HAPPY 50th BIRTHDAY Debbi !!!!!!!!
Welcome to AARP : )
I hope YOU had a Great Day !!!!!
I Get what you are saying Debbi,
I heard my Mother being told that I would not
make it too much past 12, that was in 1965
and I am now 53..
I believe it is "Very Important" to do the best to
help the younger Cfers to plan and work as if they will live
to be 100. Go to School then Collage , Do Not let anyone
discount Your Ability to be a active member of Society..
As I think back to when I was diagnosed in elementry school I remember teachers " Knowing " I had Cf. They stopped pushing me to learn. As I remember one teacher
who I liked, I know now it was easier for Her and Not
for me that she took this approch .
In High School when the other Students were working with
councilors to pick the correct classes to get into a Good
College , I was never called or had the chance to speak
to my councilors . I gotta tell You that every time I think of How Different I was treated it really pisses me off.
So to You Cf Moms and Dads and Cf Young Folks out there.
If You have a Dream Do Not let Anyone tell you cannot
Achieve it. Set a Goal and Hit it Hard then Set Another !
I believe Cf will be Conquered very Soon !!! I truly do.