Alternative lifestyles and diets



Rob - Funny that you wrote that post days before I started this thread. I hardly make it over to the nutrition section so I never saw it. I agree totally with what you said - especially about "gain weight or gain health". I do not have a weight issue so gaining weight is not a priority for me (rather I'd like to stay exactly where I am at) but I see so many people choosing junk just to gain some lbs but with no knowledge (or care it seems) as to what it will do to their total health.
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<br /> reading your post was the very first time I ever envied someone with a g-tube. I have aversions to eggs, milk and organ meats and OMG I would LOVE to make a nasty smoothie and then just be able to pour it directly into my stomach bypassing my mental gag. I tried a small spoonfull of coconut oil the other day (I was being VERY brave) and found it to be slightly tolerable. I think if I try it more and more I will be able to handle larger spoonfulls eventually. I want so badly to have good nutrition but it is hard being a mom and the cook for my family of 4 who all have different wants and tastes. I am SO thankful that my husband is totally on board and is trying his hardest too. I just want to fastforward to a year later and see where we are at.
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<br />For the parents out there - how do you deal with others feeding your children? Both sets of grandparents live in town (I am 100% grateful that they do!) and they see the kids quite often. I am working on my mom and she is getting better though definitely not perfect. I need my husband to speak to my inlaws though. One of my nephews (3yo) is VERY picky and currently subsists on a diet of: white rice, plain white noodles, chocolate milk, fruit and artificially flavored strawberry yogurt. I think the only good part of his diet is the butter he loves on the rice and noodles and maybe the fruit to some extent. My mother in law always has noodles or rice available to the kids to placate my nephew and so of course my 2 want the noodles. It makes me want to pull my hair out because I'm working so hard here at home but if they're eating that a few times a week (mostly my son as they pick him up from school 4 days a week and keep him for about an hour - my nephews are there at the same time) then where is my effort going?


Jamie - I can see why it would be hard for you to get (or consume) raw milk. If you are curious look it up sometime (not on a govt funded site though!). We happen to have a great raw dairy nearby (organic pastures) and they sell at a saturday farmers market as well as a local natural food store.


Jamie - I can see why it would be hard for you to get (or consume) raw milk. If you are curious look it up sometime (not on a govt funded site though!). We happen to have a great raw dairy nearby (organic pastures) and they sell at a saturday farmers market as well as a local natural food store.


Jamie - I can see why it would be hard for you to get (or consume) raw milk. If you are curious look it up sometime (not on a govt funded site though!). We happen to have a great raw dairy nearby (organic pastures) and they sell at a saturday farmers market as well as a local natural food store.


New member
We can achieve anything with good health, for that we need to follows the some rules and regulations in diets and life styles. Healthy people are having more immunity power, so then can face any type of diseases, it is possible with good diet only.


Actually, all diets are the same. Just get the basic idea on how to get healthy. Eat the right kinds of food, control the consumption of unhealthy foods. Do exercise. And lastly, stay on track, do not stop!


New member
Maintaining the proper diet is most essential things for everyone, now a days all people are wants to eat the tasty food in restaurants, but it is not good for health. We need to control and change our eating habits, then only we can live more days without any problems. Eating vegetables, raw food, sea food, milk and fruits etc.. are very good for health.