
New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Seana30</b></i>

Personally I think you are just trying to start trouble again!

Thanks for making all of the relatives of CFers feel real welcome here ender!

Seana</end quote></div>

Whatever lady.

It was a legitamate question. And i wouldn't want to make the adult section cf only, but to have another adult cf forum created. I know most people will still use the general adult section, myself included, but it would be nice as well to have a place reserved for those that share the disease, to be able to express themselves without having people that don't have the illness criticising them.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>beyerdug</b></i>

. I think if you start to say only cfers can participate you will soon say only cfers who meet a certain criteria can participate and you will begin to narrow your group to only those who share your thoughts and feelings. .</end quote></div>

That's kinda ridiculous, cause no one shares my thoughts least i hope not <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0">


New member
I have to say at least... that I don't think he was looking to start trouble. While I don't care enough to want a forum like that for myself, I think it was a legitimate question.


New member
While I do understand where you're coming from Ender, and I think that your question is legit, I find in my experience, that majority of the people who post in the adult section are people with CF. I'm not saying that ALL of the people posting in this section have CF, but a large percentage of them do. You could always start a private topic and invite only CFer's to the discussion, or like someone mentioned, find out who would be up for such a forum and try to start one. If anything, maybe it'll give you something to do when you're bored or something.


New member
I think it's a great idea. This area would stay exactly the same as it is now, essentially an open traffic area to everyone which is by far the busiest part of the board. The new area could be an area inhabited by CF patients, to communicate with CF patients, devoid of girlfriends of CF's, moms/dad's of CF's, and countless others extended members of the CF community. This regular adult forum is a great, valuable, highly informative section, and we are all thankful for that. But I think some would enjoy having a place all to our own, where we can just communicate with ourselves and leave our underwear on the floor. That doesn't mean many wouldn't still frequent here, it just means we would have a true place to call our own when we want to only be around our own kind.


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to ender , have you been criticised on this forum by people who don't have cf?<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif" border="0">


New member
I gave the link to the UK site as it clearly states in it that the adult section is for ''adults with CF''.

This forum does not anywhere state that it is for adults with CF.

Personally , I think the balance is just right here. I, as someone without CF, leave some posts alone, I self regulate myself so to speak.
Ender is correct in that respect.


New member
But nevertheless, the adult cf section on the UK board are not exclusively used by adults with cf...hence it will be of no use to Ender.

Someone else has suggested that maybe he should set up his own forum...that sounds like a great idea to me...


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Ender</b></i>

I was wondering if you guys could create a forum for cf people that we can talk and converse, without the fear of being questioned or judged by others without the disease.

There should be a forum just for us.

Was just thinking of a place where ONLY CF patients, *particularly* adults could hang out and feel a little more close knit</end quote></div>

Hi Ender,

Personally it doesn't really matter one way or the other to me. If you want that, I say go for it and create one like someone mentioned. I think getting people to stray from this site might be a little tough since there is a huge population here of pwcf. I would go though to support you and weigh in, so to speak. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

I feel like when I post cf stuff, questions and issues here I usually get plenty of pwcf answering that it suits my needs, as well as general support.

I think if one of us with CF is judged or critizised, it's going to be based on whatever we say, and from whoever is or no cf, it's a human thing.

One thought though, you could post questions or discussions as a Private Topic and only send to a bunch of cfers. That way no one else can read or comment. Maybe the Admin could set up a CF-only user button that you could select for that one message to go to, quick and easy.

Good luck.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>anonymous</b></i> (06/03/2006 04:43 AM)

Sorry, but the UK cftrust forums Adult section is inhabited by non-cfers too. Oh, and probably more importantly, its mostly used by cfers from the UK, who to a certain extent have different treatment regimes...</end quote></div>

As far as the UK having different treatment regimes, wouldn't regimes differ from US to Canada, State to State, Province to province, CFer to CFer, ?? for that matter. I mean My brother and I are Both CFers and our routines differ even between us !!! Still if you have CF or are around those with it you have some idea of what they go through well at least if your not ignorant to it or in denyal....... Any how I think we have a lot to learn from each and every person who visits this site, as do we have lots to learn from nearly every person on the planet if we open up our hearts and minds to at least attempt to see the other side of a situation....

Ender I see your point however as many people have already said, others would still be able to access it having cf or not ......


