Baby in NICU


New member
Amazing!!! He sounds like such a little fighter. Every single second is a blessing and I am so happy you were able to take him home. Hang in there and keep us posted!


New member
jen, I am so happy for you and your family. I will keep high hopes and prayers that he progresses other than how the doctors have previously expected. What a tough little guy you have. Much love to you and your family.



New member
Wow, that is amazing! I will continue to pray for the best. I am not sure about the enzymes, hopefully someone else will know.

Kelli (mom of Sydney 2wcf)


New member
He looked like a fighter from the first pictures you showed us! What a blessing to be able to take him home and love him. Thank you for updating us. I think of you both daily and have been hoping for the best. If anyone can overcome the diagnosis, it has to be Andrew!


New member
What a blessing he is!!! God is amazing. Thank you for keeping us updated. He is precious. I will continue praying for healing for him and strength for your family.
Sharon, mom of Sophia, 4 and Jack, 2 both with cf


New member
I am a mom of a 4yr old CFer. All families expecting are always asked, "What do you want to have? "My reply was as probably most, as long as its healthy"... How naieveof me looking back, because my Linda is the best thing that could have ever happened to me.

In John chapter 9 there is a man blind since birth and the diciples question Jesus who sinned first and Jesus' reply was...

"Itwasneitherthat this man sinned, nor his parents; but it was so that the works of God might be displayed in him." John 9:3

I have personally seen the work of God in my life through my Linda. Andrew is a perfect example of a miracle from God. Andrew shows that God is who is ultimately in control over life and death...

I encourage yo to read Psalm 139, the whole chapter, it has ministered to me in a mighty powerful way. Also knowing what we know about CF and DNA and all that comes along with it, it only reinforces to me that God is in control and Psalm 139 speaks to my heart.

I pray for you and your family and especially Andrew.

Patty Trigueros


New member

I still cry when I read your posts but am so happy that you have this time with Andrew. I hope he continues to defy the odds. You and Andrew are still in my prayers.


New member
I just cried at the beautiful picture of your little boy. I am so glad that he is home. Whatever the future holds is unknown, the meantime just hold him, love hime and enjoy him. Take it one day at a time.


New member
Blessings to you, I will keep your baby on the prayer lists around my area, all the praying seems to be helping tremendously. Congrats!!!!


New member
You can tell Andrew is a fighter - he is so darn cute too!!! I have been thinking about you a lot lately and was so happy to hear the great news - I pray he continues to get stronger and truly be your miracle baby! Enjoy every moment with your precious Andrew!


New member
What a beautiful baby! Almost the same thing happened to me 12 years ago with my daughter Kayla. she is doing wonderful now but it was a very scary time then. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.



New member
I am so happy to see an update. That is just amazing. I cried when I read it. There hasn't been a day that has gone by that I haven't thought and prayed for you and Andrew. I will continue to pray for you guys. I am looking forward to the updates.


New member
Andrew is doing okay.
I'm feeling discouraged about his feeding. I took out his feeding tube and he was doing really great but for the past two days he hasn't kept anything down. As soon as I feed him everything comes back up. We have an appointment with the GI doctor tomorrow so hopefully he can shed some light on this. He was 11 lbs 2 ozs at discharge and now he is 10 lbs and 7 ozs.
We saw his Pediatric surgeon today and he is going to do the corrective surgery so we can get rid of the colostomy bag. They will admit him on Monday and the surgery will be Tuesday. I'm so worried about it. I'm worried something else will go wrong and he will end up in the PICU. I just worry too much.


New member
I am not sure what could be causing Andrew's reflux, but a lot of us here have had feeding problems with our little ones too. My daughter, Sophia, could hardly keep anything down as an infant. She ended up being diagnosed with a milk allergy at eight months that solved a lot of the problems. But most cf kids have reflux without the milk allergy. If you haven't already, make sure that Andrew sits up for about 30 minutes after a feeding. Also, Prevacid seemed to help my children. Did he start on enzymes?? Hope the GI doctor can give you some guidance.
Sharon, mom of Sophia, 4 and Jack, 2 both with cf