are you more or less healthy than you thought you'd be at your age?


New member
hmm im less healthy than i thought id be. when i was in my late teens and around 70%, i thought id stay that way for many years. i guess my first flareup of abpa around 18/19 started it all off.


New member
hmm im less healthy than i thought id be. when i was in my late teens and around 70%, i thought id stay that way for many years. i guess my first flareup of abpa around 18/19 started it all off.


New member
hmm im less healthy than i thought id be. when i was in my late teens and around 70%, i thought id stay that way for many years. i guess my first flareup of abpa around 18/19 started it all off.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>catboogie</b></i>

sometimes when i am pondering the difficulties of life, it makes me feel better to realize that i am much healthier than i thought i would be at my age. or to realize how poor my health would be if i had never come out of my self-care slump that i hit in high school--would i be on the tx list by now? there's a good chance...

i guess its something about approaching 30 (i will be 28 on dec. 20) that makes me think this more than i used to. being close to 30 is really 'getting up there' in my mind.

i thought i'd ask you guys this question because i would be willing to bet that many of us are more healthier than we thought we'd be because of how far preventative CF treatment has come.</end quote></div>

Well I guess I am much better than I thought I would be
at my age, first I never expected to be here at this age.
According to the Doc's I wasen't going to make past 18 years
then it was 25 and so on. I had one Doc back in 86 say I had
about 3 Year left to live.. This was the same doc who said
I would not make past 18....
Sometimes I thought he was writting a book and he was waiting for me to
die so he could finish it. sorry Doc but I beleive I gonna out live ya....

I have days where it takes me 5 mins to walk up
my 11 stairs at home, and days where I can almost run up them,,,

For the health that I do have I am Greatful.............


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>catboogie</b></i>

sometimes when i am pondering the difficulties of life, it makes me feel better to realize that i am much healthier than i thought i would be at my age. or to realize how poor my health would be if i had never come out of my self-care slump that i hit in high school--would i be on the tx list by now? there's a good chance...

i guess its something about approaching 30 (i will be 28 on dec. 20) that makes me think this more than i used to. being close to 30 is really 'getting up there' in my mind.

i thought i'd ask you guys this question because i would be willing to bet that many of us are more healthier than we thought we'd be because of how far preventative CF treatment has come.</end quote></div>

Well I guess I am much better than I thought I would be
at my age, first I never expected to be here at this age.
According to the Doc's I wasen't going to make past 18 years
then it was 25 and so on. I had one Doc back in 86 say I had
about 3 Year left to live.. This was the same doc who said
I would not make past 18....
Sometimes I thought he was writting a book and he was waiting for me to
die so he could finish it. sorry Doc but I beleive I gonna out live ya....

I have days where it takes me 5 mins to walk up
my 11 stairs at home, and days where I can almost run up them,,,

For the health that I do have I am Greatful.............


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>catboogie</b></i>

sometimes when i am pondering the difficulties of life, it makes me feel better to realize that i am much healthier than i thought i would be at my age. or to realize how poor my health would be if i had never come out of my self-care slump that i hit in high school--would i be on the tx list by now? there's a good chance...

i guess its something about approaching 30 (i will be 28 on dec. 20) that makes me think this more than i used to. being close to 30 is really 'getting up there' in my mind.

i thought i'd ask you guys this question because i would be willing to bet that many of us are more healthier than we thought we'd be because of how far preventative CF treatment has come.</end quote></div>

Well I guess I am much better than I thought I would be
at my age, first I never expected to be here at this age.
According to the Doc's I wasen't going to make past 18 years
then it was 25 and so on. I had one Doc back in 86 say I had
about 3 Year left to live.. This was the same doc who said
I would not make past 18....
Sometimes I thought he was writting a book and he was waiting for me to
die so he could finish it. sorry Doc but I beleive I gonna out live ya....

I have days where it takes me 5 mins to walk up
my 11 stairs at home, and days where I can almost run up them,,,

For the health that I do have I am Greatful.............


