Are there any other Christian users?

Are there any other Christian users on here? I know I'm one, but I'm curious as to if anyone else is. Note: If you are involved in other religions, this isn't meant to offend you. I posted it out of pure curiousity. Oh and adminastrators, please remove this if it gets out of hand, like people cursing Christians and theological arguements ensuing and people blowing up...
In Christ,


Hello, this is kaitsmom again and yes we are christians. My daughters faith in the Lord is so stong, she is only 8 years old and she knows that God watches over her and she knows that she is saved and going to heaven, as well as my other 2 children without CF. She is my perfect angel from God, her faith has made mine so much stronger, what a blessing the Lord has given us! We attend a baptist church, we sometimes do miss church when others are sick and when Kait is sick, we actually have not been to church since the beginning of Jan. due to Kait's battle with pneumonia. I am glad to see there are other believers in the Lord.

kaitsmom<img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
Hi I am Brian. I'm 16/Male and I am a christian. I go to a catholic church and go to other church groups as well with my friends on the weekends too. If you would like to talk about some thing reply or e-mail me at<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
I am too. There is a christian message board on yahoo for cfers...CF 4 Christians
<a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="
</a>If you want to email me you can.
Amanda 21 with cf and a proud christian


New member
count me in. As many rebelling teenagers I was a doubting Thomas for a while, I had gotten away from church and actually considered myself an atheist. Then I met my wife, she helped me figure out many of my earthly problems through God. Now my faith is strong as ever. We don't get to church like we should due to our work schedules, but I don't think Jesus minds so long as we serve him outside of church. Which I don't mind saying is better than serving him there and not at home!

luke 29/cf and a baptist


New member
Great topic! My family is Lutheran and although we don't attend church ofter (but plan to start back up again), we keep our faith in the Lord and pray often. Our daughter is starting to learn about God and Heaven and we will definitely teach her all there is to know <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> <img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


Yes i agree, i think that this is a great topic!!!! I Love It !! Praise be to God!!!!!

kaitsmom<img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
I am christian, too. I have to say I'm suprised. Usually when religion gets introduced to these forums it blows up by now. Atheists with cf don't have much tolerance for christians with cf. =-) Of course, when i was an atheist, I would do the same thing. =-) What is your fav. scripture? Mine is Matthew 6:25-34. The one about worrying, 'cause i worry all the timeso i always have to remind myself about the birds and the lilies. =-) especially verse 24, "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of it's own." That's how I try to live anyway, one day at a time, and trying to take problems as they come. 'cause problems can show up so unexpectedly. =-) Even without CF. I am kinda stuck in the past most of the time, though. Trying to work on that, too. =-)

22 w/cf
Ok, so a mass is like a service? Thanks. I thought it was something like that. And that's good that you know who the Rider on the white horse is creed. For those who don't know, the Rider on the white horse is Jesus in the Glorious Appearing.
My favorite verse might be somewhere in Job, or it could be somewhere else. I like all of them of course. Probably my favorite verse is "But He knows the way that I take, when He has tested me, I will come forth as gold." (Job 23:10) And yes, I'm kind of suprised that nobody's blown up or the moderators haven't taken it off. Like I've posted here, I want them to if someone blows up.


New member
You see how your topics are locked? It's because they talk about religion. Not that everyone here is against religion through and through... but you can very clearly see this is a CYSTIC FIBROSIS messageboard. Not a religion messageboard. This is a place for talking about CF, not Jesus.