Hi, I have two girls w/CF. My soon to be 20yr old was diagnosed one week before my youngest was born. To be honest, I didn't know anything about CF except what I read on those collection jars at the random restaurant check out counter. My husband knew more but not much more. My girls are three yrs apart. As others have said already... you just adjust your time and do what has to be done. We know no other way. I do remember the days when we didn't have to lug everything to do with treatments but we still lugged tons of kid stuff. My girls didn't have to do much until they were older. One treatment a day until they were about 12. We have never kept the girls from doing/trying whatever they wanted. Swim lessons, gymnastics, ballet, school field trips, sleepovers, multi-nite school trips, Girl Scouts, overnite camp, camping trips, cheerleading. I was fortunate that I could be a stay at home mom. I often wondered how a mom of a CF child could work. Not the how can you leave your child at home but more of how can you hold on to your job. One thing you have to remember is even though your two children both have CF, they will most likely have very different CF. Sometimes hard to understand but it's true.
Congratulations on your upcoming blessed event.
Congratulations on your upcoming blessed event.