Allan died this morning.



I knew when I first came to North Carolina with Allan that I was moving either to help him get the transplant he so desperately needed and deserved, or to hold his hand while he died. This morning at around 9:30 I clasped his hand in mine as his heartbeat slowed and finally didn't register at all. All the color drained away from him in an instant, and the man I loved was gone moments before that EKG showed that final flat line. It's so hard to know now that all of our dreams of a long life together no longer have a chance at coming true. He'd often say that he was looking forward to being a crochety old man, sitting with me on a porch swing and chasing kids off our lawn. Allan wanted to chase me through a field of wildflowers someday, and I wanted him to out-run me.

It was sepsis that killed him. That damned bacteria that had plagued his lungs since early childhood infected his bloodstream. He had fought so many battles, but this war could not be won. Allan put up the bravest fight, though. He always did.

I loved him so strongly, so passionately. We shared a desperate kind of love, trying to live a lifetime together in the span of just a few months. Even if we had both lived to be 100, it would not have been enough time. I'd never tire of his company, of seeing his smile or laugh. We never fought, not even once. It's truly incredible that we got along so well. Sure, we had mock fights over things like whether or not poodles are real dogs, but never anything serious. I can't remember a single time when I was truly angry with him, nor him with me. Being with Allan was almost enough to make me believe in soul mates. If ever any two people were meant to be together, honestly, it was us.

Life feels empty. There's this void that a hug from Allan could fill in an instant, but I'll never get another hug from him. Since shortly after we met, Allan had been the focus of my life. He was my purpose. I'm so lost. I'm extremely thankful that I got to spend the time with him that I did. Every moment was worthwhile, and I wouldn't trade knowing and loving him for anything. Right now I feel strongly about only two things: Allan, and how much I hate this damned disease. I have so many good memories. There are bad memories, too. Seeing the person you care most about suffer... I'll try to focus on the positive, though. He'd want me to forget the sickness and pain he endured, and remember him for the loving, brilliant, and all-around amazing guy that he was.

I'd like to tell you all about the day before he went into the hospital for the last time. It was a wonderful. The weather could not have been more perfect. Allan was feeling comparatively good that day, and we went to the State Fair. We walked around for hours, and went on a few rides, got extremely nauseated from them--it was great. I was aware at the time how special it was, how precious those moments spent with him were. I couldn't have known, though, that it would be the last good day. I'm so glad we had that day.

My love is gone, but it is no small comfort seeing the response to this thread and others like it all over the Internet, and knowing how many lives he has touched. I miss him terribly. I'll always miss him. A lot of you lost a good friend today, and I know he'll be irreplaceable to you, too. Please, share your memories of him. I don't want to forget anything.


New member
Jessica - I, like so many others dreaded the news and almost didn't check this site today because I was afraid of what I would see. I read your post much earlier today and didn't know what to say so I didn't reply. I still don't have the words to make you feel better...I never will. All I can say is that he knows how much you love him and where ever he is, he feels it! I am so amazed at the love that you two shared. It is awesome! Your days ahead will definitely be hard, but you should be so proud of yourself for the love you shared with him, knowing that YOU helped him hang on as long as he is proof in what he wrote about you. Hang in there....there are many people thinking about you and his family <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

Lots of love,

KK<img src="i/expressions/angel_ani.gif" border="0">


New member
I haven't yet responded here because I didn't know what to say. Still don't. But after that last comment, I HAVE to say *something* ...anything. Just now when I read that post is not the first time I've cried today for Allan, for you, for his family, for his friends. It was good to read such a nice memory though. Anything you post like that in the future I will read in a heartbeat. I can't imagine how lost and alone you must feel right now. I'm really pissed he never got to be old and chase kids off your lawn together. I would've liked to hear stories like that. Hah. But since we don't have that story, please share ANY others you have. I'd love to read them.


New member

(((hugs))) You have been in my thoughts all day.

You both shared a very special love. A love that so many people never experience.

What a wonderful last memory you have.



New member
I am so sorry to hear the news. I hadn't been on in a couple of days for fear of what I might find, but someone posted the news on Myspace. I am in shock. Allen's views and thoughts were always something I looked forward to reading. Words don't exist to express how sorry I am to hear the news.


New member
Dear Jessica...As I have been thinking of a way to bring some kind of comfort to you...I sat down and began to pour out my thoughts...about Allan...about you...

I don't pretend to be a writer...or a poet...but my heart is so full...that I wanted to share this with you...

There was a man...
so brave...

He touched so many lives...
he gave...

Of himself...
so full and free...

So passionate...
he cared to see...

