Anyone know?


New member
She's been on 20mg twice a day. Yesterday she was also bringing up black specks along with the 'boogers.' This makes me wonder if as her long-term routine treatment Albuteral is 'enough' to keep things opened up so she can cough up everything she needs to? I don't think prednisone is the answer long-term since it's my understanding it lowers resistance to illness (not to mention she is a total crab), but I wonder if I should discuss the overall issue with her clinic dr.


New member
She's been on 20mg twice a day. Yesterday she was also bringing up black specks along with the 'boogers.' This makes me wonder if as her long-term routine treatment Albuteral is 'enough' to keep things opened up so she can cough up everything she needs to? I don't think prednisone is the answer long-term since it's my understanding it lowers resistance to illness (not to mention she is a total crab), but I wonder if I should discuss the overall issue with her clinic dr.


New member
She's been on 20mg twice a day. Yesterday she was also bringing up black specks along with the 'boogers.' This makes me wonder if as her long-term routine treatment Albuteral is 'enough' to keep things opened up so she can cough up everything she needs to? I don't think prednisone is the answer long-term since it's my understanding it lowers resistance to illness (not to mention she is a total crab), but I wonder if I should discuss the overall issue with her clinic dr.


New member
She's been on 20mg twice a day. Yesterday she was also bringing up black specks along with the 'boogers.' This makes me wonder if as her long-term routine treatment Albuteral is 'enough' to keep things opened up so she can cough up everything she needs to? I don't think prednisone is the answer long-term since it's my understanding it lowers resistance to illness (not to mention she is a total crab), but I wonder if I should discuss the overall issue with her clinic dr.


New member
She's been on 20mg twice a day. Yesterday she was also bringing up black specks along with the 'boogers.' This makes me wonder if as her long-term routine treatment Albuteral is 'enough' to keep things opened up so she can cough up everything she needs to? I don't think prednisone is the answer long-term since it's my understanding it lowers resistance to illness (not to mention she is a total crab), but I wonder if I should discuss the overall issue with her clinic dr.


New member
sorry to resurrect an old thread, but i'm noticing, after the large decline in FEV1 and docs thinking its reflux (and inflammation), now that i'm working much harder to cough anything i can get out (i'm having a dry hacking cough for months now with very little production!), for the last couple days, i THINK i'm coughing out plugs! i'm excited, but also wondering why on earth now? aside from just huffing and working out again, i'm not changing anything, and i still have awful heartburn and sob. so, what does it mean if all of a sudden you start coughing them out? and i mean like every few coughs is some degree of plug (i.e. sometimes softer, other times harder, etc.), but not just mucus. actually VERY VERY little mucus, just plugs!

also, does anyone know if having these plugs in our lungs can lower our O2 sats? i notice i'm needing O2 at night now every night cause i de-sat. i guess it would make sense cause you're clogging up your airways with plugs and thus cutting off air flow, right?

oh, and one more thing... i have been on "bursts" of prednisone now about 8 times in the past year. i usually don't notice much difference, but with last week's drop in FEV1 (after a month before that it was already way down), doc gave me another Rx for a burst of it. she said to take it if i felt like it. how do i know when i should and am not just doing it needlessly and hurting my bones, etc.? i wonder if it would help open things up now that i'm getting plugs out? although, like i said, it rarely does that for me. i usually feel the same with just a bit more energy. odd.

thanks. sorry to hyjack this thread... if it doesn't get responses, i'll start one of my own. ha ha.



New member
sorry to resurrect an old thread, but i'm noticing, after the large decline in FEV1 and docs thinking its reflux (and inflammation), now that i'm working much harder to cough anything i can get out (i'm having a dry hacking cough for months now with very little production!), for the last couple days, i THINK i'm coughing out plugs! i'm excited, but also wondering why on earth now? aside from just huffing and working out again, i'm not changing anything, and i still have awful heartburn and sob. so, what does it mean if all of a sudden you start coughing them out? and i mean like every few coughs is some degree of plug (i.e. sometimes softer, other times harder, etc.), but not just mucus. actually VERY VERY little mucus, just plugs!

also, does anyone know if having these plugs in our lungs can lower our O2 sats? i notice i'm needing O2 at night now every night cause i de-sat. i guess it would make sense cause you're clogging up your airways with plugs and thus cutting off air flow, right?

oh, and one more thing... i have been on "bursts" of prednisone now about 8 times in the past year. i usually don't notice much difference, but with last week's drop in FEV1 (after a month before that it was already way down), doc gave me another Rx for a burst of it. she said to take it if i felt like it. how do i know when i should and am not just doing it needlessly and hurting my bones, etc.? i wonder if it would help open things up now that i'm getting plugs out? although, like i said, it rarely does that for me. i usually feel the same with just a bit more energy. odd.

thanks. sorry to hyjack this thread... if it doesn't get responses, i'll start one of my own. ha ha.



New member
sorry to resurrect an old thread, but i'm noticing, after the large decline in FEV1 and docs thinking its reflux (and inflammation), now that i'm working much harder to cough anything i can get out (i'm having a dry hacking cough for months now with very little production!), for the last couple days, i THINK i'm coughing out plugs! i'm excited, but also wondering why on earth now? aside from just huffing and working out again, i'm not changing anything, and i still have awful heartburn and sob. so, what does it mean if all of a sudden you start coughing them out? and i mean like every few coughs is some degree of plug (i.e. sometimes softer, other times harder, etc.), but not just mucus. actually VERY VERY little mucus, just plugs!

also, does anyone know if having these plugs in our lungs can lower our O2 sats? i notice i'm needing O2 at night now every night cause i de-sat. i guess it would make sense cause you're clogging up your airways with plugs and thus cutting off air flow, right?

oh, and one more thing... i have been on "bursts" of prednisone now about 8 times in the past year. i usually don't notice much difference, but with last week's drop in FEV1 (after a month before that it was already way down), doc gave me another Rx for a burst of it. she said to take it if i felt like it. how do i know when i should and am not just doing it needlessly and hurting my bones, etc.? i wonder if it would help open things up now that i'm getting plugs out? although, like i said, it rarely does that for me. i usually feel the same with just a bit more energy. odd.

thanks. sorry to hyjack this thread... if it doesn't get responses, i'll start one of my own. ha ha.



