New member
I read in the new CF Roundtable in an article by Beth Sufian, that you can work while on SSI/Medicaid and not lose your Medicaid. She says that if you work and do not make over your states threshold amount that would cause you to loose your medicaid then it is ok. You will lose your SSI but in my state the threshold amount is a little over $33,000 a year. Does anyone know if that is before taxes? I would guess it is but if anyone else does this and has any info on it I would appreciate it. I would really like to work some but scared to death about losing the medicaid. I cant afford that at this time. I guess I will be making a call on monday to try to get more info about this from my local office. I went to the ssa.org site and as long as you meet the 5 criteria they have then it looks like i can go to work. I know I should have no problems meeting the criteria they have under section 1619 (b). I have never worked outside of my families small business part-time and would like the freedom of being able to do my own thing. Thanks for any info you guys may have!
Take Care
Take Care