New member
Thank you so much!
It's nice to hear that there are other families out there who had another child after having one with CF. I have been told by a few people that i am "crazy" and they cant understand why I would go through with the pregnancy. To me, the option was easy and I love this baby no less than if it was "normal and healthy"
I am sure that my girls, this one is a girl as well, will have the same competition with treatments as yours did and I am actually sort of looking forward to having another CFer. I mean sure, the hospital scares, doctor appts, and everything will be nerve-racking and very hard but having someone else for my girls to turn to (each other) and having someone understand them will be so good for them.
Neither my husband or I have CF and have no clue what they will have go through in life except what we can imagine. Before Alysa was dx at 18 months I had never even really heard of CF before.
Where do you get one of those vests from? They sound like such a great idea as trying to do her physio is practically impossible, I mean what 2 year old likes being held down and patted on for 20 mins 3times a day? LOL
It's nice to hear that there are other families out there who had another child after having one with CF. I have been told by a few people that i am "crazy" and they cant understand why I would go through with the pregnancy. To me, the option was easy and I love this baby no less than if it was "normal and healthy"
I am sure that my girls, this one is a girl as well, will have the same competition with treatments as yours did and I am actually sort of looking forward to having another CFer. I mean sure, the hospital scares, doctor appts, and everything will be nerve-racking and very hard but having someone else for my girls to turn to (each other) and having someone understand them will be so good for them.
Neither my husband or I have CF and have no clue what they will have go through in life except what we can imagine. Before Alysa was dx at 18 months I had never even really heard of CF before.
Where do you get one of those vests from? They sound like such a great idea as trying to do her physio is practically impossible, I mean what 2 year old likes being held down and patted on for 20 mins 3times a day? LOL