I never covered up with Logan. My SIL on the other hand always covers up even when its just us family around. Either way all I care about is that a baby is getting breastmilk though in my perfect world nobody would feel the need to cover up since nursing would be the standard default decision. I don't find it odd that she had the statute at all. I've heard so many stories of women being told to cover up or stop (not locally though) that I am considering keeping a copy of CA's law when my next baby arrives. That lady is a member of LLL so she probably did it as a self protective measure hoping to never need to use it.
Anyway I've been following her story and think it sucks and will probably never go to Applebees again due to the way the parent company has handled the situation (who in their right mind would ever want to use some nasty applebees blanket to cover up). Not to mention all their food is previously prepared off site, frozen and then trucked into the restaurant.