Luke is on a huge spagettio kick right now, too! I have been trying to think of something to add to it to bulk up protein. I already add a little olive oil for more fat/calories. He used to love cottage cheese, but now he won't touch it. He is hit or miss on eggs, but I keep offering them. The shredded chicken on crackers is a good idea. He likes crackers with cream cheese so maybe I can sneak a little more protein in on him there. And he will eat yogurt, so I will look for the Greek yogurt and see if he will eat that. We have not done the carnation instant breakfast, but I think I am going to try that. I think the pediasure smells bad, too. He drank it when he first switched from formula to that, but now he hates it. I was always checking labels for calories and fat and now I need to start watching for the protein amounts, too. I'll need a full day just to grocery shop!