A weird idea struck me


New member
And yes, this *IS* CF related.

If any of you out there like the band The Doors, and/or were ever into the writings of Jim Morrison you may find this interesting, or slightly thought provoking.

I have always been a big Doors/Morrison fan, and I also listen to a lot of Coast to Coast (late night talk radio show). On one particular episode, they had the guitar player and the keyboardist from the band. Both of which were very close to their lead singer Jim Morrison, and both had written books about the guy. They were telling fascinating stories about him and his life, etc.

The keyboardist was saying that when he ran into Jim right before they started the band, he was extremely thin. He was 5'11 and 130 lbs. Not shocking in itself, but follow with me here.

The guitarist mentioned that he thought Jim had lung issues, often coughing, and complaining about lung related stuff, and had been known to cough up blood...And had a particularly nasty episode of hemoptysis right before he left for Paris, where he died shortly afterwards.

Also, the guitarist believed Jim was sterile. As many know, Jim had sex with MANY women, and wasn't known to use protection. Not to mention due to his fame, charisma, sexiness etc, i'm sure there were tons of women who purposely tried to get impregnated by Jim. He also had a very long term live in girlfriend, and another long term "wife". For Jim and the girlfriend, it was known they were trying to have kids. He never fathered a child.

Jim died at the age of 27, and the circumstances surrounding his death are still mysterious, but the purpose of this thread is to look into what looks like classic CF symptoms.

Could Jim Morrison have had CF and was never diagnosed? While his symptoms could be other separate health issues, and also be caused by lifestyle choices, as a CF male it is a little hard to notice these and not think that he might have had CF. Let's look at the clues:

#1 He was always very thin, and with the exception of before his death when he was bloated, he seemingly didn't "thrive" (classic CF symptom). He could have had just enough pancreatic sufficiency to not really need enzymes. He was also known to have gastric problems. I personally have abused myself and gained weight, and I also have been fairly pancreatic sufficient in the past. So this is also possible.

#2 He was born in 1943. I personally was diagnosed in 1972, and they were clueless as to what I had for a long time. Just imagine how hard it would have been to be diagnosed properly and early in 1943, especially if Jim had a very mild case. There are CF's on this very board that didn't show symptoms of CF till later in life, and were diagnosed in their 30's. So if he was born very mild, even with the abuse he did to himself, given the time he was born, I think it is very possible they never diagnosed him.

#3 As I said before, everyone believed him to be sterile. He had relations with countless women, and wasn't known to wear a condom. Many women purposely TRIED to become impregnated by Jim, including his long term live in girlfriend and mistress. Another classic symptom of CF in males. He never fathered a child.

#4 His occasional complaints of lung issues. This is of course nothing concrete because he smoked pot and cigs like crazy, but this also ties into #5

#5 His coughing up blood. He had occasional bouts of this, just like us with CF. His worst one was right before he left for Paris, where he died in 1971. Sure he could have had TB, but considering the other clues I'm discussing, it seems more likely that he had classic CF related hemoptysis.

All of these clues lead me to suspect that one of the most famous and charismatic singers/poets of our time, might just have had Cystic Fibrosis, and was never diagnosed due to his mildness of the disease, and the time in which he was born. Of course, this probably could never be proven due to the parents being the only ones legally allowed to give to go ahead on exhuming the corpse and performing DNA testing, and the mother is dead. Plus aside from curiosity aspects, what point would it prove? Maybe some questions are better left buried. But interesting thought huh? I thought so, and thought I would share. I'm sure we have other Doors/Morrison fans on here.

<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
And yes, this *IS* CF related.

If any of you out there like the band The Doors, and/or were ever into the writings of Jim Morrison you may find this interesting, or slightly thought provoking.

I have always been a big Doors/Morrison fan, and I also listen to a lot of Coast to Coast (late night talk radio show). On one particular episode, they had the guitar player and the keyboardist from the band. Both of which were very close to their lead singer Jim Morrison, and both had written books about the guy. They were telling fascinating stories about him and his life, etc.

The keyboardist was saying that when he ran into Jim right before they started the band, he was extremely thin. He was 5'11 and 130 lbs. Not shocking in itself, but follow with me here.

