Another Sweat Test


New member
Well, we go for another sweat test tomorrow. Cate's first test was 41. Her mutation panel (for 97 mutations) was negative. For those of you who haven't read my other post, here is a brief summary of Cate's symptoms: poor weight gain (at 5%-7% for age), 10 respiratory infections in one year (she's only 12 months old and doesn't attend daycare), one hospitalization for respiratory distress/infection, constipation with an occasional large foul-smelling stool, rectal prolapse, and positive newborn screen with IRT of 96.5. We're going to see a pulmonologist on Tuesday. He's supposed to be very good and has a lot of experience with CF kids. His nurse said he wasn't convinced Cate had CF. He also isn't convinced she doesn't have it. While I hope she doesn't have CF, it sure seems to me like she does. Anyway, I'll post when we get her results and when we talk to the pulmonologist. Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers. As you all know, this is very stressful and has me freaking out!
Mom to Cate 04-10-07


New member
Well, we go for another sweat test tomorrow. Cate's first test was 41. Her mutation panel (for 97 mutations) was negative. For those of you who haven't read my other post, here is a brief summary of Cate's symptoms: poor weight gain (at 5%-7% for age), 10 respiratory infections in one year (she's only 12 months old and doesn't attend daycare), one hospitalization for respiratory distress/infection, constipation with an occasional large foul-smelling stool, rectal prolapse, and positive newborn screen with IRT of 96.5. We're going to see a pulmonologist on Tuesday. He's supposed to be very good and has a lot of experience with CF kids. His nurse said he wasn't convinced Cate had CF. He also isn't convinced she doesn't have it. While I hope she doesn't have CF, it sure seems to me like she does. Anyway, I'll post when we get her results and when we talk to the pulmonologist. Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers. As you all know, this is very stressful and has me freaking out!
Mom to Cate 04-10-07


New member
Well, we go for another sweat test tomorrow. Cate's first test was 41. Her mutation panel (for 97 mutations) was negative. For those of you who haven't read my other post, here is a brief summary of Cate's symptoms: poor weight gain (at 5%-7% for age), 10 respiratory infections in one year (she's only 12 months old and doesn't attend daycare), one hospitalization for respiratory distress/infection, constipation with an occasional large foul-smelling stool, rectal prolapse, and positive newborn screen with IRT of 96.5. We're going to see a pulmonologist on Tuesday. He's supposed to be very good and has a lot of experience with CF kids. His nurse said he wasn't convinced Cate had CF. He also isn't convinced she doesn't have it. While I hope she doesn't have CF, it sure seems to me like she does. Anyway, I'll post when we get her results and when we talk to the pulmonologist. Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers. As you all know, this is very stressful and has me freaking out!
Mom to Cate 04-10-07


New member
Well, we go for another sweat test tomorrow. Cate's first test was 41. Her mutation panel (for 97 mutations) was negative. For those of you who haven't read my other post, here is a brief summary of Cate's symptoms: poor weight gain (at 5%-7% for age), 10 respiratory infections in one year (she's only 12 months old and doesn't attend daycare), one hospitalization for respiratory distress/infection, constipation with an occasional large foul-smelling stool, rectal prolapse, and positive newborn screen with IRT of 96.5. We're going to see a pulmonologist on Tuesday. He's supposed to be very good and has a lot of experience with CF kids. His nurse said he wasn't convinced Cate had CF. He also isn't convinced she doesn't have it. While I hope she doesn't have CF, it sure seems to me like she does. Anyway, I'll post when we get her results and when we talk to the pulmonologist. Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers. As you all know, this is very stressful and has me freaking out!
Mom to Cate 04-10-07


New member
Well, we go for another sweat test tomorrow. Cate's first test was 41. Her mutation panel (for 97 mutations) was negative. For those of you who haven't read my other post, here is a brief summary of Cate's symptoms: poor weight gain (at 5%-7% for age), 10 respiratory infections in one year (she's only 12 months old and doesn't attend daycare), one hospitalization for respiratory distress/infection, constipation with an occasional large foul-smelling stool, rectal prolapse, and positive newborn screen with IRT of 96.5. We're going to see a pulmonologist on Tuesday. He's supposed to be very good and has a lot of experience with CF kids. His nurse said he wasn't convinced Cate had CF. He also isn't convinced she doesn't have it. While I hope she doesn't have CF, it sure seems to me like she does. Anyway, I'll post when we get her results and when we talk to the pulmonologist. Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers. As you all know, this is very stressful and has me freaking out!
<br />Barbara
<br />Mom to Cate 04-10-07


New member
My daughter's sweat test is 38, my son's is 41. Your daughter is showing some pretty classic CF symptoms -- sounds like you are dealing with a good doctor tho. Will they be running full genetic testing next? The really should be.


