Am I a freak?


New member
Welcome to the site! No you're not a freak. With CF, every case is different. It's wonderful that you are doing very well. This site is great because everyone has a different story but there is still a common ground...CF. So please stick around. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Welcome to the site! No you're not a freak. With CF, every case is different. It's wonderful that you are doing very well. This site is great because everyone has a different story but there is still a common ground...CF. So please stick around. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Nope, not a freak -- check out my blog page (1st entry) for info about my kids "mild" cases too.

Glad you found the site -- stick around, even if we don't think you are a freak :)


New member
Nope, not a freak -- check out my blog page (1st entry) for info about my kids "mild" cases too.

Glad you found the site -- stick around, even if we don't think you are a freak :)


New member
Nope, not a freak -- check out my blog page (1st entry) for info about my kids "mild" cases too.

Glad you found the site -- stick around, even if we don't think you are a freak :)


New member
Sorry, can't call yourself a freak--one, because there's only one fr3ak here, and two, no one else can call themselves a freak here. You'll just have to settle on being a part of the crowd here. We are a fine blend, and an origional mix. Find a spot and settle in!


New member
Sorry, can't call yourself a freak--one, because there's only one fr3ak here, and two, no one else can call themselves a freak here. You'll just have to settle on being a part of the crowd here. We are a fine blend, and an origional mix. Find a spot and settle in!


New member
Sorry, can't call yourself a freak--one, because there's only one fr3ak here, and two, no one else can call themselves a freak here. You'll just have to settle on being a part of the crowd here. We are a fine blend, and an origional mix. Find a spot and settle in!


I had been living in Japan for nearly 14 years without CF support (Doctors, meds, CF Centers, etc.), and was beginning to think I was a freak, till I saw there are other mild cases, or "late-comers" who were diagnosed in their later years. I was diagnosed at about 7 years of age.
I'm not a fat-boy, but if I stuffed myself enough, I'm sure I could be one! I haven't been in the hospital for over 21 years, and hope that number keeps going!
Most my problems are gastrointestinal, and I found activity in the martial arts a major benefit.


I had been living in Japan for nearly 14 years without CF support (Doctors, meds, CF Centers, etc.), and was beginning to think I was a freak, till I saw there are other mild cases, or "late-comers" who were diagnosed in their later years. I was diagnosed at about 7 years of age.
I'm not a fat-boy, but if I stuffed myself enough, I'm sure I could be one! I haven't been in the hospital for over 21 years, and hope that number keeps going!
Most my problems are gastrointestinal, and I found activity in the martial arts a major benefit.


I had been living in Japan for nearly 14 years without CF support (Doctors, meds, CF Centers, etc.), and was beginning to think I was a freak, till I saw there are other mild cases, or "late-comers" who were diagnosed in their later years. I was diagnosed at about 7 years of age.
I'm not a fat-boy, but if I stuffed myself enough, I'm sure I could be one! I haven't been in the hospital for over 21 years, and hope that number keeps going!
Most my problems are gastrointestinal, and I found activity in the martial arts a major benefit.