Are there any other Christian users?


New member
Yes, and the majority of us expressed a dislike for hearing anymore of your "witnessing." Even religious members have basically said to shut up. Get a damn clue, you infantile obsessive brat.


New member
Not really. I'm a little tired. But people around here tend to know my stance on religion. When it comes to expressing a belief one way or another, that's fine. I don't care what people believe as long as they don't shove it down other people's throats. I hate when people say those of us who don't believe are going to hell, or are bad people, or "poor lost souls" (we got that once from someone months ago). It's extremely obnoxious, condescending, and totally uncalled for.

If Rider / JesusLover decides to post about CF, I may respond in a much nicer manner. However, he has been told by nearly everyone (including the admin, and other religious people -- so that it's not just nonbelievers like myself that are sick of him) that he's gone quite overboard regarding religion, and that we really don't want to hear it anymore. He can say in Christ, he can quote the bible in his signature, I don't care. But when ALL he posts about is religion and NOT CF... on a CF BOARD... I'd rather see him banned again.
oh lol...well...i was only saying he is going to hell (FYI) (not ride/ jesus) but the person who posted it cause it was a gay comeback that wasnt mean at the same time that gives me a laugh <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0"> psh im going to hell lol i know that for a fact


New member
Hey I don't care if you think individual people are going to hell. You can even think general groups of people are going to hell because they don't believe. But maybe I happen to think that believers are stupid for believing in something they don't even have proof of... and yet I don't go around saying that to everyone. They say we're going to hell, or are lost souls for not believing in their invisible man in the sky... But I don't go around telling them they're stupid for praying to invisible people. That little comparison make sense?

For the record, I have nothing against Brandi, or 65Rosies. We're all entitled to our beliefs and I stand by that. Just making my point to Rider / JesusLover.


New member
I think its sad that someone has taught an 11 year old (Ilovejesus) that if everyone doesnt believe in what he believes in that they will go to hell. What kind of christianity is that?

ilovejesus, you are much younger than most people on this forum and I think it would be safe to say that most people on this forum (even if they profess to have no religion) have done a lot more thinking about God/spirituality than you have in only 11 years. So maybe you should think about it a bit longer before you try proclaiming what you have been taught to everyone else.


New member

This is just not a CF "disease" website, If I remember correctly I have seen many lively postings about valentines day, favorite foods, etc. It is an opportunity for people that have CF and their loved ones to share views, not just the discuss the particulars of our disease. By your posts I can tell you are not religious, that is your decision and I will not fault you for it. But maybe the next time when you feel strongly about something somebody will personally attack you. Possibly even belittle you and make you feel like an outcast. I don't believe I ever poked fun of your for being a cutter. I don't understand it, but I didn't attack you for it. Just a thought...

You may not believe in the scripture for jesus but how about morality?

Judge not, that ye not be judged: Mathew 7:1 -----unfortunately this one we have all failed in

Luke 29/cf with a wife, 3 college degrees, 2 dogs and a one way ticket to heaven


New member
Oh and PS-- I don't care if you belittle me for being a cutter. My point is, you can make comments and what have you about religion. I DON'T CARE. I have said that a thousand times. But when Rider / JesusLover comes on here and talk about NOTHING ELSE BUT RELIGION... it gets very old very fast.


I am glad that you are back, maybe you should talk about CF more but like i said before you are doing a great job witnessing and you will be rewarded!!!! I also agree that if people do not want to hear about God than maybe they should not read or post o your topics!!! Keep on doing what you are doing and don't let anyone stop you. One day all will stand before our Lord and Savior!!!

kaitsmom<img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
I agree with Kaitsmom...dont give up...Its discouraging being a witness but God didnt say it would be easy. I will be blasted for saying this too but I dont care. People get mad when the truth hits home....and something whether good or bad is bugging them, thats why they get mad at your posts. Just know God uses the smallest things for His work...and even just saying in Christ can set in place a seed...Have no worries.


New member
I am a christian, but I also agree ... i'll just say white horse for short... he's going a bit too far. there's a difference between witnessing and shoving it down people's throats. White horse should not be rewarded or encouraged. It gets to a point where you stop encouraging people toward Christ, and start pushing them away. White horse has been ALL OVER the boards posting on whatever topic he chooses.... Have you ever wondered why Jehovah's witnesses are hated so much? 'cause they do the same thing, and I don't see a lot of people joining Jehovah's witnesses because of that. White horse is creating a negative stereotype of christians and doing a lot more harm then good.

White horse, I hope you read this, because there is a lot that you need to learn about witnessing for Christ. You have a lot of courage and determination and that's great, but understanding of other people and their beliefs is a lot more important.

22 w/cf


New member
i totally agree with emily. my ex-girlfriends family used to try shoving the crap down my throat telling me oh the good lord this and the good lord that and he makes everything happen for a reason. so i ask them ok then what is his reason for making infants be born with such a disease not having a chance at living a "normal disease free life"and of course they would say oh i dunno but there is a reason. ya right, if thats so then i see it as being punished, so then my question is what could an unborn child do to deserve such punishment?again no answers.

also i dont really believe he is 11 years old, maybe he is but i just have a hard time believing an 11 year old is typing all that.