Are there any other Christian users?


New member

We had a powerful sermon this Sunday, our preacher discussed soul winning and gettting people closer to christ. The message was simple, get people to god! Enlight people, Scare people whatever it takes so long as it works. A word of advise from an old man, your not going to get anyone to heaven by annoying them. Please enjoy the lord and witness when the time is right. Realize that many people don't believe at all and the way to get them close to christ is not by jamming it down their throats. Please take my advise into consideration as this site is a good place to share thoughts, you getting booted again does nobody any good.

I will not comment anymore on this thread, I just wanted to make one more point.

Luke 29/cf a converted atheist



New member
Ok, I totally understand people not wanting their posts to be hijacked and turned into a religious debate/discussion. HOWEVER, that is EXACTLY what several posters have done to THIS very post. The OP was not in anyway offensive, he merely asked a question, in much the same way as the poster who asked what everyone was receiving for Valentines Day from their loved ones. It was very apparent from the subject line of this particular thread that the intended audience was OTHER CHRISTIANS. If you're not a christian or find the topic of religion offensive, then avoid the post. Very simple. Personally, I found the discussion of "intimacy" in the hospital a little offensive (albeit amusing) in the Valentine post. However, I didn't feel compelled to post that I was offended. If I didn't want to hear about your intimate relations in a hospital setting, I simply avoided reading those posts. I guess I just don't understand why you guys can't do the same??

And, yes, I'm a christian, too. To the original OP, it's wonderful that your faith is so strong at such a young age.


New member
Last poster again, well said Luke. I think the issue with the OP is that he is young and just hasn't learned gentleness yet. That will come with age.


New member
This topic, I don't think was intended to cause arguments. I think maybe it should be locked or something. Or people should stop posting and/or arguing.