8 months Old, Not gaining Weight


New member
my son was born 2 months preemie at 3 lbs and 13oz. he is 8 months old and weighs only 12 lbs and 5 oz. is there anything that i can do to help him gain wight more? ive tried everything i can think of. he is 3 lbs below where they want him to be in weight. i have to talk to a surgeon on the 28th about a G-Tube. plz help!!!


New member
my son was born 2 months preemie at 3 lbs and 13oz. he is 8 months old and weighs only 12 lbs and 5 oz. is there anything that i can do to help him gain wight more? ive tried everything i can think of. he is 3 lbs below where they want him to be in weight. i have to talk to a surgeon on the 28th about a G-Tube. plz help!!!


New member
my son was born 2 months preemie at 3 lbs and 13oz. he is 8 months old and weighs only 12 lbs and 5 oz. is there anything that i can do to help him gain wight more? ive tried everything i can think of. he is 3 lbs below where they want him to be in weight. i have to talk to a surgeon on the 28th about a G-Tube. plz help!!!


New member
my son was born 2 months preemie at 3 lbs and 13oz. he is 8 months old and weighs only 12 lbs and 5 oz. is there anything that i can do to help him gain wight more? ive tried everything i can think of. he is 3 lbs below where they want him to be in weight. i have to talk to a surgeon on the 28th about a G-Tube. plz help!!!


New member
my son was born 2 months preemie at 3 lbs and 13oz. he is 8 months old and weighs only 12 lbs and 5 oz. is there anything that i can do to help him gain wight more? ive tried everything i can think of. he is 3 lbs below where they want him to be in weight. i have to talk to a surgeon on the 28th about a G-Tube. plz help!!!
<br />



I just wanted to say that if your son was 2 months premature he is really only 6 months old. Before Marissa came into my life I used to raise money for the March of Dimes because I had a lot of premature babies in my family. For a little while those couple of months makes a difference, like he may be two months "older" than the "average" age that other children crawl, but be completely normal.

That being said, 12-13 lbs does seem small even for a 6 month old. Are you breast feeding or formula feeding? Is he not gaining because he is not eating or vomiting?

I can't really suggest anything to feed a 6 month old baby. The G-Tube would help with gaining weight, if it is a matter of not being able to get him to eat. But I don't know if it would do any good if he is a happy eater but losing it in another way (throwing up, loose stools).

Good luck! Please let us know how things go.




I just wanted to say that if your son was 2 months premature he is really only 6 months old. Before Marissa came into my life I used to raise money for the March of Dimes because I had a lot of premature babies in my family. For a little while those couple of months makes a difference, like he may be two months "older" than the "average" age that other children crawl, but be completely normal.

That being said, 12-13 lbs does seem small even for a 6 month old. Are you breast feeding or formula feeding? Is he not gaining because he is not eating or vomiting?

I can't really suggest anything to feed a 6 month old baby. The G-Tube would help with gaining weight, if it is a matter of not being able to get him to eat. But I don't know if it would do any good if he is a happy eater but losing it in another way (throwing up, loose stools).

Good luck! Please let us know how things go.




I just wanted to say that if your son was 2 months premature he is really only 6 months old. Before Marissa came into my life I used to raise money for the March of Dimes because I had a lot of premature babies in my family. For a little while those couple of months makes a difference, like he may be two months "older" than the "average" age that other children crawl, but be completely normal.

That being said, 12-13 lbs does seem small even for a 6 month old. Are you breast feeding or formula feeding? Is he not gaining because he is not eating or vomiting?

I can't really suggest anything to feed a 6 month old baby. The G-Tube would help with gaining weight, if it is a matter of not being able to get him to eat. But I don't know if it would do any good if he is a happy eater but losing it in another way (throwing up, loose stools).

Good luck! Please let us know how things go.




I just wanted to say that if your son was 2 months premature he is really only 6 months old. Before Marissa came into my life I used to raise money for the March of Dimes because I had a lot of premature babies in my family. For a little while those couple of months makes a difference, like he may be two months "older" than the "average" age that other children crawl, but be completely normal.

That being said, 12-13 lbs does seem small even for a 6 month old. Are you breast feeding or formula feeding? Is he not gaining because he is not eating or vomiting?

I can't really suggest anything to feed a 6 month old baby. The G-Tube would help with gaining weight, if it is a matter of not being able to get him to eat. But I don't know if it would do any good if he is a happy eater but losing it in another way (throwing up, loose stools).

