My infant daughter was just diagnosed with CF. Both my husband and I are f508 carriers and genetic screening showed she is a homozygous carrier. She was in the hospital for the past week due to a cough - which we are now wondering if it was viral related as she had eye discharge prior to the cough. They cultured her upper airway and found normal bacterial flora - no pseudomonas. She was on IV antibiotics and is now on home treatment for 2 additional weeks, plus chest percussions, enzymes, and vitamins. Does anyone else have experience with such an early diagnosis? I think the only reason we have a CF diagnosis is because we are both carriers and CA recently implemented testing in its newborn screening. My other question is regarding prognosis...I would love to hear that others have had an infant diagnosed this early or close to this early and they have gone on to live for years...please share your experiences with me!!!