New member
sorry to resurrect an old thread, but i'm noticing, after the large decline in FEV1 and docs thinking its reflux (and inflammation), now that i'm working much harder to cough anything i can get out (i'm having a dry hacking cough for months now with very little production!), for the last couple days, i THINK i'm coughing out plugs! i'm excited, but also wondering why on earth now? aside from just huffing and working out again, i'm not changing anything, and i still have awful heartburn and sob. so, what does it mean if all of a sudden you start coughing them out? and i mean like every few coughs is some degree of plug (i.e. sometimes softer, other times harder, etc.), but not just mucus. actually VERY VERY little mucus, just plugs!

also, does anyone know if having these plugs in our lungs can lower our O2 sats? i notice i'm needing O2 at night now every night cause i de-sat. i guess it would make sense cause you're clogging up your airways with plugs and thus cutting off air flow, right?

oh, and one more thing... i have been on "bursts" of prednisone now about 8 times in the past year. i usually don't notice much difference, but with last week's drop in FEV1 (after a month before that it was already way down), doc gave me another Rx for a burst of it. she said to take it if i felt like it. how do i know when i should and am not just doing it needlessly and hurting my bones, etc.? i wonder if it would help open things up now that i'm getting plugs out? although, like i said, it rarely does that for me. i usually feel the same with just a bit more energy. odd.

thanks. sorry to hyjack this thread... if it doesn't get responses, i'll start one of my own. ha ha.



New member
sorry to resurrect an old thread, but i'm noticing, after the large decline in FEV1 and docs thinking its reflux (and inflammation), now that i'm working much harder to cough anything i can get out (i'm having a dry hacking cough for months now with very little production!), for the last couple days, i THINK i'm coughing out plugs! i'm excited, but also wondering why on earth now? aside from just huffing and working out again, i'm not changing anything, and i still have awful heartburn and sob. so, what does it mean if all of a sudden you start coughing them out? and i mean like every few coughs is some degree of plug (i.e. sometimes softer, other times harder, etc.), but not just mucus. actually VERY VERY little mucus, just plugs!
<br />
<br />also, does anyone know if having these plugs in our lungs can lower our O2 sats? i notice i'm needing O2 at night now every night cause i de-sat. i guess it would make sense cause you're clogging up your airways with plugs and thus cutting off air flow, right?
<br />
<br />oh, and one more thing... i have been on "bursts" of prednisone now about 8 times in the past year. i usually don't notice much difference, but with last week's drop in FEV1 (after a month before that it was already way down), doc gave me another Rx for a burst of it. she said to take it if i felt like it. how do i know when i should and am not just doing it needlessly and hurting my bones, etc.? i wonder if it would help open things up now that i'm getting plugs out? although, like i said, it rarely does that for me. i usually feel the same with just a bit more energy. odd.
<br />
<br />thanks. sorry to hyjack this thread... if it doesn't get responses, i'll start one of my own. ha ha.
<br />
<br />thanks,


New member
I have coughed this up too. It is exactly like the others have described, tiny booger like, dark green, thick tiny ball of ickiness. My lungs feel clear after but unfortunately for me it only happens in a very blue moon. When it does too I am coughing like crazy and I can not stop and I almost feel panicked like I can't breathe and then this thick tiny thing comes up. Again only once in a blue moon and I can probably count on one hand how many I have done in my 37 years!

Jennifer 37 with CF and CFRD


New member
I have coughed this up too. It is exactly like the others have described, tiny booger like, dark green, thick tiny ball of ickiness. My lungs feel clear after but unfortunately for me it only happens in a very blue moon. When it does too I am coughing like crazy and I can not stop and I almost feel panicked like I can't breathe and then this thick tiny thing comes up. Again only once in a blue moon and I can probably count on one hand how many I have done in my 37 years!

Jennifer 37 with CF and CFRD


New member
I have coughed this up too. It is exactly like the others have described, tiny booger like, dark green, thick tiny ball of ickiness. My lungs feel clear after but unfortunately for me it only happens in a very blue moon. When it does too I am coughing like crazy and I can not stop and I almost feel panicked like I can't breathe and then this thick tiny thing comes up. Again only once in a blue moon and I can probably count on one hand how many I have done in my 37 years!

Jennifer 37 with CF and CFRD


New member
I have coughed this up too. It is exactly like the others have described, tiny booger like, dark green, thick tiny ball of ickiness. My lungs feel clear after but unfortunately for me it only happens in a very blue moon. When it does too I am coughing like crazy and I can not stop and I almost feel panicked like I can't breathe and then this thick tiny thing comes up. Again only once in a blue moon and I can probably count on one hand how many I have done in my 37 years!

Jennifer 37 with CF and CFRD


New member
I have coughed this up too. It is exactly like the others have described, tiny booger like, dark green, thick tiny ball of ickiness. My lungs feel clear after but unfortunately for me it only happens in a very blue moon. When it does too I am coughing like crazy and I can not stop and I almost feel panicked like I can't breathe and then this thick tiny thing comes up. Again only once in a blue moon and I can probably count on one hand how many I have done in my 37 years!
<br />
<br />Jennifer 37 with CF and CFRD