I am really curious if there is anyone out there over 35 and have original lungs? I know CF is really different for EVERYONE, but is it inevitable that as we live longer with CF that a person will need a lung transplant? Of course I plan on living to ripe old age but am I fooling myself that I will never need a lung transplant? Anyone over 35ish and has there original lungs, I would love to hear from you. What is your experience with your health as you have gotten older. I know for me it has gotten harder as I have gotten older. When I get sick, I get Really sick and it takes alot longer to get back to my baseline. I also have developed Diabetes and Osteopenia already.
Anyways, would love to hear how those of you who still have their original lungs have felt in their 20's, vs. 30's, vs 40's vs. 50's and so on.
Jennifer 33yrs old with Diabetes and Osteopenia
Anyways, would love to hear how those of you who still have their original lungs have felt in their 20's, vs. 30's, vs 40's vs. 50's and so on.
Jennifer 33yrs old with Diabetes and Osteopenia