doctor I hoped I didn't pee on him <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">. It wasn't bad until they started with the ultrasound pressing on my bladder. No pain or anything, just really really uncomfortable.

I stayed on my back for 15 minutes afterwords and also had before and after accupuncture. In some case studies, they showed the rates of successful IVF can be up to 20% higher in groups with before and after accupuncture. I can see why! I am not at all a massage person, doesn't do a darn thing for me-unfortunately. But Accupuncture, man oh man. I was sort of skeptical but my mom said I shoudl really try it (even though she never has <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">). My stomach has been so painful, so painful and bloated and nothing has relived it for the past few days since the retrieval (they believe it's a little bit of Over hyper stimulation) but after the"pre transfer" accupuncture, I felt so much better. Not 100% because my stomach was still distended, but A LOT better!

The after accupuncture was a meditation specific to IVF/IUI so it was great. I've never done good with visual meditations-I actually end up getting frustrated because I can't follow them. But this one I was able to follow along and visualize.

I will be able to do a pregnancy test two weeks from today. It's a holiday, but I am hoping and praying that they are open for a pregnancy test.

We only had 1 left to freeze. The other one wasn't viable, so I sure hope that this works, I am staying positive <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks to all for the continued support!!! I'll update the website, <a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.cysticfibrosismaleinfertility.com">www.cysticfibrosismaleinfertility.com</a>


New member
Congrats again Julie and Mark, stay positive and dont focus too much on whats to come(i mean the pregnancy test). I did when me and my hausband were trying(naturally)and my tests kept coming up negative, even 6wks after.So i thought maybe i'm not pregnant i must have just skipped a period. But then i began to get very bad morning sickness and thought i must be pregnant even though my tests came up negative, so i went to my GP and she ordered a blood test, which came up positive. We were so excited.
This was because with some women it takes a while for their HCG levels to change.Which is what happend to me.

I also know how you felt having a full bladder, get used to it because there's more to come(baby).

Also, you mention your stomach was so bloated and painful after the retrieval. Is that because of the procedure?
I'm just curiouse, because my husband and i will most likley choose this path to avoid a second child with CF.(i think i have already explianed my situation to you).

ps:I don't even remember what i did yesterday! That's what happens when you have kids, your too worried about them you don't have time to think for yourself.
Eli<img src="i/expressions/angel.gif" border="0">


New member
Congrats again Julie and Mark, stay positive and dont focus too much on whats to come(i mean the pregnancy test). I did when me and my hausband were trying(naturally)and my tests kept coming up negative, even 6wks after.So i thought maybe i'm not pregnant i must have just skipped a period. But then i began to get very bad morning sickness and thought i must be pregnant even though my tests came up negative, so i went to my GP and she ordered a blood test, which came up positive. We were so excited.
This was because with some women it takes a while for their HCG levels to change.Which is what happend to me.

I also know how you felt having a full bladder, get used to it because there's more to come(baby).

Also, you mention your stomach was so bloated and painful after the retrieval. Is that because of the procedure?
I'm just curiouse, because my husband and i will most likley choose this path to avoid a second child with CF.(i think i have already explianed my situation to you).

ps:I don't even remember what i did yesterday! That's what happens when you have kids, your too worried about them you don't have time to think for yourself.
Eli<img src="i/expressions/angel.gif" border="0">


Congratulations Julie & Mark! I am so happy for you. I will be praying that your pregnancy test is positive (I'll cross my fingers too!).



Congratulations Julie & Mark! I am so happy for you. I will be praying that your pregnancy test is positive (I'll cross my fingers too!).



New member
How EXCITING!!!!!!!!!!! Can you hardly believe it!!?!!?????? You might think I'm just saying this.....BUT for real when you first told us about you going to get this done my first thought was.....TWINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I promise I thought this!!!!<img src="i/expressions/angel_ani.gif" border="0"><img src="i/expressions/angel.gif" border="0">!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My prayers are with the two of you OR the four of you!!!!!! HEHEHE!!! I know what its like to keep TTC & TTC & TTC!!!!!!! Can't wait to keep hearing awesome news from ya. YIPPPPPEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Leah mommy 2 Reece 3yrs old w/CF <img src="i/expressions/angel_ani.gif" border="0">


New member
How EXCITING!!!!!!!!!!! Can you hardly believe it!!?!!?????? You might think I'm just saying this.....BUT for real when you first told us about you going to get this done my first thought was.....TWINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I promise I thought this!!!!<img src="i/expressions/angel_ani.gif" border="0"><img src="i/expressions/angel.gif" border="0">!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My prayers are with the two of you OR the four of you!!!!!! HEHEHE!!! I know what its like to keep TTC & TTC & TTC!!!!!!! Can't wait to keep hearing awesome news from ya. YIPPPPPEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Leah mommy 2 Reece 3yrs old w/CF <img src="i/expressions/angel_ani.gif" border="0">


New member
Thanks everyone, you are all so wonderful!!