The guitarist mentioned that he thought Jim had lung issues, often coughing, and complaining about lung related stuff, and had been known to cough up blood...And had a particularly nasty episode of hemoptysis right before he left for Paris, where he died shortly afterwards.

Also, the guitarist believed Jim was sterile. As many know, Jim had sex with MANY women, and wasn't known to use protection. Not to mention due to his fame, charisma, sexiness etc, i'm sure there were tons of women who purposely tried to get impregnated by Jim. He also had a very long term live in girlfriend, and another long term "wife". For Jim and the girlfriend, it was known they were trying to have kids. He never fathered a child.

Jim died at the age of 27, and the circumstances surrounding his death are still mysterious, but the purpose of this thread is to look into what looks like classic CF symptoms.

Could Jim Morrison have had CF and was never diagnosed? While his symptoms could be other separate health issues, and also be caused by lifestyle choices, as a CF male it is a little hard to notice these and not think that he might have had CF. Let's look at the clues:

#1 He was always very thin, and with the exception of before his death when he was bloated, he seemingly didn't "thrive" (classic CF symptom). He could have had just enough pancreatic sufficiency to not really need enzymes. He was also known to have gastric problems. I personally have abused myself and gained weight, and I also have been fairly pancreatic sufficient in the past. So this is also possible.

#2 He was born in 1943. I personally was diagnosed in 1972, and they were clueless as to what I had for a long time. Just imagine how hard it would have been to be diagnosed properly and early in 1943, especially if Jim had a very mild case. There are CF's on this very board that didn't show symptoms of CF till later in life, and were diagnosed in their 30's. So if he was born very mild, even with the abuse he did to himself, given the time he was born, I think it is very possible they never diagnosed him.

#3 As I said before, everyone believed him to be sterile. He had relations with countless women, and wasn't known to wear a condom. Many women purposely TRIED to become impregnated by Jim, including his long term live in girlfriend and mistress. Another classic symptom of CF in males. He never fathered a child.

#4 His occasional complaints of lung issues. This is of course nothing concrete because he smoked pot and cigs like crazy, but this also ties into #5

#5 His coughing up blood. He had occasional bouts of this, just like us with CF. His worst one was right before he left for Paris, where he died in 1971. Sure he could have had TB, but considering the other clues I'm discussing, it seems more likely that he had classic CF related hemoptysis.

All of these clues lead me to suspect that one of the most famous and charismatic singers/poets of our time, might just have had Cystic Fibrosis, and was never diagnosed due to his mildness of the disease, and the time in which he was born. Of course, this probably could never be proven due to the parents being the only ones legally allowed to give to go ahead on exhuming the corpse and performing DNA testing, and the mother is dead. Plus aside from curiosity aspects, what point would it prove? Maybe some questions are better left buried. But interesting thought huh? I thought so, and thought I would share. I'm sure we have other Doors/Morrison fans on here.

<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
And yes, this *IS* CF related.

If any of you out there like the band The Doors, and/or were ever into the writings of Jim Morrison you may find this interesting, or slightly thought provoking.

I have always been a big Doors/Morrison fan, and I also listen to a lot of Coast to Coast (late night talk radio show). On one particular episode, they had the guitar player and the keyboardist from the band. Both of which were very close to their lead singer Jim Morrison, and both had written books about the guy. They were telling fascinating stories about him and his life, etc.

The keyboardist was saying that when he ran into Jim right before they started the band, he was extremely thin. He was 5'11 and 130 lbs. Not shocking in itself, but follow with me here.

The guitarist mentioned that he thought Jim had lung issues, often coughing, and complaining about lung related stuff, and had been known to cough up blood...And had a particularly nasty episode of hemoptysis right before he left for Paris, where he died shortly afterwards.

Also, the guitarist believed Jim was sterile. As many know, Jim had sex with MANY women, and wasn't known to use protection. Not to mention due to his fame, charisma, sexiness etc, i'm sure there were tons of women who purposely tried to get impregnated by Jim. He also had a very long term live in girlfriend, and another long term "wife". For Jim and the girlfriend, it was known they were trying to have kids. He never fathered a child.