New member
I never really thought about it, because like Diane and Melissa mentioned I never had to really deal with cf when I was younger, it wasnt until my senior year and well actually it wasnt until my first picc line that made me think more about my life and how long I have to live. My goal is to reach the age of 75 before dieing, but right now as I think of it , I hope to be in great health up into my 70s. Meaning no oxygen or hospitalizations or anything like that until I hit my 70s. I know Im day dreaming but maybe just maybe I can make that happen with all the new meds and stuff that they keep making I might be able to do it. One other thing back then I didnt even know really anything about what meds are coming put or how much they have improved the health of cfers, until I became a member at this forum, this forum has really opend my eyes and made realize things I never thought of before.


New member
I never really thought about it, because like Diane and Melissa mentioned I never had to really deal with cf when I was younger, it wasnt until my senior year and well actually it wasnt until my first picc line that made me think more about my life and how long I have to live. My goal is to reach the age of 75 before dieing, but right now as I think of it , I hope to be in great health up into my 70s. Meaning no oxygen or hospitalizations or anything like that until I hit my 70s. I know Im day dreaming but maybe just maybe I can make that happen with all the new meds and stuff that they keep making I might be able to do it. One other thing back then I didnt even know really anything about what meds are coming put or how much they have improved the health of cfers, until I became a member at this forum, this forum has really opend my eyes and made realize things I never thought of before.


New member
I never really thought about it, because like Diane and Melissa mentioned I never had to really deal with cf when I was younger, it wasnt until my senior year and well actually it wasnt until my first picc line that made me think more about my life and how long I have to live. My goal is to reach the age of 75 before dieing, but right now as I think of it , I hope to be in great health up into my 70s. Meaning no oxygen or hospitalizations or anything like that until I hit my 70s. I know Im day dreaming but maybe just maybe I can make that happen with all the new meds and stuff that they keep making I might be able to do it. One other thing back then I didnt even know really anything about what meds are coming put or how much they have improved the health of cfers, until I became a member at this forum, this forum has really opend my eyes and made realize things I never thought of before.


New member
Well I didn't think I'd live to be 80 but thought 50 maybe, now I don't know. And unlike others I did take care of myself growing up and even now because I wanted to live a long time, I was doing good until the hemoptysis got bad then my pft's went down to 45% but I could live with that and still had high hopes of living a long life, but again hemoptysis has ruined it now I'm down to 30% and quite frankly if things don't turn around I don't think I have a long time left.

Some may think its preventive stuff but not always, I've done everything and more and it didn't help.


New member
Well I didn't think I'd live to be 80 but thought 50 maybe, now I don't know. And unlike others I did take care of myself growing up and even now because I wanted to live a long time, I was doing good until the hemoptysis got bad then my pft's went down to 45% but I could live with that and still had high hopes of living a long life, but again hemoptysis has ruined it now I'm down to 30% and quite frankly if things don't turn around I don't think I have a long time left.

Some may think its preventive stuff but not always, I've done everything and more and it didn't help.


New member
Well I didn't think I'd live to be 80 but thought 50 maybe, now I don't know. And unlike others I did take care of myself growing up and even now because I wanted to live a long time, I was doing good until the hemoptysis got bad then my pft's went down to 45% but I could live with that and still had high hopes of living a long life, but again hemoptysis has ruined it now I'm down to 30% and quite frankly if things don't turn around I don't think I have a long time left.

Some may think its preventive stuff but not always, I've done everything and more and it didn't help.


New member
I am in better health than I ever thought that I would be at 31. I was told when I was 19 that I wouldn't live to be 28, so I spent those 9 years in limbo. Now I am in Collage for Architecture, and there is "Nothing that can kill me" I spent 9 years of my life in mourning, now it's time to actually live. During those 9 years I had some wild times, created great memories, and did things that I really shouldn't have, but I'm still here... like a cockroach. My lung functions were around 64, last time I was tested, but hey... what do I have to complain about? There are children that will never get to see half of what I have, experiance half of what I have experianced... If I died tomorrow, I feel that I have led a life of fullfilment. Yeah, I get pains, feeling like someone is stabbing me with an ice pick, yeah I vomit large amounts of mucus up everyday, yeah I get out of breath easily... so what... I'm here.
Don't anyone get down about having CF, that's when it seems to get worse, "Your body believes what your brain tells it." Keep your heads up, I'm not going to let this kill me, I'm going to be an old fart one day, drinking beer, and talking about when Cystic Fibrosis still existed... Keep your heads up, and don't give up.

