Anyone see Law and Order


New member
I remember CF being mentioned on ER during the first season. I think it must have been right after Jess was diagnosed because I remember crying and crying.
this guy with CF ran into a burning building to save a kid. and then he didn't respond to treatment in the ER and they didn't know why at first, then his parents showed up and filled them in.
heavy stuff.


New member
I remember CF being mentioned on ER during the first season. I think it must have been right after Jess was diagnosed because I remember crying and crying.
this guy with CF ran into a burning building to save a kid. and then he didn't respond to treatment in the ER and they didn't know why at first, then his parents showed up and filled them in.
heavy stuff.


New member
I remember CF being mentioned on ER during the first season. I think it must have been right after Jess was diagnosed because I remember crying and crying.
this guy with CF ran into a burning building to save a kid. and then he didn't respond to treatment in the ER and they didn't know why at first, then his parents showed up and filled them in.
heavy stuff.


New member
I remember CF being mentioned on ER during the first season. I think it must have been right after Jess was diagnosed because I remember crying and crying.
this guy with CF ran into a burning building to save a kid. and then he didn't respond to treatment in the ER and they didn't know why at first, then his parents showed up and filled them in.
heavy stuff.


New member
I remember CF being mentioned on ER during the first season. I think it must have been right after Jess was diagnosed because I remember crying and crying.
<br />this guy with CF ran into a burning building to save a kid. and then he didn't respond to treatment in the ER and they didn't know why at first, then his parents showed up and filled them in.
<br />heavy stuff.