are you more or less healthy than you thought you'd be at your age?


New member
Interesting topic ~ I guess that I am as healthy or healthier at this point than I thought I would be about 5 yrs ago. When I was a kid, I had no clue that CF was progressive/fatal, so I can't really speak from that perspective. I am grateful that PFT's are stable in the 70's for now. I have less energy than I thought I would as a 24 yr old. I guess, I have also gotten to be a lot more realistic about my limits (not that I still don't push the edge of the envelope!)


New member
Interesting topic ~ I guess that I am as healthy or healthier at this point than I thought I would be about 5 yrs ago. When I was a kid, I had no clue that CF was progressive/fatal, so I can't really speak from that perspective. I am grateful that PFT's are stable in the 70's for now. I have less energy than I thought I would as a 24 yr old. I guess, I have also gotten to be a lot more realistic about my limits (not that I still don't push the edge of the envelope!)


Lauren u r SUPERWOMAN, wait til that baby comes, changes everything, I want to see if u can continue your amazing ways. All kidding aside, I think u really are amazing, U put me to shame and I don't even have CF.......congrats on the pregnancy, being a mother is the greatest thing in the world!


Lauren u r SUPERWOMAN, wait til that baby comes, changes everything, I want to see if u can continue your amazing ways. All kidding aside, I think u really are amazing, U put me to shame and I don't even have CF.......congrats on the pregnancy, being a mother is the greatest thing in the world!


Lauren u r SUPERWOMAN, wait til that baby comes, changes everything, I want to see if u can continue your amazing ways. All kidding aside, I think u really are amazing, U put me to shame and I don't even have CF.......congrats on the pregnancy, being a mother is the greatest thing in the world!


I'm healthier than I was 2 years ago, when I finalized my divorce, but not as healthy as I was 3 years ago when the tendon to my collar bone was torn, and I had to stop most of my martial arts because of it, losing my major source of excercise, and the most rewarding.
I was much better 12 years ago when I still had the energy for my rigorous martial arts practices, along with the endurance to work 40 hours of overtime.
Overall, I think my health had it's ups and downs, but mostly declined in my last three to five years of my first marriage when I was being denied proper medical treatment, and nutrition!
Realizing today is my 2 year anniversary of divorce, I'm glad I divorced the *deleted due to mature adult language* , because she no doubt would have continued denying me proper nutrition to the point where I probably would've ended up in some slaugher-house hospital in Japan, waiting for my family to rescue me! (then file some suit against the *again deleted* for inhuman acts of negligence!)


I'm healthier than I was 2 years ago, when I finalized my divorce, but not as healthy as I was 3 years ago when the tendon to my collar bone was torn, and I had to stop most of my martial arts because of it, losing my major source of excercise, and the most rewarding.
I was much better 12 years ago when I still had the energy for my rigorous martial arts practices, along with the endurance to work 40 hours of overtime.
Overall, I think my health had it's ups and downs, but mostly declined in my last three to five years of my first marriage when I was being denied proper medical treatment, and nutrition!
Realizing today is my 2 year anniversary of divorce, I'm glad I divorced the *deleted due to mature adult language* , because she no doubt would have continued denying me proper nutrition to the point where I probably would've ended up in some slaugher-house hospital in Japan, waiting for my family to rescue me! (then file some suit against the *again deleted* for inhuman acts of negligence!)


I'm healthier than I was 2 years ago, when I finalized my divorce, but not as healthy as I was 3 years ago when the tendon to my collar bone was torn, and I had to stop most of my martial arts because of it, losing my major source of excercise, and the most rewarding.
I was much better 12 years ago when I still had the energy for my rigorous martial arts practices, along with the endurance to work 40 hours of overtime.
Overall, I think my health had it's ups and downs, but mostly declined in my last three to five years of my first marriage when I was being denied proper medical treatment, and nutrition!
Realizing today is my 2 year anniversary of divorce, I'm glad I divorced the *deleted due to mature adult language* , because she no doubt would have continued denying me proper nutrition to the point where I probably would've ended up in some slaugher-house hospital in Japan, waiting for my family to rescue me! (then file some suit against the *again deleted* for inhuman acts of negligence!)


I'm healthier than I was 2 years ago, when I finalized my divorce, but not as healthy as I was 3 years ago when the tendon to my collar bone was torn, and I had to stop most of my martial arts because of it, losing my major source of excercise, and the most rewarding.
I was much better 12 years ago when I still had the energy for my rigorous martial arts practices, along with the endurance to work 40 hours of overtime.
Overall, I think my health had it's ups and downs, but mostly declined in my last three to five years of my first marriage when I was being denied proper medical treatment, and nutrition!
Realizing today is my 2 year anniversary of divorce, I'm glad I divorced the *deleted due to mature adult language* , because she no doubt would have continued denying me proper nutrition to the point where I probably would've ended up in some slaugher-house hospital in Japan, waiting for my family to rescue me! (then file some suit against the *again deleted* for inhuman acts of negligence!)


I'm healthier than I was 2 years ago, when I finalized my divorce, but not as healthy as I was 3 years ago when the tendon to my collar bone was torn, and I had to stop most of my martial arts because of it, losing my major source of excercise, and the most rewarding.
I was much better 12 years ago when I still had the energy for my rigorous martial arts practices, along with the endurance to work 40 hours of overtime.
Overall, I think my health had it's ups and downs, but mostly declined in my last three to five years of my first marriage when I was being denied proper medical treatment, and nutrition!
Realizing today is my 2 year anniversary of divorce, I'm glad I divorced the *deleted due to mature adult language* , because she no doubt would have continued denying me proper nutrition to the point where I probably would've ended up in some slaugher-house hospital in Japan, waiting for my family to rescue me! (then file some suit against the *again deleted* for inhuman acts of negligence!)