Good luck! Please let us know how things go.



<br />
<br />I just wanted to say that if your son was 2 months premature he is really only 6 months old. Before Marissa came into my life I used to raise money for the March of Dimes because I had a lot of premature babies in my family. For a little while those couple of months makes a difference, like he may be two months "older" than the "average" age that other children crawl, but be completely normal.
<br />
<br />That being said, 12-13 lbs does seem small even for a 6 month old. Are you breast feeding or formula feeding? Is he not gaining because he is not eating or vomiting?
<br />
<br />I can't really suggest anything to feed a 6 month old baby. The G-Tube would help with gaining weight, if it is a matter of not being able to get him to eat. But I don't know if it would do any good if he is a happy eater but losing it in another way (throwing up, loose stools).
<br />
<br />Good luck! Please let us know how things go.
<br />
<br />Terry


Here is a nice link to read:

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.kidshealth.org/parent/growth/growth/grow47m.html

Just curious, you said how much your baby weighed at birth, but how much did he drop down to?

My oldest daughter was 3 weeks premature, 5 lbs 15 ozs at birth, but 5 lbs 3 ozs at discharge. She was my skinny minny. At about three months old her doctor told me to start feeding her half breastmilk and half formula to get her to gain. That was successful for us.

She's 20 now and upset that she had to try so hard to gain and now can not lose, lol.


Here is a nice link to read:

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.kidshealth.org/parent/growth/growth/grow47m.html

Just curious, you said how much your baby weighed at birth, but how much did he drop down to?

My oldest daughter was 3 weeks premature, 5 lbs 15 ozs at birth, but 5 lbs 3 ozs at discharge. She was my skinny minny. At about three months old her doctor told me to start feeding her half breastmilk and half formula to get her to gain. That was successful for us.

She's 20 now and upset that she had to try so hard to gain and now can not lose, lol.


Here is a nice link to read:

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.kidshealth.org/parent/growth/growth/grow47m.html

Just curious, you said how much your baby weighed at birth, but how much did he drop down to?

My oldest daughter was 3 weeks premature, 5 lbs 15 ozs at birth, but 5 lbs 3 ozs at discharge. She was my skinny minny. At about three months old her doctor told me to start feeding her half breastmilk and half formula to get her to gain. That was successful for us.

She's 20 now and upset that she had to try so hard to gain and now can not lose, lol.


Here is a nice link to read:

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.kidshealth.org/parent/growth/growth/grow47m.html

Just curious, you said how much your baby weighed at birth, but how much did he drop down to?

My oldest daughter was 3 weeks premature, 5 lbs 15 ozs at birth, but 5 lbs 3 ozs at discharge. She was my skinny minny. At about three months old her doctor told me to start feeding her half breastmilk and half formula to get her to gain. That was successful for us.

She's 20 now and upset that she had to try so hard to gain and now can not lose, lol.


Here is a nice link to read:
<br />
<br /><a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.kidshealth.org/parent/growth/growth/grow47m.html
</a><br />
<br />
<br />Just curious, you said how much your baby weighed at birth, but how much did he drop down to?
<br />
<br />My oldest daughter was 3 weeks premature, 5 lbs 15 ozs at birth, but 5 lbs 3 ozs at discharge. She was my skinny minny. At about three months old her doctor told me to start feeding her half breastmilk and half formula to get her to gain. That was successful for us.
<br />
<br />She's 20 now and upset that she had to try so hard to gain and now can not lose, lol.


New member
My daughter was under wait and her nutriestionist had us add scandical to her formula a 1/4 teaspoon and it seems to be working .
Sandical is a calore booster can you probably look it up on the net.
hope it helps .


New member
My daughter was under wait and her nutriestionist had us add scandical to her formula a 1/4 teaspoon and it seems to be working .
Sandical is a calore booster can you probably look it up on the net.
hope it helps .


New member
My daughter was under wait and her nutriestionist had us add scandical to her formula a 1/4 teaspoon and it seems to be working .
Sandical is a calore booster can you probably look it up on the net.
hope it helps .


New member
My daughter was under wait and her nutriestionist had us add scandical to her formula a 1/4 teaspoon and it seems to be working .
Sandical is a calore booster can you probably look it up on the net.
hope it helps .


New member
My daughter was under wait and her nutriestionist had us add scandical to her formula a 1/4 teaspoon and it seems to be working .
<br />Sandical is a calore booster can you probably look it up on the net.
<br />hope it helps .