Adjusting to "The Vest"


New member
Adjusting to

Hi, we also had our daughter's vest on too tight. The Hillrom rep who trained us didn't inform us that we were supposed to have a fist-size space between the vest and her body. Also, the fabric on the vest rubs up against her neck, so we use turtle necks now. I must say, I felt HORRIBLE when I realized the vest was too tight. But things are fine now and she rarely fights it. She's two, so I try to give her some power before we start the treatment. I let her pick the video, turn on the dvd player, push the buttons on the machine and nebulizer. By giving her control of her treatment, she feels like it's hger choice and we're not forcing her to do it. But some days, no matter what, she just won't cooperate and we do what we can. Good luck. Elise


New member
Adjusting to

Hi, we also had our daughter's vest on too tight. The Hillrom rep who trained us didn't inform us that we were supposed to have a fist-size space between the vest and her body. Also, the fabric on the vest rubs up against her neck, so we use turtle necks now. I must say, I felt HORRIBLE when I realized the vest was too tight. But things are fine now and she rarely fights it. She's two, so I try to give her some power before we start the treatment. I let her pick the video, turn on the dvd player, push the buttons on the machine and nebulizer. By giving her control of her treatment, she feels like it's hger choice and we're not forcing her to do it. But some days, no matter what, she just won't cooperate and we do what we can. Good luck. Elise


New member
Adjusting to

Hi, we also had our daughter's vest on too tight. The Hillrom rep who trained us didn't inform us that we were supposed to have a fist-size space between the vest and her body. Also, the fabric on the vest rubs up against her neck, so we use turtle necks now. I must say, I felt HORRIBLE when I realized the vest was too tight. But things are fine now and she rarely fights it. She's two, so I try to give her some power before we start the treatment. I let her pick the video, turn on the dvd player, push the buttons on the machine and nebulizer. By giving her control of her treatment, she feels like it's hger choice and we're not forcing her to do it. But some days, no matter what, she just won't cooperate and we do what we can. Good luck. Elise


New member
Adjusting to

Hi, we also had our daughter's vest on too tight. The Hillrom rep who trained us didn't inform us that we were supposed to have a fist-size space between the vest and her body. Also, the fabric on the vest rubs up against her neck, so we use turtle necks now. I must say, I felt HORRIBLE when I realized the vest was too tight. But things are fine now and she rarely fights it. She's two, so I try to give her some power before we start the treatment. I let her pick the video, turn on the dvd player, push the buttons on the machine and nebulizer. By giving her control of her treatment, she feels like it's hger choice and we're not forcing her to do it. But some days, no matter what, she just won't cooperate and we do what we can. Good luck. Elise


New member
Adjusting to

Hi, we also had our daughter's vest on too tight. The Hillrom rep who trained us didn't inform us that we were supposed to have a fist-size space between the vest and her body. Also, the fabric on the vest rubs up against her neck, so we use turtle necks now. I must say, I felt HORRIBLE when I realized the vest was too tight. But things are fine now and she rarely fights it. She's two, so I try to give her some power before we start the treatment. I let her pick the video, turn on the dvd player, push the buttons on the machine and nebulizer. By giving her control of her treatment, she feels like it's hger choice and we're not forcing her to do it. But some days, no matter what, she just won't cooperate and we do what we can. Good luck. Elise


New member
Adjusting to

Thank you all of for your ideas, input, and experiences. We've made a few changes that seem to be working better for Abby. We at least don't have screaming any longer. She's not really interested in the TV, but I did manage to find some Baby Einstein DVDs that she watches. Once watched, she wants nothing to do with them again. I'm going to try to recycle them once we watch 4 or 5 different ones.

I just can't thank you all enough for your sharing your thoughts. They have made a world of difference.



New member
Adjusting to

Thank you all of for your ideas, input, and experiences. We've made a few changes that seem to be working better for Abby. We at least don't have screaming any longer. She's not really interested in the TV, but I did manage to find some Baby Einstein DVDs that she watches. Once watched, she wants nothing to do with them again. I'm going to try to recycle them once we watch 4 or 5 different ones.

I just can't thank you all enough for your sharing your thoughts. They have made a world of difference.



New member
Adjusting to

Thank you all of for your ideas, input, and experiences. We've made a few changes that seem to be working better for Abby. We at least don't have screaming any longer. She's not really interested in the TV, but I did manage to find some Baby Einstein DVDs that she watches. Once watched, she wants nothing to do with them again. I'm going to try to recycle them once we watch 4 or 5 different ones.

I just can't thank you all enough for your sharing your thoughts. They have made a world of difference.



New member
Adjusting to

Thank you all of for your ideas, input, and experiences. We've made a few changes that seem to be working better for Abby. We at least don't have screaming any longer. She's not really interested in the TV, but I did manage to find some Baby Einstein DVDs that she watches. Once watched, she wants nothing to do with them again. I'm going to try to recycle them once we watch 4 or 5 different ones.

I just can't thank you all enough for your sharing your thoughts. They have made a world of difference.



New member
Adjusting to

Thank you all of for your ideas, input, and experiences. We've made a few changes that seem to be working better for Abby. We at least don't have screaming any longer. She's not really interested in the TV, but I did manage to find some Baby Einstein DVDs that she watches. Once watched, she wants nothing to do with them again. I'm going to try to recycle them once we watch 4 or 5 different ones.

I just can't thank you all enough for your sharing your thoughts. They have made a world of difference.
