Anyone have experience with this????


New member
Logan had a chest X-ray in late April order by his primary doc. He had been having ear infections and some increased cough so she wanted to check his lungs. It showed some thickening but no pneumonia or anything. The results went to the CF doc too so he wanted a repeat in 2 months.

It was done last week, today I get a call from the CF nurse telling me that the Dr wants him seen next week (appt 7/9) at the CF Clinic that it looks like he was sick when the Xray was taken... I said what?<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif" border="0"> Logan hasnt been sick.. actually other than the recurrent ear infections(and we are seeing an ENT about this)<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> he has been great! Increased appetite, no real cough, happy, etc. That was also the last day of a 10 day Zithromax treatment.

Could he really be sick but not show signs? Is he maybe starting to get sick?

He is a typically happy boy even when he is in the hospital for IV anti's but I could tell he was sick then when that admit started...

<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif" border="0">

Thanks for you help


New member
Logan had a chest X-ray in late April order by his primary doc. He had been having ear infections and some increased cough so she wanted to check his lungs. It showed some thickening but no pneumonia or anything. The results went to the CF doc too so he wanted a repeat in 2 months.

It was done last week, today I get a call from the CF nurse telling me that the Dr wants him seen next week (appt 7/9) at the CF Clinic that it looks like he was sick when the Xray was taken... I said what?<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif" border="0"> Logan hasnt been sick.. actually other than the recurrent ear infections(and we are seeing an ENT about this)<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> he has been great! Increased appetite, no real cough, happy, etc. That was also the last day of a 10 day Zithromax treatment.

Could he really be sick but not show signs? Is he maybe starting to get sick?

He is a typically happy boy even when he is in the hospital for IV anti's but I could tell he was sick then when that admit started...

<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif" border="0">

Thanks for you help


New member
Logan had a chest X-ray in late April order by his primary doc. He had been having ear infections and some increased cough so she wanted to check his lungs. It showed some thickening but no pneumonia or anything. The results went to the CF doc too so he wanted a repeat in 2 months.

It was done last week, today I get a call from the CF nurse telling me that the Dr wants him seen next week (appt 7/9) at the CF Clinic that it looks like he was sick when the Xray was taken... I said what?<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif" border="0"> Logan hasnt been sick.. actually other than the recurrent ear infections(and we are seeing an ENT about this)<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> he has been great! Increased appetite, no real cough, happy, etc. That was also the last day of a 10 day Zithromax treatment.

Could he really be sick but not show signs? Is he maybe starting to get sick?

He is a typically happy boy even when he is in the hospital for IV anti's but I could tell he was sick then when that admit started...

<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif" border="0">

Thanks for you help


New member
Logan had a chest X-ray in late April order by his primary doc. He had been having ear infections and some increased cough so she wanted to check his lungs. It showed some thickening but no pneumonia or anything. The results went to the CF doc too so he wanted a repeat in 2 months.

It was done last week, today I get a call from the CF nurse telling me that the Dr wants him seen next week (appt 7/9) at the CF Clinic that it looks like he was sick when the Xray was taken... I said what?<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif" border="0"> Logan hasnt been sick.. actually other than the recurrent ear infections(and we are seeing an ENT about this)<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> he has been great! Increased appetite, no real cough, happy, etc. That was also the last day of a 10 day Zithromax treatment.

Could he really be sick but not show signs? Is he maybe starting to get sick?

He is a typically happy boy even when he is in the hospital for IV anti's but I could tell he was sick then when that admit started...

<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif" border="0">

Thanks for you help


New member
Logan had a chest X-ray in late April order by his primary doc. He had been having ear infections and some increased cough so she wanted to check his lungs. It showed some thickening but no pneumonia or anything. The results went to the CF doc too so he wanted a repeat in 2 months.
<br />
<br />It was done last week, today I get a call from the CF nurse telling me that the Dr wants him seen next week (appt 7/9) at the CF Clinic that it looks like he was sick when the Xray was taken... I said what?<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif" border="0"> Logan hasnt been sick.. actually other than the recurrent ear infections(and we are seeing an ENT about this)<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> he has been great! Increased appetite, no real cough, happy, etc. That was also the last day of a 10 day Zithromax treatment.
<br />
<br />Could he really be sick but not show signs? Is he maybe starting to get sick?
<br />
<br />He is a typically happy boy even when he is in the hospital for IV anti's but I could tell he was sick then when that admit started...
<br />
<br /><img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif" border="0">
<br />
<br />Thanks for you help
<br />Jenn
<br />
<br />


