Too Easy,,, Bush and Jokes go together like Bread and Butter ,,,,,
Fuzzy about Numbers: When a reporter asked Bush what he thought about his first hundred days in office he replied "Has it been a year already?
Coincidence or Medical Miracle?: The discovery that Bush's resting heart rate is 43 has led some observers to speculate that this is the first time we've had a president with a heart rate that matches his IQ.
The Golf Between Reality and Fantasy: What do golf and Florida elections have in common? Low score wins.
Fuzzy about Numbers: When a reporter asked Bush what he thought about his first hundred days in office he replied "Has it been a year already?
Coincidence or Medical Miracle?: The discovery that Bush's resting heart rate is 43 has led some observers to speculate that this is the first time we've had a president with a heart rate that matches his IQ.
The Golf Between Reality and Fantasy: What do golf and Florida elections have in common? Low score wins.