I recently became familiar with all the research that has been done with regards to eating right and my family has now embarked on a Weston A. Price style diet. I purchased the book "Nourishing Traditions" by Sally Fallon and we are slowly making the switch. It has been HARD with the kids, especially my 6yo. He doesn't understand why we don't want him to eat certain foods anymore when literally a month ago it wasn't a problem. And neither one is too adventurous with food so it is hard to get them to try new things. But I know it will get better with time. My son decided to try zucchini for the first time tonight - I was impressed!<br><br>I am offering organic pastured raw milk to my family and am considering getting a dairy goat with a few others (our own private goat share) which will be boarded and milked on someones property and then eventually moved to my friend's property. I wish I could afford grass fed meat but I can't right now (maybe in another 18 months when we are set to get out of debt). I do have my own chickens that free range on my property so eggs are covered. I shop weekly at the local farmers markets and grow a lot of my own veggies. I even planted a fall / winter garden for the first time this year. I always have a summer garden but I have never done winter before. <br><br>I'm pretty good at making chicken stock and am slowly collecting beef
bones to make beef stock (I should just ask some local butchers but keep forgetting). I have to say that stew made with home made
chicken stock is pretty awesome! I'm a bit hesitant on some new dishes though because they seem so complicated. I really just need to shadow someone proficient for a while to get comfortable. <br><br>Any tricks I should know about? I'm pancreatic sufficient so it makes eating fat a little easier but that is offset by not having a gallbladder. <br><br>Lastly, the reason I started researching nutrition is because my son has HORRIBLE teeth. He is only 6 yet he has already had work done under general anesthesia and they have fixed every tooth he has. My daughter's teeth aren't as bad but she too has some decay. And this is with a great dentist who is pretty relaxed when it comes to baby teeth. Once I realized that what he was eating is what is affecting his teeth (and stopped burying my head in the sand blaming it on bad genes or whatever) I realized we HAD to do something. And I'm counting on some serious (hopefully) health benefits for me as well. So here I am. <br><br>What diets to do you follow and why?<br>
bones to make beef stock (I should just ask some local butchers but keep forgetting). I have to say that stew made with home made
chicken stock is pretty awesome! I'm a bit hesitant on some new dishes though because they seem so complicated. I really just need to shadow someone proficient for a while to get comfortable. <br><br>Any tricks I should know about? I'm pancreatic sufficient so it makes eating fat a little easier but that is offset by not having a gallbladder. <br><br>Lastly, the reason I started researching nutrition is because my son has HORRIBLE teeth. He is only 6 yet he has already had work done under general anesthesia and they have fixed every tooth he has. My daughter's teeth aren't as bad but she too has some decay. And this is with a great dentist who is pretty relaxed when it comes to baby teeth. Once I realized that what he was eating is what is affecting his teeth (and stopped burying my head in the sand blaming it on bad genes or whatever) I realized we HAD to do something. And I'm counting on some serious (hopefully) health benefits for me as well. So here I am. <br><br>What diets to do you follow and why?<br>