Baby in NICU


New member

Know that we will be praying for you and your precious baby next week. I hope all goes smoothly and that he continues to defy all odds!

May God Bless You and continue to give you strength,



New member
Wow, what a journey you have been on... and I started crying when you told of how after the ventilator was removed he kept on breathing and you got to take him home the next day!!! Praise God.

God must have a plan for your little bundle of joy- Andrew. What a cute baby.

I know being a military brat that you cannot sue military doctors- unfortunately that is why many of the doctors go into the military- unless you were being seen by a civilian doctors... they could be held responsible.... but there is the chain of command and you can see what can be done. My parents had friends who had a baby at a military hospital and they had to start an IV in the baby (of course they used to always do these in the head)- the staff had a corpsman do it and he punctured the artery instead and the baby died- they could do nothing... I would definitely check it out though.

Love and prayers for a fulfilled life with Andrew.


New member
<blockquote>Quote<br><hr>know being a military brat that you cannot sue military doctors- unfortunately that is why many of the doctors go into the military- unless you were being seen by a civilian doctors... they could be held responsible.... <hr></blockquote>

You actually can sue a military doctor if you are NOT active duty, in any scenario or if you ARE active duty, you CAN sue on behalf of your child or unborn child. I just want that correct information to get out there, not too many people are aware of this and that is why military doctors get away with murder-literally. The only protection the military offers them is that they don't have to pay private liablity insurance, and if they get sued, the military takes the $$$ financial burden-not the doctor and therefore not his/her premiums for liablity ins.


New member
Thank you Daelynn, Andrew is a miracle.

But Julie is right, you can sue the military. In fact we already have an attorney, one who specializes in birth injuries and they are currently reviewing my medical records and will file the claim after the review. And the good news is, attorney's can't charge there normal 33 % when the lawsuit is against the United States, they can only charge 20% and if it goes to litigation it will be %25. So yes, they are just as subject to lawsuit as any other hospital/doctor.

Andrew is currently in the PICU, yesterday they did the colostomy reversal and the g-tube. He did really GREAT, we are so proud of him.
When we went down to recovery to see him I expected him to look like he did after the first surgery, but instead he was bright eyed and bushy tailed. They said he can probably come home in a few days, after of course he passes that first bowel. So, were gonna be hoping for poopy.


New member
Good good good for the update Jen! I am so glad to hear it went well. You guys are still in my thoughts and prayers.

Did you get that novel of an email I sent you? Let me know if you have any questions and take care!


New member
Julie and Jenn,

Well, that is good news... about being able to bring a suit against a military doctor... I too am not one to suggest lawsuits but... this is extreme neglience on that doctor's part.

Glad things went well with the surgery to reconnect his bowels and that he is alert and all.

Will keep him in prayer for quick healing and poopies really soon.


New member
I am so excited for Andrew. I am also glad to hear about suing the military dr. Your story brings me inspiration. I still keep you in my prayers and I will be praying for poopies so he can go back home.


New member
Your baby boy is so beautiful. What chubby little cheeks. I love it!!!! I wish you the best and may God be with you and your family.