a little encouragement.... :)


New member
I have to admit that I haven't always been the best about exercising/doing PT and taking my meds. In fact I probably could have been the poster child for the "CF Slacker" for many years. In the last few weeks though, I have been really vigilant about exercising everyday and doing all my meds......and I feel GREAT!!!! The way I am feeling right now is definitely enough motivation to keep going! I can't WAIT to see my numbers at my doc appt in January.

Anyway, just wanted to give a little encouragement to all the slackers out there. Try doing everything perfectly for a few weeks and I bet the difference it makes in how you feel will make you want to keep it up!


New member
Well im glad you are taking better care of yourself. Good Luck! Hope your Pft's are good when you see your doctor next month?Did your screen name use to be jennyjoy81 on aol?


New member
Hi Jenny

I am really glad its helping, It has really helped me in the last 8 months. In March I had a pneumonia in one lung, Very serious. Sats down to late 70's. Everyone was very worried. After 6 weeks in Hospital I came out feeling OK but finding it very hard to breath, had to be on Oxygen all night and part of the day. So started going to the Gym. It was very hard to start with as I could only manage very light exercise, but I have built it up and now go 3 times a week for an hour each time. My last set of sats were 98%!!!! As you can imagine I am very happy with this. I now am off the Oxygen completely. My damaged lung was so bad that they thought I would need a transplant in 18 months, But now it has started to repair itself. The Doctor was amazed at this, he said that this is very rare. This can only be due to all the exercise I now do. It really does make a difference. I am truly a convert!




New member
I admit i am a 'slacker' too!But what you guys have written sounds very encouraging...Also after just coming out of hospital i want my news years resolution to be 'excerises more!' I have even tried doing it before xmas but i lasted one day... failing miserably! Its no excuse i have a tredmill in my garage its not as if i even have 'tart myself up' to go to the gym!! I was just wondering what you guys do to exercise. Would you think the tredmill for say 20mins is enough or should i get the rowing machine out too!?!? obviously i know it wil differ on our different levels but just as some knid of giudance.

emma 18 cf


New member

If I were you I wouldn't make a new years resolution to exercise. You should exercise because it is the right thing to do not because it's the start of a new year. Most people who make new years resolutions don't make it through January.

I ride an exercise bike for 30 min 5 days a week.

Dave 29 w/cf


New member
Hi Emma

You have to do what is comfortable for you on the day. Only exercise at a level that you could still just hold a conversation at. What you can do will vary from day to day.

Generally I do 20 minutes on the treadmill after warming up. As the minutes go by on the treadmill I increase the slope on the machine, but not the speed by very much. The idea is to put my system under a constant load but without making my saturation levels drop by too much.

Then I do some weights, then 6 minuets on the rowing machine, then more leg, arm, stomach & leg weights. Finish up with 10 minutes on the exercise bike.

I try to do most of the aerobic stuff at the beginning as I get worn out by the end.

Don't worry if you don't feel too great when you come out the gym, It gets better a few hours afterwards.

Hope this helps




New member
Here's my view....a New Year's Resolution is better than nothing at all. Hopefully that will be the beginning of something more routine. I myself am planning to start excercising after the Holidays!
We'll see how it goes!<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-cool.gif" border="0">


New member

Sorry but the Poster for CF slacker was filled by me. In some cases, you can say it still is. However, I work in commercial construction so I think that is my exercise, but as for the Pills, If it wasn’t for my Girlfriend’s and my kids I probably slide a lot on those too. The important part is doing what is right for you and what makes you feel better. When I traded my Cushy office job to be a builder, everyone but me was terrified. I can honestly say I might get the sniffles a little more than usual, But I have not seen a hospital bed in over 4 years, that’s compared to once every 1 to 2 years. Keeping yourself beefed up is the way to go, hope you keep it up.
