


For me every time I was put on Prednisone I had panic attacks to the point that I told the Doctors I cant take the side affects. The experience was horrible and so they know I am not going for prednisone.


New member
I was never on it, and only found out about it after I had done steroids. It is an injection that you do 3 times a month if I remember right and best of all there's not the side effects of steroids.


New member
I was never on it, and only found out about it after I had done steroids. It is an injection that you do 3 times a month if I remember right and best of all there's not the side effects of steroids.


New member
I was never on it, and only found out about it after I had done steroids. It is an injection that you do 3 times a month if I remember right and best of all there's not the side effects of steroids.


New member
mood and mental problems are very common on prednisone. I get anxious and moody/agitated. I saw a therapist who taught me how to do deep relaxation/meditation and this helped a lot. I also went on zoloft and ativan, but after a few months I went off those because the deep relaxation, especially when I could feel the anxiety coming on, helped. Maybe see a therapist or a meditation guru? It's amazing how quickly it can work.


New member
mood and mental problems are very common on prednisone. I get anxious and moody/agitated. I saw a therapist who taught me how to do deep relaxation/meditation and this helped a lot. I also went on zoloft and ativan, but after a few months I went off those because the deep relaxation, especially when I could feel the anxiety coming on, helped. Maybe see a therapist or a meditation guru? It's amazing how quickly it can work.


New member
mood and mental problems are very common on prednisone. I get anxious and moody/agitated. I saw a therapist who taught me how to do deep relaxation/meditation and this helped a lot. I also went on zoloft and ativan, but after a few months I went off those because the deep relaxation, especially when I could feel the anxiety coming on, helped. Maybe see a therapist or a meditation guru? It's amazing how quickly it can work.


New member
I would be curious to see if you were able to lower your dose below 20mg/day, if the symptoms would subside. But I do my prednisone along the same lines as you, I try to taper down to 5mg/day from the 10mg that keeps me pretty good... unless I feel something coming on, and then I bump it back up! So, I totally get it if you must be on 20!!


New member
I would be curious to see if you were able to lower your dose below 20mg/day, if the symptoms would subside. But I do my prednisone along the same lines as you, I try to taper down to 5mg/day from the 10mg that keeps me pretty good... unless I feel something coming on, and then I bump it back up! So, I totally get it if you must be on 20!!


New member
I would be curious to see if you were able to lower your dose below 20mg/day, if the symptoms would subside. But I do my prednisone along the same lines as you, I try to taper down to 5mg/day from the 10mg that keeps me pretty good... unless I feel something coming on, and then I bump it back up! So, I totally get it if you must be on 20!!


New member
It's Xolair and it is an injection usually given monthly sometimes twice a month based on weight or IgE level control not sure. It bascically shuts down the bodies ability to raise it's IgE level. Believe it or not I actually got insurance to cover it for cf with no ABPA diagnosis. I have very slightly increased IgE (89) I was hoping it would help inflammation. I think for those that have an asthma component they see a big benefit. My health has not changed much and my cf doc is not in love with me being on it since it does have a possiblity (under further investigation) for causing malignancy. Obivously thats not a good thing to raise in cfers who may need a transplant one day and did you know you must be cancer free for 5 yrs in order to be listed. One of the many interesting facts I've learned through this site.


New member
It's Xolair and it is an injection usually given monthly sometimes twice a month based on weight or IgE level control not sure. It bascically shuts down the bodies ability to raise it's IgE level. Believe it or not I actually got insurance to cover it for cf with no ABPA diagnosis. I have very slightly increased IgE (89) I was hoping it would help inflammation. I think for those that have an asthma component they see a big benefit. My health has not changed much and my cf doc is not in love with me being on it since it does have a possiblity (under further investigation) for causing malignancy. Obivously thats not a good thing to raise in cfers who may need a transplant one day and did you know you must be cancer free for 5 yrs in order to be listed. One of the many interesting facts I've learned through this site.


