Anyone see Law and Order


New member

I had tivo'd a law and order a couple of weeks ago and just watched it last night. It mentions CF a ton and is basically about a guy with CF who gets run over (murdered) and they are trying to find the killer. Well I particularly thought it was funny cause the reason they deduced he had CF (according to the show) was his use of an inhaler when he was out walking a picket line! I thought that was hillarious! I mean, I know some of us use inhalers, but why would you immediately jump to CF as the cause? I mean, most of us use nebs, right? Or maybe inhalers like advair or something, but not just run-of-the-mill inhalers in a canister. Maybe I'm wrong about this?

Anyway, just thought it was kinda funny that they could deduce from use of a canister inhaler that its "obvious" he had CF. HA!

Sorry, I guess I just have a lot of time to post tonight with my tummy not feeling so well....


New member

I had tivo'd a law and order a couple of weeks ago and just watched it last night. It mentions CF a ton and is basically about a guy with CF who gets run over (murdered) and they are trying to find the killer. Well I particularly thought it was funny cause the reason they deduced he had CF (according to the show) was his use of an inhaler when he was out walking a picket line! I thought that was hillarious! I mean, I know some of us use inhalers, but why would you immediately jump to CF as the cause? I mean, most of us use nebs, right? Or maybe inhalers like advair or something, but not just run-of-the-mill inhalers in a canister. Maybe I'm wrong about this?

Anyway, just thought it was kinda funny that they could deduce from use of a canister inhaler that its "obvious" he had CF. HA!

Sorry, I guess I just have a lot of time to post tonight with my tummy not feeling so well....


New member

I had tivo'd a law and order a couple of weeks ago and just watched it last night. It mentions CF a ton and is basically about a guy with CF who gets run over (murdered) and they are trying to find the killer. Well I particularly thought it was funny cause the reason they deduced he had CF (according to the show) was his use of an inhaler when he was out walking a picket line! I thought that was hillarious! I mean, I know some of us use inhalers, but why would you immediately jump to CF as the cause? I mean, most of us use nebs, right? Or maybe inhalers like advair or something, but not just run-of-the-mill inhalers in a canister. Maybe I'm wrong about this?

Anyway, just thought it was kinda funny that they could deduce from use of a canister inhaler that its "obvious" he had CF. HA!

Sorry, I guess I just have a lot of time to post tonight with my tummy not feeling so well....


New member

I had tivo'd a law and order a couple of weeks ago and just watched it last night. It mentions CF a ton and is basically about a guy with CF who gets run over (murdered) and they are trying to find the killer. Well I particularly thought it was funny cause the reason they deduced he had CF (according to the show) was his use of an inhaler when he was out walking a picket line! I thought that was hillarious! I mean, I know some of us use inhalers, but why would you immediately jump to CF as the cause? I mean, most of us use nebs, right? Or maybe inhalers like advair or something, but not just run-of-the-mill inhalers in a canister. Maybe I'm wrong about this?

Anyway, just thought it was kinda funny that they could deduce from use of a canister inhaler that its "obvious" he had CF. HA!

Sorry, I guess I just have a lot of time to post tonight with my tummy not feeling so well....


New member
<br />
<br />I had tivo'd a law and order a couple of weeks ago and just watched it last night. It mentions CF a ton and is basically about a guy with CF who gets run over (murdered) and they are trying to find the killer. Well I particularly thought it was funny cause the reason they deduced he had CF (according to the show) was his use of an inhaler when he was out walking a picket line! I thought that was hillarious! I mean, I know some of us use inhalers, but why would you immediately jump to CF as the cause? I mean, most of us use nebs, right? Or maybe inhalers like advair or something, but not just run-of-the-mill inhalers in a canister. Maybe I'm wrong about this?
<br />
<br />Anyway, just thought it was kinda funny that they could deduce from use of a canister inhaler that its "obvious" he had CF. HA!
<br />
<br />Sorry, I guess I just have a lot of time to post tonight with my tummy not feeling so well....


New member
I didn't catch the show, but the fact that they mentioned CF alot is awesome! More and more, CF is being alluded to or directly mentioned in the mainstream- from politicians to a prime time television show. People are curious, and the more publicity CF gets, the better.


New member
I didn't catch the show, but the fact that they mentioned CF alot is awesome! More and more, CF is being alluded to or directly mentioned in the mainstream- from politicians to a prime time television show. People are curious, and the more publicity CF gets, the better.


New member
I didn't catch the show, but the fact that they mentioned CF alot is awesome! More and more, CF is being alluded to or directly mentioned in the mainstream- from politicians to a prime time television show. People are curious, and the more publicity CF gets, the better.


New member
I didn't catch the show, but the fact that they mentioned CF alot is awesome! More and more, CF is being alluded to or directly mentioned in the mainstream- from politicians to a prime time television show. People are curious, and the more publicity CF gets, the better.


New member
I didn't catch the show, but the fact that they mentioned CF alot is awesome! More and more, CF is being alluded to or directly mentioned in the mainstream- from politicians to a prime time television show. People are curious, and the more publicity CF gets, the better.


I'm curious what being murdered had to do with CF, though?


I'm curious what being murdered had to do with CF, though?


I'm curious what being murdered had to do with CF, though?


I'm curious what being murdered had to do with CF, though?


I'm curious what being murdered had to do with CF, though?