i haven't been on oral abx or inhaled in 2 yrs. my doc felt that my health could tolerate not using them in planning my preg and that to test my overall health it would be good to see if i could do without them for 1 yr prior to conception-mainly bc the danger of infection during preg, and also that obviously avoiding abx during preg is best (if u can). the baby is 4 mos and I'm still off all abx bc I'm bf and just haven't had the need for abx. BUT-I am religious with my therapies and exercise. I do albuterol, hypertonic saline, and pulmozyme.
I will do a round of abx soon to prepare for winter though. And when I am done BF I'd like to go back on Tobi, just bc it works good for me and I tolerate it well since i have cepacia.
Overall I have found that you can do it without abx if you have to, but only if you are very disciplined with your therapies. In the 2 yrs off of abx, my fev1 increased by 25 points.
Hope this helped, or answered some questions.