I'm healthier than I was 2 years ago, when I finalized my divorce, but not as healthy as I was 3 years ago when the tendon to my collar bone was torn, and I had to stop most of my martial arts because of it, losing my major source of excercise, and the most rewarding.
I was much better 12 years ago when I still had the energy for my rigorous martial arts practices, along with the endurance to work 40 hours of overtime.
Overall, I think my health had it's ups and downs, but mostly declined in my last three to five years of my first marriage when I was being denied proper medical treatment, and nutrition!
Realizing today is my 2 year anniversary of divorce, I'm glad I divorced the *deleted due to mature adult language* , because she no doubt would have continued denying me proper nutrition to the point where I probably would've ended up in some slaugher-house hospital in Japan, waiting for my family to rescue me! (then file some suit against the *again deleted* for inhuman acts of negligence!)


New member
Interesting question. I thought I'd be healthier at 32 then I am. At 30 I was set and ready to boogie. Now I'm not so much. Still hoping to get back up there by 33 or 34, and on.... There is a level of fluctuation though, so I'm trying to play that side.


New member
Interesting question. I thought I'd be healthier at 32 then I am. At 30 I was set and ready to boogie. Now I'm not so much. Still hoping to get back up there by 33 or 34, and on.... There is a level of fluctuation though, so I'm trying to play that side.


New member
Interesting question. I thought I'd be healthier at 32 then I am. At 30 I was set and ready to boogie. Now I'm not so much. Still hoping to get back up there by 33 or 34, and on.... There is a level of fluctuation though, so I'm trying to play that side.


New member
I'm way healthier than I ever imagined I would be.

Part of it is medcation compliance (those who say that it's luck are full of it. If I don't do my meds one day, my lung function drops dramatically. That's a fact. So my good lung function is absolutely attributable to my compliance over the past 25 years.) But a big part is educating myself I believe. I realize that my doctor and nurse are human and they don't always have the latest information or all the knowledge. So instead of just accepting what they say or waiting for them to find out about the latest info, I get it myself.

I went to Minnesota to check out the inventor of the Vest and the man with the largest life expectancy. I got a better Vest. I started on N-Acetylcysteine.

I researched the eFlow and got to the bottom of what studies have REALLY been done. And how the device works. Instead of accepting my doctor's 1st reply that the eFlow hasn't been tested, I challenged him to do more research.

Being proactive with this disease is everything and because I have learned this, I think I'm better off at age 25 than I expected that I would be.


New member
I'm way healthier than I ever imagined I would be.

Part of it is medcation compliance (those who say that it's luck are full of it. If I don't do my meds one day, my lung function drops dramatically. That's a fact. So my good lung function is absolutely attributable to my compliance over the past 25 years.) But a big part is educating myself I believe. I realize that my doctor and nurse are human and they don't always have the latest information or all the knowledge. So instead of just accepting what they say or waiting for them to find out about the latest info, I get it myself.

I went to Minnesota to check out the inventor of the Vest and the man with the largest life expectancy. I got a better Vest. I started on N-Acetylcysteine.

I researched the eFlow and got to the bottom of what studies have REALLY been done. And how the device works. Instead of accepting my doctor's 1st reply that the eFlow hasn't been tested, I challenged him to do more research.

Being proactive with this disease is everything and because I have learned this, I think I'm better off at age 25 than I expected that I would be.


New member
I'm way healthier than I ever imagined I would be.

Part of it is medcation compliance (those who say that it's luck are full of it. If I don't do my meds one day, my lung function drops dramatically. That's a fact. So my good lung function is absolutely attributable to my compliance over the past 25 years.) But a big part is educating myself I believe. I realize that my doctor and nurse are human and they don't always have the latest information or all the knowledge. So instead of just accepting what they say or waiting for them to find out about the latest info, I get it myself.

I went to Minnesota to check out the inventor of the Vest and the man with the largest life expectancy. I got a better Vest. I started on N-Acetylcysteine.

I researched the eFlow and got to the bottom of what studies have REALLY been done. And how the device works. Instead of accepting my doctor's 1st reply that the eFlow hasn't been tested, I challenged him to do more research.

Being proactive with this disease is everything and because I have learned this, I think I'm better off at age 25 than I expected that I would be.


New member
I'm much healthier than I thought I'd be. There's things I didn't think I'd have to deal with-like my leg arthritis disorder that makes me feel old. But I never ever thought a cf team would give me an ok to be a parent. Just goes to show you, things change, and with hard work sometimes you can get there.


New member
I'm much healthier than I thought I'd be. There's things I didn't think I'd have to deal with-like my leg arthritis disorder that makes me feel old. But I never ever thought a cf team would give me an ok to be a parent. Just goes to show you, things change, and with hard work sometimes you can get there.


New member
I'm much healthier than I thought I'd be. There's things I didn't think I'd have to deal with-like my leg arthritis disorder that makes me feel old. But I never ever thought a cf team would give me an ok to be a parent. Just goes to show you, things change, and with hard work sometimes you can get there.