New member
Yep,it can happen. Anna had that problem when she was younger. Her PCM would hear nice clear lungs, no crakles, feeling fine, just a check up and a routine x-ray. At that time she was going in for clinic every four months or so. X-rays showed pneumonia. They listened again, had just about all the doc's & PA's in the clinic take a listen to see if anyone heard anything different. Not really any difference. This was an Air Force family practice clinic so we're talking 5 or 6 providers. They decided even if all sounded good, get an x-ray anyway. She's always been like that. As an infant during a well baby check her pediatrician once said, "I think I hear a wheeze" he listened again and heard nothing. Never heard anything to be suspicious about again. She wasn't diagnosed until age 3 and it wasn't respiratory that triggered the diagnosis.

What I am surprised about is your clinic waiting until next week. By sick what exactly do they mean? And do they mean he is no longer sick by his follow-up x-ray?

I hope all goes well with his clinic appt. next week.


New member
Yep,it can happen. Anna had that problem when she was younger. Her PCM would hear nice clear lungs, no crakles, feeling fine, just a check up and a routine x-ray. At that time she was going in for clinic every four months or so. X-rays showed pneumonia. They listened again, had just about all the doc's & PA's in the clinic take a listen to see if anyone heard anything different. Not really any difference. This was an Air Force family practice clinic so we're talking 5 or 6 providers. They decided even if all sounded good, get an x-ray anyway. She's always been like that. As an infant during a well baby check her pediatrician once said, "I think I hear a wheeze" he listened again and heard nothing. Never heard anything to be suspicious about again. She wasn't diagnosed until age 3 and it wasn't respiratory that triggered the diagnosis.

What I am surprised about is your clinic waiting until next week. By sick what exactly do they mean? And do they mean he is no longer sick by his follow-up x-ray?

I hope all goes well with his clinic appt. next week.


New member
Yep,it can happen. Anna had that problem when she was younger. Her PCM would hear nice clear lungs, no crakles, feeling fine, just a check up and a routine x-ray. At that time she was going in for clinic every four months or so. X-rays showed pneumonia. They listened again, had just about all the doc's & PA's in the clinic take a listen to see if anyone heard anything different. Not really any difference. This was an Air Force family practice clinic so we're talking 5 or 6 providers. They decided even if all sounded good, get an x-ray anyway. She's always been like that. As an infant during a well baby check her pediatrician once said, "I think I hear a wheeze" he listened again and heard nothing. Never heard anything to be suspicious about again. She wasn't diagnosed until age 3 and it wasn't respiratory that triggered the diagnosis.

What I am surprised about is your clinic waiting until next week. By sick what exactly do they mean? And do they mean he is no longer sick by his follow-up x-ray?

I hope all goes well with his clinic appt. next week.


New member
Yep,it can happen. Anna had that problem when she was younger. Her PCM would hear nice clear lungs, no crakles, feeling fine, just a check up and a routine x-ray. At that time she was going in for clinic every four months or so. X-rays showed pneumonia. They listened again, had just about all the doc's & PA's in the clinic take a listen to see if anyone heard anything different. Not really any difference. This was an Air Force family practice clinic so we're talking 5 or 6 providers. They decided even if all sounded good, get an x-ray anyway. She's always been like that. As an infant during a well baby check her pediatrician once said, "I think I hear a wheeze" he listened again and heard nothing. Never heard anything to be suspicious about again. She wasn't diagnosed until age 3 and it wasn't respiratory that triggered the diagnosis.

What I am surprised about is your clinic waiting until next week. By sick what exactly do they mean? And do they mean he is no longer sick by his follow-up x-ray?

I hope all goes well with his clinic appt. next week.


New member
Yep,it can happen. Anna had that problem when she was younger. Her PCM would hear nice clear lungs, no crakles, feeling fine, just a check up and a routine x-ray. At that time she was going in for clinic every four months or so. X-rays showed pneumonia. They listened again, had just about all the doc's & PA's in the clinic take a listen to see if anyone heard anything different. Not really any difference. This was an Air Force family practice clinic so we're talking 5 or 6 providers. They decided even if all sounded good, get an x-ray anyway. She's always been like that. As an infant during a well baby check her pediatrician once said, "I think I hear a wheeze" he listened again and heard nothing. Never heard anything to be suspicious about again. She wasn't diagnosed until age 3 and it wasn't respiratory that triggered the diagnosis.
<br />
<br />What I am surprised about is your clinic waiting until next week. By sick what exactly do they mean? And do they mean he is no longer sick by his follow-up x-ray?
<br />
<br />I hope all goes well with his clinic appt. next week.
<br />


New member
The CF doc thought the April X-ray was just inflamation because when he saw him a week later for his normal Clinic visit he looked and sounded excellent.