New member
My daughter's sweat test is 38, my son's is 41. Your daughter is showing some pretty classic CF symptoms -- sounds like you are dealing with a good doctor tho. Will they be running full genetic testing next? The really should be.


New member
My daughter's sweat test is 38, my son's is 41. Your daughter is showing some pretty classic CF symptoms -- sounds like you are dealing with a good doctor tho. Will they be running full genetic testing next? The really should be.


New member
My daughter's sweat test is 38, my son's is 41. Your daughter is showing some pretty classic CF symptoms -- sounds like you are dealing with a good doctor tho. Will they be running full genetic testing next? The really should be.


New member
My daughter's sweat test is 38, my son's is 41. Your daughter is showing some pretty classic CF symptoms -- sounds like you are dealing with a good doctor tho. Will they be running full genetic testing next? The really should be.


Good luck Barbara! If I remember correctly you said in your other post that you are a doctor yourself, is that right? I think you know that these are symptoms that are very consistent with a CF child. I hope you get answers and can get excellent care for Cate. Hang in there, I really do remember how incredibly hard the diagnosis process is!! ((HUGS)))


Good luck Barbara! If I remember correctly you said in your other post that you are a doctor yourself, is that right? I think you know that these are symptoms that are very consistent with a CF child. I hope you get answers and can get excellent care for Cate. Hang in there, I really do remember how incredibly hard the diagnosis process is!! ((HUGS)))


Good luck Barbara! If I remember correctly you said in your other post that you are a doctor yourself, is that right? I think you know that these are symptoms that are very consistent with a CF child. I hope you get answers and can get excellent care for Cate. Hang in there, I really do remember how incredibly hard the diagnosis process is!! ((HUGS)))


Good luck Barbara! If I remember correctly you said in your other post that you are a doctor yourself, is that right? I think you know that these are symptoms that are very consistent with a CF child. I hope you get answers and can get excellent care for Cate. Hang in there, I really do remember how incredibly hard the diagnosis process is!! ((HUGS)))


Good luck Barbara! If I remember correctly you said in your other post that you are a doctor yourself, is that right? I think you know that these are symptoms that are very consistent with a CF child. I hope you get answers and can get excellent care for Cate. Hang in there, I really do remember how incredibly hard the diagnosis process is!! ((HUGS)))


New member
Yes, I am a doctor. I've finally decided that I am going to only be mom to Cate and not doctor. It's a hard thing to do, but I know it will be better for her. I hope the doctor is going to do the ambry amplified test. I'm going to ask him to. I'm hoping to hear back about the sweat test soon. Thanks for your support!
Mom to Cate 04-10-07 (possible CF) and Will 08-30-04 (PDD and epilepsy)


New member
Yes, I am a doctor. I've finally decided that I am going to only be mom to Cate and not doctor. It's a hard thing to do, but I know it will be better for her. I hope the doctor is going to do the ambry amplified test. I'm going to ask him to. I'm hoping to hear back about the sweat test soon. Thanks for your support!
Mom to Cate 04-10-07 (possible CF) and Will 08-30-04 (PDD and epilepsy)


New member
Yes, I am a doctor. I've finally decided that I am going to only be mom to Cate and not doctor. It's a hard thing to do, but I know it will be better for her. I hope the doctor is going to do the ambry amplified test. I'm going to ask him to. I'm hoping to hear back about the sweat test soon. Thanks for your support!
Mom to Cate 04-10-07 (possible CF) and Will 08-30-04 (PDD and epilepsy)


New member
Yes, I am a doctor. I've finally decided that I am going to only be mom to Cate and not doctor. It's a hard thing to do, but I know it will be better for her. I hope the doctor is going to do the ambry amplified test. I'm going to ask him to. I'm hoping to hear back about the sweat test soon. Thanks for your support!
Mom to Cate 04-10-07 (possible CF) and Will 08-30-04 (PDD and epilepsy)


New member
Yes, I am a doctor. I've finally decided that I am going to only be mom to Cate and not doctor. It's a hard thing to do, but I know it will be better for her. I hope the doctor is going to do the ambry amplified test. I'm going to ask him to. I'm hoping to hear back about the sweat test soon. Thanks for your support!
<br />Barbara
<br />Mom to Cate 04-10-07 (possible CF) and Will 08-30-04 (PDD and epilepsy)