appetite stimulant


New member
I would be careful with Megace. I took started taking it when i was in the hospital once and a few days later my sugars were in the 600's They were convinced that i had started the symptoms of CF related diabetes, but i started refusing megace and my sugars went back to normal in 5 days and i dont have diabetes. I was started on insulin and everything. but im fine now, thank god.


New member
Be careful on Megace my daughter was put on it and at that time she had no known allergies, after about 1 week and a half she woke up covered in hives and had a hard time breathing. Ended up at the emergency room where they gave her a shot and predisone (weeks) worth. The folowing week she ended up in hospital for 5 days. It seemed to mess everything up. It did not really increase her appetite nor did it help gain weight.


New member
Be careful on Megace my daughter was put on it and at that time she had no known allergies, after about 1 week and a half she woke up covered in hives and had a hard time breathing. Ended up at the emergency room where they gave her a shot and predisone (weeks) worth. The folowing week she ended up in hospital for 5 days. It seemed to mess everything up. It did not really increase her appetite nor did it help gain weight.


New member
Be careful on Megace my daughter was put on it and at that time she had no known allergies, after about 1 week and a half she woke up covered in hives and had a hard time breathing. Ended up at the emergency room where they gave her a shot and predisone (weeks) worth. The folowing week she ended up in hospital for 5 days. It seemed to mess everything up. It did not really increase her appetite nor did it help gain weight.


New member
Be careful on Megace my daughter was put on it and at that time she had no known allergies, after about 1 week and a half she woke up covered in hives and had a hard time breathing. Ended up at the emergency room where they gave her a shot and predisone (weeks) worth. The folowing week she ended up in hospital for 5 days. It seemed to mess everything up. It did not really increase her appetite nor did it help gain weight.


New member
Be careful on Megace my daughter was put on it and at that time she had no known allergies, after about 1 week and a half she woke up covered in hives and had a hard time breathing. Ended up at the emergency room where they gave her a shot and predisone (weeks) worth. The folowing week she ended up in hospital for 5 days. It seemed to mess everything up. It did not really increase her appetite nor did it help gain weight.


New member
I take Periactin and I am not too sure if it really helps with appetite. I have digestive problems that decrease my appetite and sometimes I am really hungry, but if I don't watch it and force myself to eat I may eat only 1 meal. I weight so little for my height that is an obvious problem, but it seems that your children are too young for me to advise a stronger stimulant (such as Marinol).


New member
I take Periactin and I am not too sure if it really helps with appetite. I have digestive problems that decrease my appetite and sometimes I am really hungry, but if I don't watch it and force myself to eat I may eat only 1 meal. I weight so little for my height that is an obvious problem, but it seems that your children are too young for me to advise a stronger stimulant (such as Marinol).


New member
I take Periactin and I am not too sure if it really helps with appetite. I have digestive problems that decrease my appetite and sometimes I am really hungry, but if I don't watch it and force myself to eat I may eat only 1 meal. I weight so little for my height that is an obvious problem, but it seems that your children are too young for me to advise a stronger stimulant (such as Marinol).


New member
I take Periactin and I am not too sure if it really helps with appetite. I have digestive problems that decrease my appetite and sometimes I am really hungry, but if I don't watch it and force myself to eat I may eat only 1 meal. I weight so little for my height that is an obvious problem, but it seems that your children are too young for me to advise a stronger stimulant (such as Marinol).


New member
I take Periactin and I am not too sure if it really helps with appetite. I have digestive problems that decrease my appetite and sometimes I am really hungry, but if I don't watch it and force myself to eat I may eat only 1 meal. I weight so little for my height that is an obvious problem, but it seems that your children are too young for me to advise a stronger stimulant (such as Marinol).


New member
My son is on it. I give him one tsp at night. I was to begin a day time dose and haven't. I could tell it makes him sleep hard and don't want to make him drowsy during the day. We will see in July how much he's gained. I'm thinking he's gained a least three pounds. However, we are also using a wonderful food suppliment/additive by Nestle called Benecalorie. I HIGHLY recommend it as a way to get more calories and fat into a CF diet. We add a teaspoon or so at a time to a Yoplait Blueberry Yogurt. He loves it. He doesn't know its in there! Of course, I don't let him see me do it. We have also added a lot of nuts (salted cashews are a favorite). Since beginning enzymes he's not all that interested in his milk anymore. One sure way to get him to drink it is hot sauce and tortilla chips (he LOVES) or anything with just a bit of spice to it. We will drink down ten ounces of milk in nothing flat! Also, he eats a lot of bacon. It's been quite a transition from a child that ate a ton of everything to having to get just the right thing for him to want to eat it. If y'all have any further ideas regarding diet I'd love to hear them. I can't get him to touch a shake/smoothie for anything!


New member
My son is on it. I give him one tsp at night. I was to begin a day time dose and haven't. I could tell it makes him sleep hard and don't want to make him drowsy during the day. We will see in July how much he's gained. I'm thinking he's gained a least three pounds. However, we are also using a wonderful food suppliment/additive by Nestle called Benecalorie. I HIGHLY recommend it as a way to get more calories and fat into a CF diet. We add a teaspoon or so at a time to a Yoplait Blueberry Yogurt. He loves it. He doesn't know its in there! Of course, I don't let him see me do it. We have also added a lot of nuts (salted cashews are a favorite). Since beginning enzymes he's not all that interested in his milk anymore. One sure way to get him to drink it is hot sauce and tortilla chips (he LOVES) or anything with just a bit of spice to it. We will drink down ten ounces of milk in nothing flat! Also, he eats a lot of bacon. It's been quite a transition from a child that ate a ton of everything to having to get just the right thing for him to want to eat it. If y'all have any further ideas regarding diet I'd love to hear them. I can't get him to touch a shake/smoothie for anything!


New member
My son is on it. I give him one tsp at night. I was to begin a day time dose and haven't. I could tell it makes him sleep hard and don't want to make him drowsy during the day. We will see in July how much he's gained. I'm thinking he's gained a least three pounds. However, we are also using a wonderful food suppliment/additive by Nestle called Benecalorie. I HIGHLY recommend it as a way to get more calories and fat into a CF diet. We add a teaspoon or so at a time to a Yoplait Blueberry Yogurt. He loves it. He doesn't know its in there! Of course, I don't let him see me do it. We have also added a lot of nuts (salted cashews are a favorite). Since beginning enzymes he's not all that interested in his milk anymore. One sure way to get him to drink it is hot sauce and tortilla chips (he LOVES) or anything with just a bit of spice to it. We will drink down ten ounces of milk in nothing flat! Also, he eats a lot of bacon. It's been quite a transition from a child that ate a ton of everything to having to get just the right thing for him to want to eat it. If y'all have any further ideas regarding diet I'd love to hear them. I can't get him to touch a shake/smoothie for anything!