Anybody try a dairy-free, gluten-free, sugar free diet?


New member
My wholistic doctor recently recommended a dairy-free, gluten-free, sugar free diet as a way of improving my overall health and reducing GI issues. Has anybody tried it? If so, what are your thoughts about it? It sounds good on paper, but looks like it maybe hard to stick with it.


New member
My wholistic doctor recently recommended a dairy-free, gluten-free, sugar free diet as a way of improving my overall health and reducing GI issues. Has anybody tried it? If so, what are your thoughts about it? It sounds good on paper, but looks like it maybe hard to stick with it.


New member
YES. It did wonders for me.
-eliminated the CFRD
-although I'm PI, no more enzymes
-greatly reduced tummy pain and bloating
-better weight control (duh!)
-less overall infections and inflammation
-not to get gross, but much more normal poo

It is hard to stick with, but my body adapted pretty quickly and I felt so much better and slept better. If you can give it a try, its probably worth it! (as long as your weight/BMI is good)


New member
YES. It did wonders for me.
-eliminated the CFRD
-although I'm PI, no more enzymes
-greatly reduced tummy pain and bloating
-better weight control (duh!)
-less overall infections and inflammation
-not to get gross, but much more normal poo

It is hard to stick with, but my body adapted pretty quickly and I felt so much better and slept better. If you can give it a try, its probably worth it! (as long as your weight/BMI is good)


New member
Thanks for the info. I am a "chubby CFer" and would love to shed a few pounds. It looks like its really hard to stick with, but the science of it makes so much sense. Do you have any websites or books that you recommend for the diet?


New member
Thanks for the info. I am a "chubby CFer" and would love to shed a few pounds. It looks like its really hard to stick with, but the science of it makes so much sense. Do you have any websites or books that you recommend for the diet?


New member
It worked great for me too. i did not eliminate these item completely, however. I chose to use the 'moderation' method! Haa! For me, I had significantly less bloating and mucous production. Absolutely incredible. I like the Tinkyada brand brown rice pasta btw. I eat a lot of rice and veggies and stuff too. Good luck with this.


New member
It worked great for me too. i did not eliminate these item completely, however. I chose to use the 'moderation' method! Haa! For me, I had significantly less bloating and mucous production. Absolutely incredible. I like the Tinkyada brand brown rice pasta btw. I eat a lot of rice and veggies and stuff too. Good luck with this.


New member
My boys are fully gluten free, only have raw or fermented dairy and we TRY to limit sugar. My suggestion would be to eliminate things slowly. If you go cold turkey, it will be really hard to commit to eliminating all those things.
Both boys' stomach issues improved greatly and their immune systems seemed a little stronger. We were able to eliminate Pseudomonas A after improving their diet also.



New member
My boys are fully gluten free, only have raw or fermented dairy and we TRY to limit sugar. My suggestion would be to eliminate things slowly. If you go cold turkey, it will be really hard to commit to eliminating all those things.
Both boys' stomach issues improved greatly and their immune systems seemed a little stronger. We were able to eliminate Pseudomonas A after improving their diet also.



New member
I don't eat grains and try hard to limit sugars / sweeteners (i.e. not fruit) as hard as possible, but I do occasionally have grass-fed dairy. If you're looking for a good reference, try Mark's Daily Apple, a health/nutrition/food blog from the author of The Primal Blueprint. All the daily entries are really interesting and informative, and it's great having a community of people with the same life and health philosophies and behavior. It may be hard at first, but after a while it gets so much easier and just makes sense.


New member
I don't eat grains and try hard to limit sugars / sweeteners (i.e. not fruit) as hard as possible, but I do occasionally have grass-fed dairy. If you're looking for a good reference, try Mark's Daily Apple, a health/nutrition/food blog from the author of The Primal Blueprint. All the daily entries are really interesting and informative, and it's great having a community of people with the same life and health philosophies and behavior. It may be hard at first, but after a while it gets so much easier and just makes sense.


You might eliminate one at a time, so that you are better able to determine which elimination makes a difference in your health. If I were to do it, I'd first eliminate the one I think is least likely to make a difference, and do the most likely one last, so I have the best chance of noticing a difference. (For me, this would be dairy, since I noticeably wheeze if I eat ice cream).
Personally, I'm a big fan of the moderation thing, like Kristen, reducing rather than eliminating.


