That was an interesting artical Amy, it made me wonder much about the treatment that Craig recieves. The only part that I am not happy with is his physiotheraphy. At clinics I constantly ask the physio about his treatment and the fact that we have difficulty in performing it, he really struggles with us when we do it, in fact over the past 5 days we have done it maybe 4 times in total. Their suggestion is that you perservere with it and so long as he remains active in that he is running around and doing the usual toddler things, which he is, then that will suffice.
I've asked about other treatments available, like the flutter, vest... but they dont give me any answeres about it. I know that the vest would sort our problems, but i also know that the NHS would never fund it. And we dont have private medical insurance, there is not the need for this in the UK, or so we thought.
Wel im off to try his physio.