Jim died at the age of 27, and the circumstances surrounding his death are still mysterious, but the purpose of this thread is to look into what looks like classic CF symptoms.

Could Jim Morrison have had CF and was never diagnosed? While his symptoms could be other separate health issues, and also be caused by lifestyle choices, as a CF male it is a little hard to notice these and not think that he might have had CF. Let's look at the clues:

#1 He was always very thin, and with the exception of before his death when he was bloated, he seemingly didn't "thrive" (classic CF symptom). He could have had just enough pancreatic sufficiency to not really need enzymes. He was also known to have gastric problems. I personally have abused myself and gained weight, and I also have been fairly pancreatic sufficient in the past. So this is also possible.

#2 He was born in 1943. I personally was diagnosed in 1972, and they were clueless as to what I had for a long time. Just imagine how hard it would have been to be diagnosed properly and early in 1943, especially if Jim had a very mild case. There are CF's on this very board that didn't show symptoms of CF till later in life, and were diagnosed in their 30's. So if he was born very mild, even with the abuse he did to himself, given the time he was born, I think it is very possible they never diagnosed him.

#3 As I said before, everyone believed him to be sterile. He had relations with countless women, and wasn't known to wear a condom. Many women purposely TRIED to become impregnated by Jim, including his long term live in girlfriend and mistress. Another classic symptom of CF in males. He never fathered a child.

#4 His occasional complaints of lung issues. This is of course nothing concrete because he smoked pot and cigs like crazy, but this also ties into #5

#5 His coughing up blood. He had occasional bouts of this, just like us with CF. His worst one was right before he left for Paris, where he died in 1971. Sure he could have had TB, but considering the other clues I'm discussing, it seems more likely that he had classic CF related hemoptysis.

All of these clues lead me to suspect that one of the most famous and charismatic singers/poets of our time, might just have had Cystic Fibrosis, and was never diagnosed due to his mildness of the disease, and the time in which he was born. Of course, this probably could never be proven due to the parents being the only ones legally allowed to give to go ahead on exhuming the corpse and performing DNA testing, and the mother is dead. Plus aside from curiosity aspects, what point would it prove? Maybe some questions are better left buried. But interesting thought huh? I thought so, and thought I would share. I'm sure we have other Doors/Morrison fans on here.

<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
And yes, this *IS* CF related.

If any of you out there like the band The Doors, and/or were ever into the writings of Jim Morrison you may find this interesting, or slightly thought provoking.

I have always been a big Doors/Morrison fan, and I also listen to a lot of Coast to Coast (late night talk radio show). On one particular episode, they had the guitar player and the keyboardist from the band. Both of which were very close to their lead singer Jim Morrison, and both had written books about the guy. They were telling fascinating stories about him and his life, etc.

The keyboardist was saying that when he ran into Jim right before they started the band, he was extremely thin. He was 5'11 and 130 lbs. Not shocking in itself, but follow with me here.

The guitarist mentioned that he thought Jim had lung issues, often coughing, and complaining about lung related stuff, and had been known to cough up blood...And had a particularly nasty episode of hemoptysis right before he left for Paris, where he died shortly afterwards.

Also, the guitarist believed Jim was sterile. As many know, Jim had sex with MANY women, and wasn't known to use protection. Not to mention due to his fame, charisma, sexiness etc, i'm sure there were tons of women who purposely tried to get impregnated by Jim. He also had a very long term live in girlfriend, and another long term "wife". For Jim and the girlfriend, it was known they were trying to have kids. He never fathered a child.

Jim died at the age of 27, and the circumstances surrounding his death are still mysterious, but the purpose of this thread is to look into what looks like classic CF symptoms.

Could Jim Morrison have had CF and was never diagnosed? While his symptoms could be other separate health issues, and also be caused by lifestyle choices, as a CF male it is a little hard to notice these and not think that he might have had CF. Let's look at the clues:

#1 He was always very thin, and with the exception of before his death when he was bloated, he seemingly didn't "thrive" (classic CF symptom). He could have had just enough pancreatic sufficiency to not really need enzymes. He was also known to have gastric problems. I personally have abused myself and gained weight, and I also have been fairly pancreatic sufficient in the past. So this is also possible.

