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I am twenty-four year old man living in Tacoma WA, and my fiance has cycstic fibrousis. We've been together now for almost two years and living together for almost a year and a half. I got out of the Army last summer and have been going to college for the last year while working private security. She is on disability through social security, and we're putting off getting married because she will loose her health insurance if we go ahead and do it.I've been troubled by a number of issues concerning our relationship, and it all came to a head this last week. The first major incident was after a endoscopy and a colonoscopy she got last week to try and determine what has been causing some serious stomach pain she's been having. The doctor had no real new information for her and only recommended a different version of a drug she's been taking for it. I had already been under a great deal of stress because of some problems I'd been having with my class schedule and this I think brought me to the point where I physicaly passed out.This inicident was followed-up by an emergency room trip Easter Sunday because of the same stomach problems. This ER trip is one in many that we've taken over the last two years covering problems from bladder and urniary tract infenctions, stomach pain caused by cysts, and whatever digestive problems are causing the latest stomach pain. For awhile, I though she might have a prescription drug problem; however, I feel pretty confident anymore that isn't the case.I was up for a late night job interview and couldn't sleep when I'd gotten home. I had been going over time and again our relationship and whether or not I could continue to handle the excessive ER vists, her in bed in constant pain some days, etc etc. I let it slip how concerned I was when she asked me why I was so figidity, and we almost came to the point where we were ready to break off our engagment and go our seperate ways.We've resolved the issue for now and decided we need to get some help. I've decided to drop out of my college classes for the quarter so I can focus more on taking care of this problem. I would like to find a local support group we can meet with together and counseling the two of us can afford; if anyone's got some advice or info on that, I greatly appreciate it. I also just need to hear from other people right now who've been where I'm at and how you got through it.