We struggled for months, even a year after the birth of our son to decide what to do about future children. We did not know we were carriers with Aidan so his diagnosis was a shock. My husband believes that now we know so it is only right to try to prevent another child from having this disease.
Women try to prevent things all the time when pregnant- not smoke, not drink ect...We felt that we had one added risk factor in which we should TRY to prevent a bad thing from happening. It was the only decision for us.
We take vigilant care of Aidan-3 nebs daily,sinus treatments daily, hour of the VEST daily, never miss a treatment, took him to Minnesota for consult- we will do anything and everything to keep him healthy. We also both work full time and my mom has quit her job to care for Aidan. The stress of trying to do this with another CFer would be too much- not good for Aidan or for our family. We want to preserve Aidan's health and think his best chance is if he is the only one with CF.
Maybe you could look into an IVF clinic and check out their programs and options. It can be draining at times but hopefully worth it in the end. PGD is not 100% either but it was the best decision for us. Megan