Albeuterol Dose Enough?


New member
The last week my airways have been tight so I have increased my albeuterol nebs from 2 to 3 times a day. I have found that the usual 1 unit dose doesnt quite seem to be enough to really open me up sufficiently. I know that we are not suppose to double & would imagine that I dont need THAT much extra. I was just wondering if anyone else notices during harder times that the normal dose is a bit shy of what gives them the full benefit?


New member
The last week my airways have been tight so I have increased my albeuterol nebs from 2 to 3 times a day. I have found that the usual 1 unit dose doesnt quite seem to be enough to really open me up sufficiently. I know that we are not suppose to double & would imagine that I dont need THAT much extra. I was just wondering if anyone else notices during harder times that the normal dose is a bit shy of what gives them the full benefit?


New member
The last week my airways have been tight so I have increased my albeuterol nebs from 2 to 3 times a day. I have found that the usual 1 unit dose doesnt quite seem to be enough to really open me up sufficiently. I know that we are not suppose to double & would imagine that I dont need THAT much extra. I was just wondering if anyone else notices during harder times that the normal dose is a bit shy of what gives them the full benefit?


New member
If we have fires in SoCal, I noticed that I need albuterol every 3 hours... literally.

I don't do more than my normal dose each time, but I do it more often if that makes sense.


New member
If we have fires in SoCal, I noticed that I need albuterol every 3 hours... literally.

I don't do more than my normal dose each time, but I do it more often if that makes sense.


New member
If we have fires in SoCal, I noticed that I need albuterol every 3 hours... literally.

I don't do more than my normal dose each time, but I do it more often if that makes sense.


New member
If there's an asthmatic component, they may let you do back to back. We can do up to 3 back to back nebs of albuterol .63 on our 8 yr old and then 1 neb every 4 hrs. With our 6 yr old we can only do 1 every 3 hrs... It wouldn't hurt to ask. Or, if you have an albuterol inhaler, maybe you could do a puff or two in between nebs?


New member
If there's an asthmatic component, they may let you do back to back. We can do up to 3 back to back nebs of albuterol .63 on our 8 yr old and then 1 neb every 4 hrs. With our 6 yr old we can only do 1 every 3 hrs... It wouldn't hurt to ask. Or, if you have an albuterol inhaler, maybe you could do a puff or two in between nebs?


New member
If there's an asthmatic component, they may let you do back to back. We can do up to 3 back to back nebs of albuterol .63 on our 8 yr old and then 1 neb every 4 hrs. With our 6 yr old we can only do 1 every 3 hrs... It wouldn't hurt to ask. Or, if you have an albuterol inhaler, maybe you could do a puff or two in between nebs?


New member
I have felt this way at times. I usually just use the albuterol every 3-4 hrs when I am having a hard time.

I will say though that I was talking to a respiratory therapist at the hospital one time and he said that in cases with severe respiratory distress he has had to give patients albuterol treatments every 20 minutes. I think he said that he would give 1 and wait 20 minutes then give another and it usually helped.

I am not recommending you do that - just wanted to say that cause it seemed to be something along the lines of what you were asking about.

I will also say that I have at times taken albuterol and not felt as good as I should - so I will do half of another ampule. When I am really tight that extra little bit often makes a world of difference.



New member
I have felt this way at times. I usually just use the albuterol every 3-4 hrs when I am having a hard time.

I will say though that I was talking to a respiratory therapist at the hospital one time and he said that in cases with severe respiratory distress he has had to give patients albuterol treatments every 20 minutes. I think he said that he would give 1 and wait 20 minutes then give another and it usually helped.

I am not recommending you do that - just wanted to say that cause it seemed to be something along the lines of what you were asking about.

I will also say that I have at times taken albuterol and not felt as good as I should - so I will do half of another ampule. When I am really tight that extra little bit often makes a world of difference.



New member
I have felt this way at times. I usually just use the albuterol every 3-4 hrs when I am having a hard time.

I will say though that I was talking to a respiratory therapist at the hospital one time and he said that in cases with severe respiratory distress he has had to give patients albuterol treatments every 20 minutes. I think he said that he would give 1 and wait 20 minutes then give another and it usually helped.

I am not recommending you do that - just wanted to say that cause it seemed to be something along the lines of what you were asking about.

I will also say that I have at times taken albuterol and not felt as good as I should - so I will do half of another ampule. When I am really tight that extra little bit often makes a world of difference.



New member
I actually just felt this way the other day and like Lindsey did once I put half of another ampule in and did it, felt much better!


New member
I actually just felt this way the other day and like Lindsey did once I put half of another ampule in and did it, felt much better!


New member
I actually just felt this way the other day and like Lindsey did once I put half of another ampule in and did it, felt much better!


Staff member
Is this just plain albuterol with saline? Would atrovent in combination help? DS is on albuterol and atrovent, nebulized together. Think the commercial name is duoneb (premixed).


Staff member
Is this just plain albuterol with saline? Would atrovent in combination help? DS is on albuterol and atrovent, nebulized together. Think the commercial name is duoneb (premixed).


Staff member
Is this just plain albuterol with saline? Would atrovent in combination help? DS is on albuterol and atrovent, nebulized together. Think the commercial name is duoneb (premixed).


New member
I did a bit more in one dose & it made a world of difference. I will ask my doctor about the albueterol/atrovent at my appointment. I did stop pulmicort because the doctor didnt think it was good to continue using pulmicort & advair. Just trying to figure it all out so when I talk with her I know whats up. Thanks for your input everyone!


New member
I did a bit more in one dose & it made a world of difference. I will ask my doctor about the albueterol/atrovent at my appointment. I did stop pulmicort because the doctor didnt think it was good to continue using pulmicort & advair. Just trying to figure it all out so when I talk with her I know whats up. Thanks for your input everyone!