New member
I have to say I think that is a strange request. Sometimes a parent of an older child might have just the solution your looking for. Nobody should ever limit themselves from information, just because someone does not actually have the disease doesn't mean they don't have a possible solution for an issue or problem your having.
It would be just as strange for the people on here that have children or spouces with CF to say, "hey lets start a forum ONLY for parents or spouces and not include people who actually have the disease". Just imagine how much information we could be missing out on.
I do not have CF, I have two children that have it, a 12 year old and an 9 month old. I have found that when I come to this site and ask a question about this disease and treatments I get some really great responses from both people that have CF as well as people with children/spouces with CF. I am so grateful you are all here and don't want to lose ANY ONE OF YOU, in fact most the time I get better answers about stuff here then I do at the CF clinic, go figure.
But, honestly it's your opinion and I respect that. I think you would have to find a different site though, cause this one is WAAAAAYYYYYY to opinionated, and somebody would always be tempted to respond about an issue if they did have knowledge or just opinions.
But, please guys, don't leave me, I need ya'll :)


New member
I understand the desire/need to have a CF only section. I personally would not stop coming or posting to the other areas tho. I am pretty sure that many of us would do the same which means that your goal that you are seeking might be limited. I am not sure about this. I just know that I divide my time between the different sections & the blogs so this would just be another area to visit. I have no desire to go just there. I feel I learn from & offer to all areas!


New member
I can seee where Kiel is coming from...Like when someone gets pissy because noone wished them a happy mothers day....comeone give us a break... And honestly, I dont mind that people get upset by diffrent things,it happends, everyone has bad days, ....But I'm sorry if someone doesn't feel like we have rolled out the welcome wagon for them...Maybe they can just leave a wide birth, and enjoy those who do make them feel welcome


New member

I am real curious who you are. That is a couple "digs" you have made about me. I wish if you had a problem with me you would either talk to me directly or PM me or something.

I am not sure what I have done to you personally, but if you need to vent about me you are more than welcome to PM me.

ALTHOUGH the whole "mothers day episode" is the perfect example of what I am talking about. For those of you that do not know, I left CF2chat quite a few years ago because I got my feeling hurt. I always felt like such an outsider on that site because I was the relative of a CFer and not the person with CF. Everyone always told each other Happy Birthday, Merry Christams, etc. Not one person there said Happy Mother's Day to the many mothers on that site that work very hard at raising CF children.

Was I justified in getting upset??.......who knows! I felt like a total outsider and that is not what I wanted in a support group.



New member
I know most people will still use the general adult section, myself included, but it would be nice as well to have a place reserved for those that share the disease, to be able to express themselves without having people that don't have the illness criticising them.

But you would be leaving many of us out from some of the most valuable information we come here for. I guess I don't read enough topics, but I usually see fellow CFers criticising fellow CFers, and it seems to most often be based around their lifestyle choices or severity of the disease, rather than non-CFers criticising CFers. If the real personal, deep down feelings were kept secret from us non-CFers, I just wouldn't have any reason to even come to this board anymore. Information is useful but I only read these boards anonymously to gather real CFers opinions so I don't have to harass my partner about it and make her think about her lifespan too much. I don't critisize anyone and pretty much never post, but I'd like to be able to read the uncensored opinions and feelings of CFers. I think if someone is worried about criticism then perhaps any forum that has people you don't know on it isn't the best place for them.


New member
Okay I have tried to evaluate how I feel about this before responding and I think this is what I have decided.<br><br>The man has a point. However, some of my favorite people here do not have CF either so I'm a little torn. I think I would visit both places. Ender certainly didn't ask to change THIS forum, which I greatly enjoy and appreciate all the varied experiences and dynamics here, he just threw out the idea of a place where just CF patients could post. Not such a bad idea really. And hey if parents of CFers want their own too, I can understand that as well, and spouses etc. However since we are so limited due to contagious bugs etc. it might be valuable to have a place just for us. So Ender if you start a private topic or forum or whatever, let me know, i'll check it out.


New member
Ender, yes let me know when you've created the new forum - it would be nice to see if this place will get better, once all the cfers who disrespect spouses and parents of cfers have b*ggered off. I suspect this place will be much friendlier...


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>anonymous</b></i>

Ender, yes let me know when you've created the new forum - it would be nice to see if this place will get better, once all the cfers who disrespect spouses and parents of cfers have b*ggered off. I suspect this place will be much friendlier...</end quote></div>

That's a bit harsh obviously you're no help in making this place friendlier...Keep in mind this site wouldn't be a site without CFers so maybe you should "B*gger" off