Eli, I don't mind you being curious at all-ask away!
As far as being bolated and so very uncomfortable, it's related to OHSS (ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome). Apparently, younger women are most prone to it, but then the total percentage of women who usually get it, is about 7%. Basically, when on the fertility drugs, your ovaries expand to the size of a grapefruit (sometimes bigger, sometimes smaller) depending on how many eggs you are producing on each side. Every month, a woman normally produces just one egg (of course sometimes two and in rare cases three) so the ovaries are relatively small. Anytime a woman has a count of over 6-7 eggs on each side of her ovary while using fertility drugs, she is at risk. I had 14 on my Right and 10 on my left, and they retrieved 17, the remaining were empty sacs but were filled with fluid and not eggs-which is also VERY common.

The doctors recommended that I start drinking lots of gatorade when my Estradiol levels hit 1091 and they were only 288 two days prior. Apparently that helps with dehydration and OHSS. I guess you are also suppose to continue that after the retrieval but my doctor forgot to tell me that (actually the nurse) until yesterday <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">. It also has to do with the fact that when they go in to retrieve the eggs, there is a LOT of pressure on the uterus. I think the combination of that pressure, plus being a little overstimulated because I had so many eggs/egg sacs, plus not drinking gatorade (I did drink some water but it was hard, because where do you put it in a huge belly that grew to 3 month pregnant size overnight????). The gatorade also helps with the electrolyte balance which is a big factor in OHSS (again, would have been nice if the nurse said drink gatorade <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> ).

So yesterday I downed as much gatorade as I possibly could, plus I think the accupuncture really helped (I wasn't a believer really, until yesterday). I feel much less pressure and more relief today.

Hope that helps, let me know if you have any more questions!!

Leah, my mom said twins too. She was also the one who told me, the first time she saw Mark (were were jsut friends, he was dating someone else), "you are going to marry him someday". I was 16, I told her she was on crack. Look what happened <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">. I guess we'll see <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Thanks everyone, you are all so wonderful!!

Eli, I don't mind you being curious at all-ask away!
As far as being bolated and so very uncomfortable, it's related to OHSS (ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome). Apparently, younger women are most prone to it, but then the total percentage of women who usually get it, is about 7%. Basically, when on the fertility drugs, your ovaries expand to the size of a grapefruit (sometimes bigger, sometimes smaller) depending on how many eggs you are producing on each side. Every month, a woman normally produces just one egg (of course sometimes two and in rare cases three) so the ovaries are relatively small. Anytime a woman has a count of over 6-7 eggs on each side of her ovary while using fertility drugs, she is at risk. I had 14 on my Right and 10 on my left, and they retrieved 17, the remaining were empty sacs but were filled with fluid and not eggs-which is also VERY common.

The doctors recommended that I start drinking lots of gatorade when my Estradiol levels hit 1091 and they were only 288 two days prior. Apparently that helps with dehydration and OHSS. I guess you are also suppose to continue that after the retrieval but my doctor forgot to tell me that (actually the nurse) until yesterday <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">. It also has to do with the fact that when they go in to retrieve the eggs, there is a LOT of pressure on the uterus. I think the combination of that pressure, plus being a little overstimulated because I had so many eggs/egg sacs, plus not drinking gatorade (I did drink some water but it was hard, because where do you put it in a huge belly that grew to 3 month pregnant size overnight????). The gatorade also helps with the electrolyte balance which is a big factor in OHSS (again, would have been nice if the nurse said drink gatorade <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> ).

So yesterday I downed as much gatorade as I possibly could, plus I think the accupuncture really helped (I wasn't a believer really, until yesterday). I feel much less pressure and more relief today.

Hope that helps, let me know if you have any more questions!!

Leah, my mom said twins too. She was also the one who told me, the first time she saw Mark (were were jsut friends, he was dating someone else), "you are going to marry him someday". I was 16, I told her she was on crack. Look what happened <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">. I guess we'll see <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
I have a ???....because you seeked assistance to get pregnant does that mean you are more prone to needing a c section. I know sometimes with multiple babies that it is done, but not always. I was wondering if anything with the procedure itself induced that possibility? I agree with twins....1 boy & 1 girl...miniature Julie & Mark! LOL....Cant wait tho I am not sure you are as excited as Leah (Reece's mom) seems to be! LOL!


New member
I have a ???....because you seeked assistance to get pregnant does that mean you are more prone to needing a c section. I know sometimes with multiple babies that it is done, but not always. I was wondering if anything with the procedure itself induced that possibility? I agree with twins....1 boy & 1 girl...miniature Julie & Mark! LOL....Cant wait tho I am not sure you are as excited as Leah (Reece's mom) seems to be! LOL!