#2 He was born in 1943. I personally was diagnosed in 1972, and they were clueless as to what I had for a long time. Just imagine how hard it would have been to be diagnosed properly and early in 1943, especially if Jim had a very mild case. There are CF's on this very board that didn't show symptoms of CF till later in life, and were diagnosed in their 30's. So if he was born very mild, even with the abuse he did to himself, given the time he was born, I think it is very possible they never diagnosed him.

#3 As I said before, everyone believed him to be sterile. He had relations with countless women, and wasn't known to wear a condom. Many women purposely TRIED to become impregnated by Jim, including his long term live in girlfriend and mistress. Another classic symptom of CF in males. He never fathered a child.

#4 His occasional complaints of lung issues. This is of course nothing concrete because he smoked pot and cigs like crazy, but this also ties into #5

#5 His coughing up blood. He had occasional bouts of this, just like us with CF. His worst one was right before he left for Paris, where he died in 1971. Sure he could have had TB, but considering the other clues I'm discussing, it seems more likely that he had classic CF related hemoptysis.

All of these clues lead me to suspect that one of the most famous and charismatic singers/poets of our time, might just have had Cystic Fibrosis, and was never diagnosed due to his mildness of the disease, and the time in which he was born. Of course, this probably could never be proven due to the parents being the only ones legally allowed to give to go ahead on exhuming the corpse and performing DNA testing, and the mother is dead. Plus aside from curiosity aspects, what point would it prove? Maybe some questions are better left buried. But interesting thought huh? I thought so, and thought I would share. I'm sure we have other Doors/Morrison fans on here.

<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
And yes, this *IS* CF related.
<br />
<br />
<br />If any of you out there like the band The Doors, and/or were ever into the writings of Jim Morrison you may find this interesting, or slightly thought provoking.
<br />
<br />I have always been a big Doors/Morrison fan, and I also listen to a lot of Coast to Coast (late night talk radio show). On one particular episode, they had the guitar player and the keyboardist from the band. Both of which were very close to their lead singer Jim Morrison, and both had written books about the guy. They were telling fascinating stories about him and his life, etc.
<br />
<br />The keyboardist was saying that when he ran into Jim right before they started the band, he was extremely thin. He was 5'11 and 130 lbs. Not shocking in itself, but follow with me here.
<br />
<br />The guitarist mentioned that he thought Jim had lung issues, often coughing, and complaining about lung related stuff, and had been known to cough up blood...And had a particularly nasty episode of hemoptysis right before he left for Paris, where he died shortly afterwards.
<br />
<br />
<br />Also, the guitarist believed Jim was sterile. As many know, Jim had sex with MANY women, and wasn't known to use protection. Not to mention due to his fame, charisma, sexiness etc, i'm sure there were tons of women who purposely tried to get impregnated by Jim. He also had a very long term live in girlfriend, and another long term "wife". For Jim and the girlfriend, it was known they were trying to have kids. He never fathered a child.
<br />
<br />
<br />Jim died at the age of 27, and the circumstances surrounding his death are still mysterious, but the purpose of this thread is to look into what looks like classic CF symptoms.
<br />
<br />Could Jim Morrison have had CF and was never diagnosed? While his symptoms could be other separate health issues, and also be caused by lifestyle choices, as a CF male it is a little hard to notice these and not think that he might have had CF. Let's look at the clues:
<br />
<br />#1 He was always very thin, and with the exception of before his death when he was bloated, he seemingly didn't "thrive" (classic CF symptom). He could have had just enough pancreatic sufficiency to not really need enzymes. He was also known to have gastric problems. I personally have abused myself and gained weight, and I also have been fairly pancreatic sufficient in the past. So this is also possible.
<br />
<br />
<br />#2 He was born in 1943. I personally was diagnosed in 1972, and they were clueless as to what I had for a long time. Just imagine how hard it would have been to be diagnosed properly and early in 1943, especially if Jim had a very mild case. There are CF's on this very board that didn't show symptoms of CF till later in life, and were diagnosed in their 30's. So if he was born very mild, even with the abuse he did to himself, given the time he was born, I think it is very possible they never diagnosed him.
<br />
<br />
<br />#3 As I said before, everyone believed him to be sterile. He had relations with countless women, and wasn't known to wear a condom. Many women purposely TRIED to become impregnated by Jim, including his long term live in girlfriend and mistress. Another classic symptom of CF in males. He never fathered a child.
<br />
<br />
<br />#4 His occasional complaints of lung issues. This is of course nothing concrete because he smoked pot and cigs like crazy, but this also ties into #5
<br />
<br />
<br />#5 His coughing up blood. He had occasional bouts of this, just like us with CF. His worst one was right before he left for Paris, where he died in 1971. Sure he could have had TB, but considering the other clues I'm discussing, it seems more likely that he had classic CF related hemoptysis.
<br />
<br />
<br />All of these clues lead me to suspect that one of the most famous and charismatic singers/poets of our time, might just have had Cystic Fibrosis, and was never diagnosed due to his mildness of the disease, and the time in which he was born. Of course, this probably could never be proven due to the parents being the only ones legally allowed to give to go ahead on exhuming the corpse and performing DNA testing, and the mother is dead. Plus aside from curiosity aspects, what point would it prove? Maybe some questions are better left buried. But interesting thought huh? I thought so, and thought I would share. I'm sure we have other Doors/Morrison fans on here.
<br />
<br /><img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">
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New member
BTW google is way too powerful and all knowing. We need to take it out now before it becomes self aware like Skynet!! As soon as I posted this, I googled up "Jim Morrison had cystic fibrosis?" and my thread on this site was #1 (scary)...look

