We had major struggles with a dietician who kept pushing pregistimil and wanted us to force feed DS. We KNEW he would eat regular formula, but when the pregistimil bottle came toward him, he would struggle, clamp his jaw shut, he screamed, spit it up -- I'd be crying.. The dietician insisted it was best for him and that he didn't know any better because newborns tastebuds weren't developed. And in the next breath she told us that a lot of babies don't like the taste of adeks, so we might have to mix a little with juice. Huh, which is it? And he didn't mind adeks at all.
So we got labeled as troublemakers for refusing to put our child on pregistimil. They implied it was a cost issue. It wasn't. His doctor finally stepped in and said to feed him what he'll eat. And we never ever saw that dietician again, she refused to work with us.
So we got labeled as troublemakers for refusing to put our child on pregistimil. They implied it was a cost issue. It wasn't. His doctor finally stepped in and said to feed him what he'll eat. And we never ever saw that dietician again, she refused to work with us.