Am I the only one?


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Am I the only one that have blamed God for having CF? For along time I did and hated to got to church with my family because of it. I have got over blaming God. I just wanted to know if I was the only one.

Sarah 23/24 in12 days


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i think everybody, somewhere down the line goes through this at some point in their life

<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif" border="0">


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There are times when my daughter is hospitalized and I take my Bible to read while staying there and unfortunatly i do not even open it. It is so sad to feel this way, because i know that God loves me and my daughter. I have blamed God and this is horrible because he is the only one who we can really and truly depend on. I thank the Lord for his gracious mercy that always gets us through this

Kaitsmom<img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


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I just blame my genes, curse the slow progress in finding a cure, and hope that one day a cure will be found before my lungs go down the toilet.


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I blame my EVIL EVIL parents for giving me their genes!!! Mwahahahaa! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">


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I dont blame God at all, I think there's a reason for everything God does. He gave us CF for a reason. I think, for me, in a way, he made me a stronger, and more positive person because of it. That may not have made scence but thats my opinion.


New member
Yes, I've blamed God. I think everyone does that some point, blame anything from theirselves to parents to God. I know he wouldn't put something on me that I couldn't handle and God must have some reason to give CF to me.

I've also thanked God for CF. An example of that is : If I did not have CF I wouldn't have been put into the hospital 5 years ago when I first met my boyfriend (he was a nurses aid there who took care of me), two weeks after being discharged, he asked me out (we had exchanged numbers the last night I was there), we started dating, been together ever since and getting married in October. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> Sounds weird, but I don't think if I didn't have CF I would have ever met him. Specially at a point in both of our lives when we really need someone.


New member
I don't think I have really blamed God, I get upset about it but never really thought well he did this to me on purpose. I do hate however, when people tell me well God has a plan and he gave you CF for a reason. I just can't stand that and I let people have it when they say that to me. I say well maybe you would like to take over for me, how about you deal with this plan. That usually shuts em up! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0">


What god?? Anyone who does this to people - Kills them to test them? There doesn't seem to be any god in this world - take a look at Iraq... the only god seems to be the American government - they act like they are anyway...


New member
I never blamed God. Being quite naiive when I was little I used to think that God gave me Cystif Fibrosis because everything else in my life was perfect, and that Gad gave me cf to equalise things. Funny to think of it like that now, but it worked. I have met so many wonderful people through having CF, and i really like who I am, and I wouldnt be who I am if I didnt have CF. I have often thanked God for giving me CF. Its just how you look at things. Everyone likes to blame someone else for their mistakes these days, no one takles responsibility anymore.


New member
I would like to take the opportunity to thank God as well.

Thank you God for making it painful to breath. Thank you God for the IV treatments that did not work and all the other antibiotics that did not work. Thank you God for my resistance to Cipro, Levaquin, TOBI, Ceftzadine, etc. Thank you God for the lost job opportunities due to my absence from work as a result of being sick. Thank you God for the coughing fits that derive from any physical activity. Thank you God for my weak body that no longer heals quickly and is always sick.

Just wanted to take the time to give a big shout out to God. Thanks for all the fun. I'll be seeing you soon you rascal SOB you!

Sean 27/m w/CF


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I've blamed God - not anymore though. Maybe things happen for a reason. CF has shaped who I am today, despite many trials and tribulations. I think most of us could say the same thing. But sure, I've blamed God. If not, who is there to blame other than your parents? I think I would rather be mad at God than hold an eternal grudge at my parents for giving me the crappy genes, if that makes any sense.


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I know I am probably going to get jumped on for this, but what of a god does this??.....I just went to a wake yesterday for the family of a man we know who is the father of two boys with CF who just lost his wife (after 10 months) to cancer. I have been told my entire life "God will never give you more than you can handle". I never want to hear that again! I can't believe there is a god that would let life be that cruel!!


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And just to back up my mother, because I don't wish for her to get pounced on... She grew up in my Grandma's house. Grandma was extremely Catholic, and every child in that house was raised that way. She was originally a more religious person, and has since formed her own opinions on it. But yeah, that's all.


New member
Im sorry if this sounds at all insensitive but I dont see the point of blaming someone for misfortune. It is no ones fault. When you blame someone, even God, all you essentially are doing is learning to hate... and what good is that in the world. Call me an eternal optimist but having CF has made me the person I am today, and I am really happy and proud to be 'me'. I have made the most of the hand I have been dealt, and I will continue to. Life is an opportunity, not a misfortune. Having CF does not make you completely incapable of living... but blaming someone does. It teaches you to fear and to hate... and inevitably this will lead to a slow and painful death (not in body, but in mind). I see two options here: live your life as best you can. Inspire people with every word you write and teach others to be more honest, open and patient people. You can lead others with your courage and create a network of wonderful supportive friends and family. Or you can blame God for being born with CF or you can blame your parents for both being the 'one in 25 people' with bad genes. Then you can live in the misery of your inadequacy to cope with the challenges of life, even though there are people in far worse conditions with smiles on their faces. Please, can we all just appreciate the gift of life and stop pointing the finger for our problems.

Love to you all

Rob 24 wcf


New member
What you state is a good point. But at the same time, not everyone is like you. We dont know the severity of your condition. Some people are tired of being in pain everyday while watching healthier people frolick like there is no tomorrow. I have lost job after job due to the fact my health could not sustain the stamina of them, or employers getting tired of my 2-4 week admissions 3 times a year. Am i to blame for this? I would think not. Are the employers to blame? of course not they are doing their jobs. Some people blame god cause there is no materialistic form to point a finger at, and the finger should not be pointed at them. I am not upset that I have cf. I have become such a social , personable person through all the experiences i ve had. I got to go to camp, make many friends, learn life experiences early. But there are days when I wake up and ache and cant breathe, or have my fiancee of 8 years walk out on me one day cause I cant have kids and may die early. The human emotion anger comes into play and just have really bad days. Its great rob you have achieved some form of spiritual oneness with yourself, as I do believe I have, but again.....pointing fingers just helps take some of the pain away everynow and then.

Chad 28 m w/cf