New member
I am SOOOO excited, I just can't wait to do my beta, it's on the 21st. I am not going to cheat and do an HPT because they tend to be inaccurate with IVF/IUI and other "assisted" procedures.

As far as the C section rate, yes if this IVF resulted in multiples that would be more likely. BUt if a singleton is the result of IVF/IUI or another assisted method, they are usually still delivered vaginally. No other complicatons. I will be "high risk" until I hit 3 months and then it will be considered a "normal" pregnancy (whatever that is ???!!!!??)


New member
I am SOOOO excited, I just can't wait to do my beta, it's on the 21st. I am not going to cheat and do an HPT because they tend to be inaccurate with IVF/IUI and other "assisted" procedures.

As far as the C section rate, yes if this IVF resulted in multiples that would be more likely. BUt if a singleton is the result of IVF/IUI or another assisted method, they are usually still delivered vaginally. No other complicatons. I will be "high risk" until I hit 3 months and then it will be considered a "normal" pregnancy (whatever that is ???!!!!??)


New member
That is wonderful...I will say a prayer for you!! Keep strong and stay relaxed....it will be hard but a baby might be growing inside of you and it needs all the peace it can get!!


New member
That is wonderful...I will say a prayer for you!! Keep strong and stay relaxed....it will be hard but a baby might be growing inside of you and it needs all the peace it can get!!


New member
Thanks' for the info Julie, and for answering my questions. It was very helpful!

I will keep the questions coming, thankyou again.

I also hope you are getting the rest you need. Don't work too hard and take care!

Best wishes

OOPS, i forgot to ask about the accupuncture, did it hurt?
I was told to try this for my headaches, because i get them really really bad. I don't like needles and have seen them done and OUCH, they look painfull.<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-frown.gif" border="0">. I also am a sceptic, that is another reason i haven't tried it.


New member
Thanks' for the info Julie, and for answering my questions. It was very helpful!

I will keep the questions coming, thankyou again.

I also hope you are getting the rest you need. Don't work too hard and take care!

Best wishes

OOPS, i forgot to ask about the accupuncture, did it hurt?
I was told to try this for my headaches, because i get them really really bad. I don't like needles and have seen them done and OUCH, they look painfull.<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-frown.gif" border="0">. I also am a sceptic, that is another reason i haven't tried it.


New member
Honestly, I don't mind needles at all so I was relaxed from the beginning but.... take a sewing needle or push pin and just poke yourself with it, that's what it feels like the moment that it gets stuck in you (and I only had about 10-12 total) and then you don't really feel much of anything but pressure. She woudl come back every 10 minutes to "stimulate" them, (she would push in just a tiny bit or turn them until I told her I could feel the pinch again) and then it was just like pressure again.

I actually fell asleep the second time <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">. It was great. I was really skeptical too, I though, what the hell could having needles stuck in me do??? But I thought I'd give it a try and I am really, really impressed with the feeling. Mine was just to relax me but there are many uses for it and the needles get placed in different areas for different ailments. Since needles are a problem for you, it might help to take some sort of releaxant before your first session if you decide to do it (of course check with the person doing your accupuncture). If you get through that first one great, the next sessions might be easy. Plus, it takes more that just one session to see many improvements, mine was just for relaxation and yeilded results immediately for relaxing, (liken it to some peoples reaction to meditation, yoga, massages...)

If you ever have any more questions for me, IVF or whatever related let me know. You can always post them on here or email me at <a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="mailto:division902@hotmail.com">division902@hotmail.com</a>, either way is fine for me!


New member
Honestly, I don't mind needles at all so I was relaxed from the beginning but.... take a sewing needle or push pin and just poke yourself with it, that's what it feels like the moment that it gets stuck in you (and I only had about 10-12 total) and then you don't really feel much of anything but pressure. She woudl come back every 10 minutes to "stimulate" them, (she would push in just a tiny bit or turn them until I told her I could feel the pinch again) and then it was just like pressure again.

I actually fell asleep the second time <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">. It was great. I was really skeptical too, I though, what the hell could having needles stuck in me do??? But I thought I'd give it a try and I am really, really impressed with the feeling. Mine was just to relax me but there are many uses for it and the needles get placed in different areas for different ailments. Since needles are a problem for you, it might help to take some sort of releaxant before your first session if you decide to do it (of course check with the person doing your accupuncture). If you get through that first one great, the next sessions might be easy. Plus, it takes more that just one session to see many improvements, mine was just for relaxation and yeilded results immediately for relaxing, (liken it to some peoples reaction to meditation, yoga, massages...)

If you ever have any more questions for me, IVF or whatever related let me know. You can always post them on here or email me at <a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="mailto:division902@hotmail.com">division902@hotmail.com</a>, either way is fine for me!