Anyone know?

After my lung transplant, i would cough up dried up blood mucus plugs. They were like little balls. icky.. Id refer to a plug as a clump or ball of mucus rather than streaks or stringy
After my lung transplant, i would cough up dried up blood mucus plugs. They were like little balls. icky.. Id refer to a plug as a clump or ball of mucus rather than streaks or stringy
After my lung transplant, i would cough up dried up blood mucus plugs. They were like little balls. icky.. Id refer to a plug as a clump or ball of mucus rather than streaks or stringy
After my lung transplant, i would cough up dried up blood mucus plugs. They were like little balls. icky.. Id refer to a plug as a clump or ball of mucus rather than streaks or stringy
After my lung transplant, i would cough up dried up blood mucus plugs. They were like little balls. icky.. Id refer to a plug as a clump or ball of mucus rather than streaks or stringy


New member
Yeah I think all the mucus we cough up are called plugs. Except for the little stringy light green stuff. Nasty chunks of mucus plugs. Haha Tumbleweed I show my family and boyfriend my muscus to haha. I've coughed up what my dr calls very old mucus. It's tiny little actual chucks, no liquid whatsoever, they look almost like a booger haha. I know it's groos but I kinda feel good when I cough them up because I know I'm bringing up old stuff which is good. Better to cough it up then have it in me.


New member
Yeah I think all the mucus we cough up are called plugs. Except for the little stringy light green stuff. Nasty chunks of mucus plugs. Haha Tumbleweed I show my family and boyfriend my muscus to haha. I've coughed up what my dr calls very old mucus. It's tiny little actual chucks, no liquid whatsoever, they look almost like a booger haha. I know it's groos but I kinda feel good when I cough them up because I know I'm bringing up old stuff which is good. Better to cough it up then have it in me.


New member
Yeah I think all the mucus we cough up are called plugs. Except for the little stringy light green stuff. Nasty chunks of mucus plugs. Haha Tumbleweed I show my family and boyfriend my muscus to haha. I've coughed up what my dr calls very old mucus. It's tiny little actual chucks, no liquid whatsoever, they look almost like a booger haha. I know it's groos but I kinda feel good when I cough them up because I know I'm bringing up old stuff which is good. Better to cough it up then have it in me.


New member
Yeah I think all the mucus we cough up are called plugs. Except for the little stringy light green stuff. Nasty chunks of mucus plugs. Haha Tumbleweed I show my family and boyfriend my muscus to haha. I've coughed up what my dr calls very old mucus. It's tiny little actual chucks, no liquid whatsoever, they look almost like a booger haha. I know it's groos but I kinda feel good when I cough them up because I know I'm bringing up old stuff which is good. Better to cough it up then have it in me.


New member
Yeah I think all the mucus we cough up are called plugs. Except for the little stringy light green stuff. Nasty chunks of mucus plugs. Haha Tumbleweed I show my family and boyfriend my muscus to haha. I've coughed up what my dr calls very old mucus. It's tiny little actual chucks, no liquid whatsoever, they look almost like a booger haha. I know it's groos but I kinda feel good when I cough them up because I know I'm bringing up old stuff which is good. Better to cough it up then have it in me.


New member
This post has interested me because for the first time my daughter has been insisting on spitting rather than her typical coughing and then- gross, I know- swallowing. She is recovering from an infection requiring Prednisone (in addition to increased doses of her Albuteral and Bactrim.) I wonder if the Prednisone has opened things up enough to let her cough out stuff that has been in there for a long time &/or she just couldn't get out before... she's been getting out these chunky, booger looking things that Alys1987 mentions (that she of course insists on showing me.)


New member
This post has interested me because for the first time my daughter has been insisting on spitting rather than her typical coughing and then- gross, I know- swallowing. She is recovering from an infection requiring Prednisone (in addition to increased doses of her Albuteral and Bactrim.) I wonder if the Prednisone has opened things up enough to let her cough out stuff that has been in there for a long time &/or she just couldn't get out before... she's been getting out these chunky, booger looking things that Alys1987 mentions (that she of course insists on showing me.)


New member
This post has interested me because for the first time my daughter has been insisting on spitting rather than her typical coughing and then- gross, I know- swallowing. She is recovering from an infection requiring Prednisone (in addition to increased doses of her Albuteral and Bactrim.) I wonder if the Prednisone has opened things up enough to let her cough out stuff that has been in there for a long time &/or she just couldn't get out before... she's been getting out these chunky, booger looking things that Alys1987 mentions (that she of course insists on showing me.)


New member
This post has interested me because for the first time my daughter has been insisting on spitting rather than her typical coughing and then- gross, I know- swallowing. She is recovering from an infection requiring Prednisone (in addition to increased doses of her Albuteral and Bactrim.) I wonder if the Prednisone has opened things up enough to let her cough out stuff that has been in there for a long time &/or she just couldn't get out before... she's been getting out these chunky, booger looking things that Alys1987 mentions (that she of course insists on showing me.)


New member
This post has interested me because for the first time my daughter has been insisting on spitting rather than her typical coughing and then- gross, I know- swallowing. She is recovering from an infection requiring Prednisone (in addition to increased doses of her Albuteral and Bactrim.) I wonder if the Prednisone has opened things up enough to let her cough out stuff that has been in there for a long time &/or she just couldn't get out before... she's been getting out these chunky, booger looking things that Alys1987 mentions (that she of course insists on showing me.)


New member
ha ha ha. yeah, it's like winning an award for all the hard work you have put into clearing your lungs or being on i.v.s for a very long time. i wonder how many other cfers show their families. ah ha ha


New member
ha ha ha. yeah, it's like winning an award for all the hard work you have put into clearing your lungs or being on i.v.s for a very long time. i wonder how many other cfers show their families. ah ha ha


New member
ha ha ha. yeah, it's like winning an award for all the hard work you have put into clearing your lungs or being on i.v.s for a very long time. i wonder how many other cfers show their families. ah ha ha


New member
ha ha ha. yeah, it's like winning an award for all the hard work you have put into clearing your lungs or being on i.v.s for a very long time. i wonder how many other cfers show their families. ah ha ha


New member
ha ha ha. yeah, it's like winning an award for all the hard work you have put into clearing your lungs or being on i.v.s for a very long time. i wonder how many other cfers show their families. ah ha ha