I'm not sure if this is just a Sadie being a 2 year old issue or a CF thing, but it's definitely a new development. Lately Sadie's appetite has been less than. She's never hungry and getting her to eat has been a challenge. She usually has a good appetite but the last few weeks it's been almost a battle to get her to eat even her favorite foods. Also, she's been covering her ears a lot, but she just had her CF clinic check up and her 2 year visit and they checked her ears at both and no ear infection, so I'm at a loss as to what, if anything, is bothering her. I thought maybe it was loud sounds, and sometimes it might be, but sometimes there's nothing loud even happening. She's taking prevacid; the did just up her to two times a day on that and started her on .1ml of vitamin D (about a month ago). Two days ago they added singular into the mix, but all her other meds are the same. She does pulmozyme once in the morning, 2ml vitamax, 1ml poly-vi-sol, 5ml of zyrtec. Do any of these medications have appetite loss or ear symptoms as side effects? I have a call in to the doctor too, but you all are always so helpful and knowledgeable that I thought I might throw it out there.