With the different experiences I have had for my son, my suggestions for a 504 are(some can just be worked out with the teacher each year):
1. Ask for a second set of books to be kept at home. That way any sudden illness, absence or hospital visit, you have to books and the materials can easily be faxed.
2. Ask that the 10 day Tutor rule be waived. I had my son's set at 2 days. With a doctors note, it will be ongoing for the year. This will help them from falling behind. Any time your child is out for 2 days or more, the school will be responsilbe for a tutor.
3. I also had it listed, that I would be notified from the school nurse if the school was seeing a higher than usual number of absenses. This would allow me to decide if I wanted to keep him home
4. That bathroom privedleges are not to be denied. This always was an issue for us especially as we reached high school
5. Cory always hated being the last one in the lunch room. He would miss out on setting with certain friends or the lines would be longer. So we had it listed that he could leave a few minues early
6. Also if nutrition is an issue, scheduled "snack" time or the availability to go to the office(or any agreed place) to obtain a snack if needed. We provided a weeks worth of snacks each week. Things from crackers to ensure.
7. Physical education accomadations can be made. For Cory it was that he was except from the "presidentail testing". I have found that it is helpful if the PE teacher is at meetings so that can see what your child's ability is.
8. Accomadations during long illness allows it so your child can keep up. It might be take home tests, modified assignments. Just don't let them tell you "oh, she/he doesn't have to make up that work". Too many times we heard that one. Nice when they are younger but missing out on key parts of learning that assist with other parts of learning cause a hardship later on.
9. A later start time helps with the need of everything we/they need to do to prepare for the mornings.
10. I did work with a really good school who had the carpet replaced in the library when we moved there. I did ask that his room and desk be clean with an antibiotic cleaner every night.
11. We asked that Cory be allowed a water bottle at his desk and be able to slip out of the room without asking permission to work through a coughing spell.
Seems like a out. I would usally write someting up and make sure that the classroom teacher keep a copy of it with her sub notes. That way if she needs a sub, the sub is aware. Most teacher are very greatful to have details about how they can assist your child and to understand what they go through before they even get to school.
12. As far as educating the class. I agree it is important to do. Just make sure they person doing it is up to date with the facts. One of Cory's teachers decided to do it and told the class that you would only live to be 10 (he was 9 at the time)