-Jason, 31

"It's not how long we're here, it's what we do while we are here."


New member
I am in better health than I ever thought that I would be at 31. I was told when I was 19 that I wouldn't live to be 28, so I spent those 9 years in limbo. Now I am in Collage for Architecture, and there is "Nothing that can kill me" I spent 9 years of my life in mourning, now it's time to actually live. During those 9 years I had some wild times, created great memories, and did things that I really shouldn't have, but I'm still here... like a cockroach. My lung functions were around 64, last time I was tested, but hey... what do I have to complain about? There are children that will never get to see half of what I have, experiance half of what I have experianced... If I died tomorrow, I feel that I have led a life of fullfilment. Yeah, I get pains, feeling like someone is stabbing me with an ice pick, yeah I vomit large amounts of mucus up everyday, yeah I get out of breath easily... so what... I'm here.
Don't anyone get down about having CF, that's when it seems to get worse, "Your body believes what your brain tells it." Keep your heads up, I'm not going to let this kill me, I'm going to be an old fart one day, drinking beer, and talking about when Cystic Fibrosis still existed... Keep your heads up, and don't give up.

-Jason, 31

"It's not how long we're here, it's what we do while we are here."


New member
I am in better health than I ever thought that I would be at 31. I was told when I was 19 that I wouldn't live to be 28, so I spent those 9 years in limbo. Now I am in Collage for Architecture, and there is "Nothing that can kill me" I spent 9 years of my life in mourning, now it's time to actually live. During those 9 years I had some wild times, created great memories, and did things that I really shouldn't have, but I'm still here... like a cockroach. My lung functions were around 64, last time I was tested, but hey... what do I have to complain about? There are children that will never get to see half of what I have, experiance half of what I have experianced... If I died tomorrow, I feel that I have led a life of fullfilment. Yeah, I get pains, feeling like someone is stabbing me with an ice pick, yeah I vomit large amounts of mucus up everyday, yeah I get out of breath easily... so what... I'm here.
Don't anyone get down about having CF, that's when it seems to get worse, "Your body believes what your brain tells it." Keep your heads up, I'm not going to let this kill me, I'm going to be an old fart one day, drinking beer, and talking about when Cystic Fibrosis still existed... Keep your heads up, and don't give up.

-Jason, 31

"It's not how long we're here, it's what we do while we are here."


New member
I'm less healthy than I thought I would be. I have always dealt with CF since day one. I did my treatments often and like I should. but after having surgery (gallbladder removed, resulting in a 9" cut across the middle of my stomach) that happen to cause a long and difficult recovery that would keep me from doing my treatments pfts dropped quite a bit. But two years after the surgery, my Sats are starting to return to become higher and hopefully when I go to the Dr in Dec my PFTs will be up too. I guess we will see.


New member
I'm less healthy than I thought I would be. I have always dealt with CF since day one. I did my treatments often and like I should. but after having surgery (gallbladder removed, resulting in a 9" cut across the middle of my stomach) that happen to cause a long and difficult recovery that would keep me from doing my treatments pfts dropped quite a bit. But two years after the surgery, my Sats are starting to return to become higher and hopefully when I go to the Dr in Dec my PFTs will be up too. I guess we will see.


New member
I'm less healthy than I thought I would be. I have always dealt with CF since day one. I did my treatments often and like I should. but after having surgery (gallbladder removed, resulting in a 9" cut across the middle of my stomach) that happen to cause a long and difficult recovery that would keep me from doing my treatments pfts dropped quite a bit. But two years after the surgery, my Sats are starting to return to become higher and hopefully when I go to the Dr in Dec my PFTs will be up too. I guess we will see.