<img src="i/expressions/brokenheart.gif" border="0">
I know how hard this decision can be. I have been to two CFer's funerals and it/they were the hardest things I have almost ever had to do. The first one was for a long time family friend named Mary Kate. She passed away about 5 years ago and had grown up with my dad, (my Nana and Mary Kate's mom were close friends). There was pretty much no question whether I would go to that one...I had to go, emotionally and for the sake of our other close CF friends that were there. I did not take any precautions at all, probably because I was a lot more ignorant of the risks. I went out to eat and sat at a table with a fellow CFer...thats how ignorant (or just rebellious out of grief) I was.
The second funeral I went to was for Kay, three years ago. I had a hard time deciding whether to go or not. I knew the risks and my parents were NOT supportive of my decision to go...but again I HAD to go emotionally, I needed to say good-bye. I decided to go because Kay was the same age as me and we were very close (over the internet of course). I think there was less chance of other CFer's being at her funeral, simply based on what I knew of her. Again, I didnt take any precautions.
These two funerals were so difficult for me emotionally, but I am glad that I had the chance to say goodbye. If I could go back, I would still go to them. I don't know, I guess its hard to explain, you have all these emotions balled up inside and you want to let them out. I think that the funerals were a way for me to heal as well as show my support.