Hi there, I know this is a bit of an obvious thread, but I wonder if anyone can offer any help. I've grown achromobacter in my lungs for several years now, but had a really stable lung funtion of 35-40% FEV1 for over 10 years (I'm 33). My probem is that my cough is just so productive. I do at least 3 hours of physio a day (in 3 sessions) - and could easily produce enough for a 4th session each day. Other friends with CF don't seem to produce nearly as much 'gunk' as me and I wonder if there's anything 'alternative' anyone has ever found to help? I've tried cutting out things like dairy and bananas from my diet, as I was advised by a nuttitionist that these are mucus forming. At first I noticed a difference, then, just went back to normal (so probably a placebo-effect). Has anyone found any foods make things better/worse, or found anything helps from Chinese medicine?
Any suggestions would be greatfully received.
Thanks, Bridge
Any suggestions would be greatfully received.
Thanks, Bridge