
She needs time to adjust - alot new things. Take it step by step and "negioticiate" the things you will add new to her. One thing at a time - not all at once :D
Remember - everything is new to her - no friends around, new home - just for her, new language and so on...I remember when we moved to Canada - even the cars outside where different and i was interesed but also very cautios.
maybe she could have a pet?


we have been trying to take it slow. We hated to jump right in with her new meds, I wish I wouldve known they would change that drastically, but the doctor wanted us to start them now. She is adapting to her new meds, and she loves the CPT. We are allergic to animals. We think she has allergies too, but we are not sure to what yet. She seems to be doing better with the new medication already. She is a tough kid. She has been through a lot already. We hope she will make friends quickly. That seems to be more of a concern at the moment.
looks like my last post didn/t get posted :(
it's great to hear about the health issues - congartulations
I find Asia makes friends not so easily in her school - and she has no cutural differences like your daughter - there are really some that make a big difference at this age - I still remember and see them now - but kids are just kids...
However Asia makes friends extremely quickly - good friends while on dancing class - ballet - or in her muscial academy - WAM - she got in this saturday (one of 15 kids from a group of over 150 candidates - the older kids will perform on Broadway this automn I think - maybe you can get to watch them ) :D the same acadamey that she danced with in Hakuna Matata in Roma Thearter this July.
Maybe this could work for you also...or some kid from her own country that she can talk to in her own language and talk about the differences - there are's not bad or good... just different and this makes a big difference at the age of teens.


well we got the genetics in. She has double delta f508. Her lung function is about 78% and is gaining weight and doing well in school. She knows and understands very little about this disease. we have been trying to take it slow with information
I wonder - she was not told about cf at her orphanage? in Poland its called by latin name - mucoviscidosis
she is big - but do it before she reads too much in internet
I keep my fingers crossed for your whole family


The CF clinic has been very helpful. they have had a child life specialist and a dietician meet with her each visit. They have been slowly going over information with her. She is so overwhelmed though with all of the changes, who knows what she remembers. They have a translator go over that makes sure she understands what they are saying.