New member
It's Xolair and it is an injection usually given monthly sometimes twice a month based on weight or IgE level control not sure. It bascically shuts down the bodies ability to raise it's IgE level. Believe it or not I actually got insurance to cover it for cf with no ABPA diagnosis. I have very slightly increased IgE (89) I was hoping it would help inflammation. I think for those that have an asthma component they see a big benefit. My health has not changed much and my cf doc is not in love with me being on it since it does have a possiblity (under further investigation) for causing malignancy. Obivously thats not a good thing to raise in cfers who may need a transplant one day and did you know you must be cancer free for 5 yrs in order to be listed. One of the many interesting facts I've learned through this site.


New member
Hey all,

I really appreciate all the feedback. I am definitely going to have a conversation with my Doc about Xolair. I've been on pred for 3 years and tried just about everything to get off it. This is definitely worth a shot. I've also made an appointment with a psychiatrist to talk about the anxiety issues. I will keep you all posted.

Thanks for the advice.


New member
Hey all,

I really appreciate all the feedback. I am definitely going to have a conversation with my Doc about Xolair. I've been on pred for 3 years and tried just about everything to get off it. This is definitely worth a shot. I've also made an appointment with a psychiatrist to talk about the anxiety issues. I will keep you all posted.

Thanks for the advice.


New member
Hey all,
<br />
<br />I really appreciate all the feedback. I am definitely going to have a conversation with my Doc about Xolair. I've been on pred for 3 years and tried just about everything to get off it. This is definitely worth a shot. I've also made an appointment with a psychiatrist to talk about the anxiety issues. I will keep you all posted.
<br />
<br />Thanks for the advice.


I've had the anxiety issues for a few yrs now. Did the Zoloft, for a short time any the Ativan also short term neither one of those really made a difference. Also talked with a therapist several different ones over the yrs. not one of them really knew alot about CF. So that was hard and I felt I was wasting my time. But I gave it a shot I now use Klonpin occassionally its helps with the anxiety/panic attacks. My issues were also stress, menopause being of this fine old age. I was very moody/and always get hyper on IV meds. Felt so depressed not a good thing, I hate the racing feeling it brings on. I think you got some good advice here, thats why I love this site, so many wonderful people taking good care of them selves and always full of suggestions. Pat-56/CF


I've had the anxiety issues for a few yrs now. Did the Zoloft, for a short time any the Ativan also short term neither one of those really made a difference. Also talked with a therapist several different ones over the yrs. not one of them really knew alot about CF. So that was hard and I felt I was wasting my time. But I gave it a shot I now use Klonpin occassionally its helps with the anxiety/panic attacks. My issues were also stress, menopause being of this fine old age. I was very moody/and always get hyper on IV meds. Felt so depressed not a good thing, I hate the racing feeling it brings on. I think you got some good advice here, thats why I love this site, so many wonderful people taking good care of them selves and always full of suggestions. Pat-56/CF


I've had the anxiety issues for a few yrs now. Did the Zoloft, for a short time any the Ativan also short term neither one of those really made a difference. Also talked with a therapist several different ones over the yrs. not one of them really knew alot about CF. So that was hard and I felt I was wasting my time. But I gave it a shot I now use Klonpin occassionally its helps with the anxiety/panic attacks. My issues were also stress, menopause being of this fine old age. I was very moody/and always get hyper on IV meds. Felt so depressed not a good thing, I hate the racing feeling it brings on. I think you got some good advice here, thats why I love this site, so many wonderful people taking good care of them selves and always full of suggestions. Pat-56/CF


New member
I have had terrible anxiety problems to the point where I would hesitate to leave the house. That didn't sit well with me. So I sought pychiactric help in addition to a med. The issues mostly sorounded diabetes problems. I have never taken steriods. I think anxiety just goes with CF sometimes. It is the bodies fight or flight response on overdrive for one reason or another. Be sure not to settle for living with it. You can seek help and it can get better. My anxiety or panic attacks are minimal at home . In the hospital they are more frequent. MMM I wonder why?

The panic got to a point where it really interfered with the quality of my life and those who loved me. I have worked really hard on mind over matter but have needed medicine to help as well.
The more our doctors know about CF the more help we can get with this issue.
Good luck.
JenWren CF, diabetes, 51yrs.