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=jim+morrison+had+cystic+fibrosis%3F&btnG=Google+Search">http://www.google.com/search?h...%3F&btnG=Google+Search</a>


New member
BTW google is way too powerful and all knowing. We need to take it out now before it becomes self aware like Skynet!! As soon as I posted this, I googled up "Jim Morrison had cystic fibrosis?" and my thread on this site was #1 (scary)...look

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=jim+morrison+had+cystic+fibrosis%3F&btnG=Google+Search">http://www.google.com/search?h...%3F&btnG=Google+Search</a>


New member
BTW google is way too powerful and all knowing. We need to take it out now before it becomes self aware like Skynet!! As soon as I posted this, I googled up "Jim Morrison had cystic fibrosis?" and my thread on this site was #1 (scary)...look

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=jim+morrison+had+cystic+fibrosis%3F&btnG=Google+Search">http://www.google.com/search?h...%3F&btnG=Google+Search</a>


New member
BTW google is way too powerful and all knowing. We need to take it out now before it becomes self aware like Skynet!! As soon as I posted this, I googled up "Jim Morrison had cystic fibrosis?" and my thread on this site was #1 (scary)...look

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=jim+morrison+had+cystic+fibrosis%3F&btnG=Google+Search">http://www.google.com/search?h...%3F&btnG=Google+Search</a>


New member
BTW google is way too powerful and all knowing. We need to take it out now before it becomes self aware like Skynet!! As soon as I posted this, I googled up "Jim Morrison had cystic fibrosis?" and my thread on this site was #1 (scary)...look
<br />
<br />
<br /><a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=jim+morrison+had+cystic+fibrosis%3F&btnG=Google+Search">http://www.google.com/search?h...%3F&btnG=Google+Search</a>


New member
Im also a Doors fan, very interesting post! Sure sounds like symptoms of CF. Like you said Faust, considering the times he lived in and if it was mild case, he probably would not have been diagnosed unless he lived longer.


New member
Im also a Doors fan, very interesting post! Sure sounds like symptoms of CF. Like you said Faust, considering the times he lived in and if it was mild case, he probably would not have been diagnosed unless he lived longer.


New member
Im also a Doors fan, very interesting post! Sure sounds like symptoms of CF. Like you said Faust, considering the times he lived in and if it was mild case, he probably would not have been diagnosed unless he lived longer.


New member
Im also a Doors fan, very interesting post! Sure sounds like symptoms of CF. Like you said Faust, considering the times he lived in and if it was mild case, he probably would not have been diagnosed unless he lived longer.


New member
Im also a Doors fan, very interesting post! Sure sounds like symptoms of CF. Like you said Faust, considering the times he lived in and if it was mild case, he probably would not have been diagnosed unless he lived longer.