People learn and people be...
all they could...that they could see...

Hope and change and
standing tall...

He was the bravest man of all.

I also wrote a love poem for Allansgirl...

A moment in time...
a boy and girl...

Hand in hand...
you faced the world...

A love so pure...
two hearts as one...

To short a time...
to reach the sun...

Forever changed...
forever blessed...

Because he gave...
his very best.

With much love...Chloe


New member
You mom was there when my grandmother passed, and she said that it was the most heartbreaking yet honorable thing she's ever done. To be there personally in the last moments of a person's life must be one of the most...I don't even know how to say this...'humbling' I guess is the right word...experiences ever. You're very luck to have been with him in the end, Jess. Most people don't get the chance to say goodbye like that. Especially with a love as deep as yours...

Thank you for sharing that memory. There hasn't been a moment today that I haven't thought about you and Allan. I'll be joining in the online memorial tomorrow. It's the least I can do to pay tribute to Allan.

I'll continue to think of you and Allan's family. Sending my love and my sympathy.


New member
Jessica , I'm very sorry to hear of your loss , I loved Allans posts and always read them enthusiastically so sorry to hear of his passing from Roo in ireland I loved him. Its so sad I hoped for the best.


New member
Jess, I can only imagine the pain you are going through right now. I wish I could tell you that losing someone so loved gets easier over time but it doesn't. It changes but I don't think it ever gets easier. There will always be days you long for his touch, his laugh, his wisdom, etc... Some days the memories will be of comfort and other days the memories will only renew your grief. One thing is for sure though, your love for Allan and his love for you is more powerful than death. I truley believe that love is the one thing transcends death. I hope you find comfort in you love for Allan and his love for you.

Again, I am so sorry for you loss.


New member
I got a knot in my stomach as I was driving home from work tonight.. I said a prayer to God asking him that when I got home to please not let there be a post like this one.... I am so freaken mad.. for Allan and for you Jess and the life they wanted to have... I think it is so unfair and unjust and makes me want to scream.....

As I read though the posts though, in some ways Allan was so blessed to have such a loving, caring, girlfriend and I am so grateful that he got to experience true love....

Jess, I am so sorry for your loss of all that Allan was to you....He will not be soon forgotten. Please stay here and post and be a part of our board, I have had many conversations with allan before and I know that you single handedly brought more joy into his life then anyone of anything....

Please keep us posted,

In sympathy and Prayers



New member
I am so heartbroken to hear about Allan. I was hoping, like everyone else, to not see a post like this. Even though I haven't been with the form that long, I always enjoyed reading Allan's post.

Jessica and Allan's family, you're in mine and my family's thoughts and prayers during this sad time. We are so sorry for your loss.


New member
I am so sorry on your loss.So very sad and so yong.

aneta<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0">


New member
I am so, so sorry to hear of the loss of your dear Allen. Know that he is now with all other CF angels and no longer struggling for every breath and breathing with ease once again. I also lost my dear son this year from exactly the same problem that Allen had, the only difference being that he received his transplant only to have cepacia enter his bloodstream. My heart goes out to you and to all who have lost loved ones to this horrible disease.



New member
im so so sorry. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0"> he fought so hard. i dont know what else to say, im lost for words <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0"> *sad and angry*


New member
Dear Jess,

You and Allan have both shown incredible courage in facing a treacherous future with openness and grace. Please know how much we all admire you. Even with the enormity of the grief, you have enriched our lives. We will not forget. Thank you.

Dear Jess,

I again just want to say I am so sad for your loss. I am sad for the loss that we all feel. I honestly used to look on the forum just to see if Allan had remarked on anything. Everything he said was worth reading. Although, I didn't always agree with everything I absolutely respected everything. He was and is an amazing person and the love that you share is something that will last through eternity. It is something that so many search their whole lives and only few find. That indeed is something to always hold dear to you. Like Emily65Roses said we would love to hear any more storied that you have to share. Please know that our thoughts and prayers go out to you.




I am sorry for your loss. I always hate to see one of us go. just curious, did allan have a favorite group or a song?



New member
Dear Jess

In May of this year..I lost my boyfriend/soulmate of 6 months..Matt McMahon..He had received his transplant,but that dreaded evil Cepacia took his life away after 2 weeks.There is nothing I can say at this time to make you feel better,I can only say wrap yourself in his love.Know that if he had a choice,he would choose being with you.Your strength to love someone with CF,makes you an angel...and you will be together again soon.Your love story inspired me...You are in my thoughts and prayers...
Please email me if you need anything..or a shoulder to cry on