<3Im pregnant <3


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Hi everyone i havent posted in a long time im Vanessa or as others know me HyperactiveDreamer i just found out yesterday that im pregnant!! Im so excited but a little scared since i take so many meds and i have cysticfibrosis i dont want to do anything wrong ..I already called my doc and i have to go see her in houston. But i would like to ask is their anything i should know that could harm my pregnancy ?? Or anything that could help im taking prenatal pills but this is my first pregnancy so im new at all this !!<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


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Congratulations on your news!! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0"> Sorry can't answer any of your questions but just wanted to say thats great and wish all the best of luck.

Roo 28cf


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From what i can remember my wife stopped most of her antibiotics.She was mostly infection free and only had some shortness of breath the last month. She was 33 when our daughter was born.Congradulations!


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Well from what I know jut eat eat eat and physio physio. My girlfriend is being induced at her 8 months wich is in 6 weeks. But she doesnt look after herself very well and is always stressed. So just make sure you take care of your self & Congrads!!


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Congrats !! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0"><img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


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Congrat Vanessa on your pregnacy. I have cf and I carried my daughter full term. She is now 5 years old.

You can take your meds. The meds will not hurt the baby. What they might do , what they did for me was I had to see a High Risk OB. With a High Risk Ob you get more ultrasounds and alittle me watchful care I say.

With my pregnancy I went into the hospital a little more than I usually do. I was IV's some of the time. But I was the best breathing and I have ever been. My PFT's went up really high the highest they have ever been.

I had a natural child birth. My daughter came out perfectly fine. So I wish you all the best.

Jennifer 33/w cf


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Thanx everyone for the advice and the <img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">

Vanessa/20/CF/Hyperactive Dreamer<img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


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Just wondering...can those who have gone through a pregnacy with CF...can you still use the vest? If so..just for a certain period of time?


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Good luck! and congratulations. I had my son at age 22 and everything was fine. I did go off all my meds except for my creon for that pregnancy. My husband and I are TTC and this time I felt I shouldn't go off my inhalers and my doc assured me that everything would be fine. I know some mothers here have taken a lot more than inhalers and they had healthy kids too.

28 w/CF


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Congrats Vanessa!!!!! Have you visited HollyCatheryn's website about CF and female fertility? <a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.geocities.com/murrensnaturemama/index.html">http://www.geocities.com/murrensnaturemama/index.html</a> It's a great site and you could probably bounce a lot of questions off of her too if there are some left over that aren't answered on here. I'm hoping for a wonderful pregnancy for you!


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I don't remeber what the reasons were exactly as it was a rather emotional time for me. But when i realized i was pregnant my Dr. told me to stop Tobi immediately. Like I said i don't remember what the reasons were, but there you have it. Wishing you a happy healthy little one!


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There are certain meds you cant use. When I was pregnant they had to switch stuff around to meds that dont penetrate the placenta. I had no real problems with the new meds. I worked fulltime thru my whole pregnancy. I did develope gestational diabetes which I controlled with insulin since I couldnt get the hang of the diet thing. I also delivered 4 weeks early by c section as a precaution to me due to my history of hemoptysis. I enjoyed every minute of my pregnant. I had a great one & looked/felt good. There are some moms that have had problems, but as a whole I think we do pretty well. Remember that this whole child bearing this is "fairly" new. For many, many years CFers werent living to child bearing age. Congrats & enjoy every minute of it!


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I have had to very uneventful pregnancys, I did not stop any of my medication. I started Tobi every other month, and did IV therapy at 32weeks and 38 weeks. So if you are not on any major meds you should be able to stay on everything. Good Luck and congats.


New member
Congrats!!!! that is so awesome!!! I dont know if this site will help you but I'm pretty sure it will. One of the women on here suggested it to me so good luck with everything. Im so happy for you!!!!www.geocities.com/MurrensNatureMama


New member
Congrats!!!! that is so awesome!!! I dont know if this site will help you but I'm pretty sure it will. One of the women on here suggested it to me so good luck with everything. Im so happy for you!!!!www.geocities.com/MurrensNatureMama