Anyone around 15 want to be friends?


New member
Hi my name is Hannah and I don't have any friends around my age with CF
sometimes I just get tired of explaining to people why I take pills when I eat or why sometimes I can't stop caughing.

Just looking for a friend who understands.


New member
Hi my name is Hannah and I don't have any friends around my age with CF
sometimes I just get tired of explaining to people why I take pills when I eat or why sometimes I can't stop caughing.

Just looking for a friend who understands.


New member
Hi my name is Hannah and I don't have any friends around my age with CF
sometimes I just get tired of explaining to people why I take pills when I eat or why sometimes I can't stop caughing.

Just looking for a friend who understands.


New member
Hi my name is Hannah and I don't have any friends around my age with CF
sometimes I just get tired of explaining to people why I take pills when I eat or why sometimes I can't stop caughing.

Just looking for a friend who understands.


New member
Hi my name is Hannah and I don't have any friends around my age with CF
sometimes I just get tired of explaining to people why I take pills when I eat or why sometimes I can't stop caughing.

Just looking for a friend who understands.


New member
Hi my name is Hannah and I don't have any friends around my age with CF
sometimes I just get tired of explaining to people why I take pills when I eat or why sometimes I can't stop caughing.

Just looking for a friend who understands.