You might eliminate one at a time, so that you are better able to determine which elimination makes a difference in your health. If I were to do it, I'd first eliminate the one I think is least likely to make a difference, and do the most likely one last, so I have the best chance of noticing a difference. (For me, this would be dairy, since I noticeably wheeze if I eat ice cream).
Personally, I'm a big fan of the moderation thing, like Kristen, reducing rather than eliminating.


I have started eating Paleo and it has made a huge difference. I have severe reflux and eliminating dairy has helped so much. No more bloating. I have eliminated dairy 100% and grains about 80% ( I will occasionally eat a sandwich on a bun) I have had trouble giving up sugar but have reduced my intake drastically.
I should mention that I do not have digestive problems and have always carried extra weight so I also wanted to lose weight.
I just had a check up and after 9 months of changing my diet and working out 5 days a week my PFT's are up 18%, my weight is down and my bone density tests have improved. I can't say enough good things about Paleo and working out. Don't get frustrated and don't try to go 100% right away. I try to stick to it all week and allow myself some cheats on the weekend. Do whatever works for you. Some people find that dairy is not a problem for them and they are able to add it back in.
You might find this website helpful as well.


I have started eating Paleo and it has made a huge difference. I have severe reflux and eliminating dairy has helped so much. No more bloating. I have eliminated dairy 100% and grains about 80% ( I will occasionally eat a sandwich on a bun) I have had trouble giving up sugar but have reduced my intake drastically.
I should mention that I do not have digestive problems and have always carried extra weight so I also wanted to lose weight.
I just had a check up and after 9 months of changing my diet and working out 5 days a week my PFT's are up 18%, my weight is down and my bone density tests have improved. I can't say enough good things about Paleo and working out. Don't get frustrated and don't try to go 100% right away. I try to stick to it all week and allow myself some cheats on the weekend. Do whatever works for you. Some people find that dairy is not a problem for them and they are able to add it back in.
You might find this website helpful as well.


New member
Deb, I had the same results too. I eat scads of veggies, some fruit, and a lot of super lean meats like chicken, fish, turkey, and venison. No dairy (I drink a lot of almond milk), almost no sugar, and only a very small amount of straight carbos (maybe a piece of low-cal toast, or a few bites of potato or a few pieces of maki sushi).

Reflux is better, bloating MUCH better, weight down (yes!), no more blood sugar issues, and PFT's up @20%. To top it all off, after ELIMINATING dairy from my diet, my digestion is doing so much better that my Ca and Vit D levels, which were too low before, are now normal. Go figure, but in a weird way, it makes sense. I work out every day w/weights and cardio.


New member
Deb, I had the same results too. I eat scads of veggies, some fruit, and a lot of super lean meats like chicken, fish, turkey, and venison. No dairy (I drink a lot of almond milk), almost no sugar, and only a very small amount of straight carbos (maybe a piece of low-cal toast, or a few bites of potato or a few pieces of maki sushi).

Reflux is better, bloating MUCH better, weight down (yes!), no more blood sugar issues, and PFT's up @20%. To top it all off, after ELIMINATING dairy from my diet, my digestion is doing so much better that my Ca and Vit D levels, which were too low before, are now normal. Go figure, but in a weird way, it makes sense. I work out every day w/weights and cardio.


New member
I eat a gluten-free, dairy-free, and mostly refined sugar free diet. Giving up the dairy really helped me! My mucous production is way down. I also felt extra congestion after eating gluten, so I gave that up, too. Gluten clogs your lymphatic system, too! Sugar depresses the immune system as well for about an hour after you eat it. Give it a shot and let us know what results and changes you felt!

32 w/CF


New member
I eat a gluten-free, dairy-free, and mostly refined sugar free diet. Giving up the dairy really helped me! My mucous production is way down. I also felt extra congestion after eating gluten, so I gave that up, too. Gluten clogs your lymphatic system, too! Sugar depresses the immune system as well for about an hour after you eat it. Give it a shot and let us know what results and changes you felt!

32 w/CF