The nurse didnt tell me what they meant by looked sick on this follow up X-ray. Just that the doc wants him seen next week. I said so his x-ray isnt better than April and she said 'oh- No'. Maybe Thursday is the only open day? Not sure, it concerns me waiting that long too. Maybe cuz he just got of Zithromax it buys time?

I am relatively new year and a half to all of this and the other times he has looked and sounded sick so this one it throwing me way off


New member
The CF doc thought the April X-ray was just inflamation because when he saw him a week later for his normal Clinic visit he looked and sounded excellent.

The nurse didnt tell me what they meant by looked sick on this follow up X-ray. Just that the doc wants him seen next week. I said so his x-ray isnt better than April and she said 'oh- No'. Maybe Thursday is the only open day? Not sure, it concerns me waiting that long too. Maybe cuz he just got of Zithromax it buys time?

I am relatively new year and a half to all of this and the other times he has looked and sounded sick so this one it throwing me way off


New member
The CF doc thought the April X-ray was just inflamation because when he saw him a week later for his normal Clinic visit he looked and sounded excellent.

The nurse didnt tell me what they meant by looked sick on this follow up X-ray. Just that the doc wants him seen next week. I said so his x-ray isnt better than April and she said 'oh- No'. Maybe Thursday is the only open day? Not sure, it concerns me waiting that long too. Maybe cuz he just got of Zithromax it buys time?

I am relatively new year and a half to all of this and the other times he has looked and sounded sick so this one it throwing me way off


New member
The CF doc thought the April X-ray was just inflamation because when he saw him a week later for his normal Clinic visit he looked and sounded excellent.

The nurse didnt tell me what they meant by looked sick on this follow up X-ray. Just that the doc wants him seen next week. I said so his x-ray isnt better than April and she said 'oh- No'. Maybe Thursday is the only open day? Not sure, it concerns me waiting that long too. Maybe cuz he just got of Zithromax it buys time?

I am relatively new year and a half to all of this and the other times he has looked and sounded sick so this one it throwing me way off


New member
The CF doc thought the April X-ray was just inflamation because when he saw him a week later for his normal Clinic visit he looked and sounded excellent.
<br />
<br />The nurse didnt tell me what they meant by looked sick on this follow up X-ray. Just that the doc wants him seen next week. I said so his x-ray isnt better than April and she said 'oh- No'. Maybe Thursday is the only open day? Not sure, it concerns me waiting that long too. Maybe cuz he just got of Zithromax it buys time?
<br />
<br />I am relatively new year and a half to all of this and the other times he has looked and sounded sick so this one it throwing me way off


New member
The whole thing sounds a bit confusing, but basically IMHO YES you can be sick & not "know" it until its progressed.

Our bodies adapt. When I came down to get admitted Tuesday my 02 sat was 86, but I wasnt straining or anything so I was shocked.

This is why regular follow ups are so important. Hopefully you will get a more conclusive answer soon & its nothing to worry about NOW~


New member
The whole thing sounds a bit confusing, but basically IMHO YES you can be sick & not "know" it until its progressed.

Our bodies adapt. When I came down to get admitted Tuesday my 02 sat was 86, but I wasnt straining or anything so I was shocked.

This is why regular follow ups are so important. Hopefully you will get a more conclusive answer soon & its nothing to worry about NOW~


New member
The whole thing sounds a bit confusing, but basically IMHO YES you can be sick & not "know" it until its progressed.

Our bodies adapt. When I came down to get admitted Tuesday my 02 sat was 86, but I wasnt straining or anything so I was shocked.

This is why regular follow ups are so important. Hopefully you will get a more conclusive answer soon & its nothing to worry about NOW~


New member
The whole thing sounds a bit confusing, but basically IMHO YES you can be sick & not "know" it until its progressed.

Our bodies adapt. When I came down to get admitted Tuesday my 02 sat was 86, but I wasnt straining or anything so I was shocked.

This is why regular follow ups are so important. Hopefully you will get a more conclusive answer soon & its nothing to worry about NOW~


New member
The whole thing sounds a bit confusing, but basically IMHO YES you can be sick & not "know" it until its progressed.
<br />
<br />Our bodies adapt. When I came down to get admitted Tuesday my 02 sat was 86, but I wasnt straining or anything so I was shocked.
<br />
<br />This is why regular follow ups are so important. Hopefully you will get a more conclusive answer soon & its nothing to worry about NOW~