How funny you post this now! I started on it Wednesday this week and I'm feeling so much better!
It started with my interaction with an Italian CF-er, 30 years old, who reported that while following it strictly for one year (and making it alcalinizing - also no coffee, no wine, and a triple shot of wheatgrass juice a day) he was completely mucus-free, inflammation-free, not a single cold, and feeling great. He couldn't keep it up strictly due to social reasons (he got depressed of not being able to hang out with friends and eat with them) and when relaxing the grip the mucus is back, but he got rid of the CFRD and that is still gone.
So I bought Marion Kaplan's book on dieting without gluten and diaries, and have started by cutting off gluten (I must say I don't miss it much!) and reducing cheese to one serving a day (I had already cut off milk ages ago, and yogurt almost completely, but I do love cheese).
Two days later, digestion is much better and I have more energy. I was showing a lot of the symptoms in the list, for gluten intolerance.
So I'm very excited about this!
The book says just by cutting off gluten two weeks entirely you should be feeling a big difference.